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异域化 alienization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-22 07:55:39




2)Foreign Culture异域文化

1.With the foreign culture transplanted,a new way has been indicated for the development of modern fictions,that is,to care more for the ordinary life.异域文化的移植,给近代小说指明了一条崭新的发展途径,回归于对普通人生的体察。

2.When there is a conflict in text between context of native culture and context of foreign culture, the later has caused an inappropriate genre and has hindered a proper.当语篇中本土文化语境与异域文化语境发生冲突时 ,将导致语篇的不得体并阻碍读者对语篇的正常理

3.This article made a discussion on the features of the national annals research methods of anthropology in initial stage,and pointed out that the writing of taking foreign culture as research purport had lost its value in modern time,anthropology was bound to seek a new way to reexplain the native culture.指出以异域文化奇观为研究旨趣的写作在现代社会已丧失其价值,人类学必然寻求解释学的策略,以本土文化的重新阐释为其使命。


1.They are conscious acceptors of culture from other country and active spreaders of it as well.外语教师既是异域文化自觉的接受者,又是异域文化主动的传播者。

2.Cross-cultural Communication:Different Versions of English and Chinese in Different Cultural Background;跨文化交际中异域文化背景的不同表达

3.Back to Native Culture from Foreign Culture;异域文化向本土文化的回归——解释人类学的使命

4.The Psychological Adaptation of Minority College Students in Foreign Cultures;少数民族大学生在异域文化下的心理适应

5.The Relationship between the Spreading Regions of Literary Selections in Song Dynasties and Regional Cultural Differences;两宋《文选》流布地域与地域文化差异之关系

6.Preliminary Research on the Symbolic Culture of Gude Temple Enriched with Exotic Styles in Wuhan武汉古德寺之异域风格象征文化初探

7.On Culture Transmission in Different Areas--from the Program "Opening to the Outside";从“走出去”工程看同族异域跨文化传播

8.Reserve or Openness--the Cultural Focus in Intercultural Communication;含蓄,抑或张扬——异域交际中的文化视点

9.A Study on the Alienation of Technology in Ecological Civilization Perspective生态文明视域下的技术异化问题研究

10.Culture,Cultural Capital and Entrepreneurship:An Analysis Based on Regional Differences;文化、文化资本与企业家精神的区域差异

11.A difference analysis of urban and rural cultural in the Perspective of Cultural Psychology文化心理学视域下的城乡文化心理差异分析

12.On the Reasons of Culture Difference in Regional Culture;地域文化相异的根因在地域生态—能量系统不同

13.The Domestication and Foreignization in Idiom Translating Methods from Cultural Perspective文化视域下习语翻译的异化和归化方法

14.Maintaining the Original Beauty of Tea Classics in the Translated Texts to Promote Cultural Multiplication;茶典籍译文中异域特色的保留与文化增殖

15.On Cultural Globalization and Philosophy of Foreignized Expression Translation Extent;跨文化翻译中异质文化“本土化”接受视域厘定的哲学思辨

16.Its exotic cultures uniquely fitted it for romantic mythmaking.它充满异域情调的文化最适于产生浪漫的神话。

17.Saman God of fire and Chinese worship of fire--Regional difference of Chinese culture萨满火神与华夏崇火——中国文化的区域差异

18.Regional Differences and Cultural Exchanges in Western Regions during Qin and Han Dynasties;秦汉时期西部开发的地域差异与文化互动


Foreign Culture异域文化

1.With the foreign culture transplanted,a new way has been indicated for the development of modern fictions,that is,to care more for the ordinary life.异域文化的移植,给近代小说指明了一条崭新的发展途径,回归于对普通人生的体察。

2.When there is a conflict in text between context of native culture and context of foreign culture, the later has caused an inappropriate genre and has hindered a proper.当语篇中本土文化语境与异域文化语境发生冲突时 ,将导致语篇的不得体并阻碍读者对语篇的正常理

3.This article made a discussion on the features of the national annals research methods of anthropology in initial stage,and pointed out that the writing of taking foreign culture as research purport had lost its value in modern time,anthropology was bound to seek a new way to reexplain the native culture.指出以异域文化奇观为研究旨趣的写作在现代社会已丧失其价值,人类学必然寻求解释学的策略,以本土文化的重新阐释为其使命。

3)Regional alienation区域异化

4)Allopatric divergence异域分化


1.The paradigm ofxenologie is adopted to explored the field of "intercultural marketing".利用了“异域文化学”的范式探讨“跨文化营销”领域 ,界定了“异域产品”概念 ,探讨了异域产品消费的动机和异域产品接受类型 ,提出了异域产品的设计原

6)regional differences地域差异化



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