抑郁症健康 > 间离 alienation英语短句 例句大全

间离 alienation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-09 16:13:09




1.The thesis aims to analyze Samuel Beckett s plays using an existential concept -alienation, emphasizing the me.本文旨在用存在主义哲学的“间离”概念解读贝克特戏剧中反映出的对人类存在意义的形而上学的关注。

2)interlaminar separation层间分离


1.Dissociated optic nerve fiber layer appearance after internal limiting membrane peeling for idiopathic macular holes自发性黄斑裂孔经内界膜剥离后出现视神经纤维层间分离

2.Analysis of the Separation of Layered Theory of Traditional Rural Society and Non-governmental Layered Sense during Republic of China;试析民国时期传统乡村社会分层理论与民间分层意识的分离

3.Morphology analysis and theoretical study of global ionospheric disturbances during magnetic storm times磁暴期间全球电离层扰动形态分析和理论研究

4.exchange chromatography离子交换色层(分离)法

5.Parturition of fluid between lens nucleus layers and intraocular lens implantation through little incision小切口白内障晶状体核层间水分离娩出加人工晶状体植入术

6.Dissociation of Object and Spatial Working Memory: Evidence from Slow Cortical Potentials;客体与空间工作记忆的分离:来自皮层慢电位的证据

7.Isolation,culture and identification of murine embryonic stem cells of Kunming species以间充质干细胞为饲养层分离培养昆明小鼠胚胎干细胞

8.widely spaced grade-separated junction宽距离分层路口交汇处

9.isolation method分间隔离治疗法;分离法;分离计算法;隔离法

10.Research of DMG Chromatographic Method for the Radiochemical Separation of ~(107)Pd;DMG色层分离~(107)Pd的放化分离方法研究

11.Lift Canvas To Water Color Layer从画布层分离为水彩图层

12.A Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Bottomside Profile Parameters;电离层F2层剖面参数的统计分析研究

13.Separation of Basic Dyes by Ion-Pair Reversed- Phase Thin-Layer Chromatography离子对反相薄层色谱法分离碱性染料

14.Separation of holmium and lutecium by ion exchange chromatography with HEDTA systemHEDTA离子交换色层法分离重稀土

15.The migration of iodide ion between layers is controlled by barrier interlayers.碘离子在层间的扩散作用可以用隔层加以控制。

16.The ionosphere is that region of space contatining electrically charged species.电离层是指含有带电物质的空间区域。

17.Separate or apart in space.远离的在空间上分离或分开的

18.a line of demarcation between two rock strata.两个岩层间的分界线


interlaminar separation层间分离

3)space of separated layers离层空间

1.The relation betweenspace of separated layers and ranges of surface subsidence is obtained.应用层状覆岩的自重应力平衡状态,应用静水压力模型, 覆岩层的垂直静力平衡条件, 设某深度岩层的理论静压力为PH,而实际的竖直压力为Ps,推导出覆岩离层的条件关系式,覆岩离层空间与地表沉陷幅度的关系式,当PH>Ps时,覆岩离层产生。


5)off-body time离体时间

1.Objectives:Our aim is to investigate angiogenesis of transplanted nonvascularized free bone graft with dental implant in differentoff-body time,to know the effect of nonvascularized free bone graft"soff-body time on it"s survival inside the body.目的:观察不同离体时间对非血管化游离骨块同期种植在体内血管形成的情况,了解非血管化游离骨块离体后时间的长短对其植入体内后成活的影响。

6)temporal segregation时间分离

1.A few theories had been postulated, such as the active inhibition account, the abrupt onset account, and thetemporal segregation account.对于过滤分心物的潜在机制,研究者相继提出了主动抑制说、突然呈现说与时间分离说等理论。



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