抑郁症健康 > 疏离 alienation英语短句 例句大全

疏离 alienation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-16 14:20:43




1.People Are in People,Hearts Are out of the Hearts——On the Alienation Consciousness of the Glass Menagerie;人在人之间 心在心之外——论《玻璃动物园》中的疏离意识

2.For strongalienation to Tientao,Sima Qian has completed his rational consideration for history by means of struggling pencraft,which is one of the three basic paradigms beyond the individual lives in China s ancient times.史学家司马迁面对强烈的天道疏离感,选择了以"发愤著述"的方式,完成了冷峻历史理性的思考,成为中国古人超越个体生命的三大基本范式之一。

3.Though a minority,they exerted a great influence while other schools expressed a rather distinct inclination ofalienation.其他流派,疏离倾向明显。


1.Alienation and Being Alienated--on the Relationship between Luxun and the LLW;疏离与被疏离——论鲁迅与左联的关系

2.The Embarrassment in the Alienation--Chinese block print in the modern context疏离中的尴尬——当代语境下的中国版画

3.making one feel out of place or alienated.使人感到不自在或被疏离的。

4.The Chinese Version of the Ideology of the Aesthetic in China: Acceptance and Deviations;《审美意识形态》中译本:接受与疏离

5.The Conversion of the Individual to the Society--On the Tragedy Alienation of Sunrise;个体对社会的皈依——论《日出》的悲剧疏离

6.From Isolation to Adaptation:the Culture Transition of Peasant Migrants;从疏离到适应:进城农民工的文化嬗变

7.On Loneliness in Heart of Darkness;疏离:解读《黑暗的心》的孤独意识

8.To Escape & Drift--Seeking the life from Western Han Fu Jia;疏离与逃避——西汉赋家对生命的探索

9.Ideological Details of Songlingji: Co-existing and Separating of Ideology of Confucianist,Buddhist and Taoist;《松陵集》的思想底蕴:儒、释、道并存与疏离

10.On the second "estrangement"between LU Xun and LIN Yu-tang;鲁迅与林语堂第二次“疏离”之研究

11.An Interpretation of the Recent Novel Creation;疏离与消解——对近年小说创作的解读

12.Interpretation and Learning --An Introduction to Selection, Acceptance and Estrangement;解释与学术——《选择·接受与疏离》导论

13.A Study on Intervention of Music Therapy on Alienation of Middle School Students音乐疗法对中学生疏离感的干预研究

parison of Alienation Sense between Mainland and Hongkong College Students香港和内地大学生疏离感状况的比较

15.Researches on Culture Alienation of Ethnic Minorities in Han Nationality Communities汉族社区少数民族的文化疏离感研究

16.travel distance to exit至太平门的疏散距离

17.As the saying goes, @Out of sight out of mind.俗话说:“离久则情疏。”

18.To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent;alienate.使疏远使怀有敌意,使不友善或使疏远;离间



1.There are confrontation between white and black,distance between man and women.其中不仅有黑与白之间的对峙,也有男与女之间的疏离,深切地表现了后殖民文化的质态。

2.The late-term Romancists share considerably the behaviour in their works to keep somedistance to the reality by means of the other background and anti-reality conditions and everything.指出徐皐在小说创作中以异域背景、非现实情景等方式对现实加以疏离,与现实保持一定的距离,是后期浪漫派作家共同有意识的行为;而徐皐小说的复调性是源于其作品中的对话。


1.As a result,peasant migrants must undergo a period of culture transition,experiencing first a sense ofisolation in mentality,value concept and the sense of belonging,and then the adaptation in culture concept and behavior role.二元社会经济结构的重要表征之一是城乡文化之间的巨大落差,这使得进城务工的农民工群体必然经历一个文化转变过程,从进城初期在心理、价值观念、归属意识等方面的疏离,渐进到文化观念、角色行为等方面的适应,这是农民工城市化的阵痛,也是其必须经历的文化嬗变。

2.Hatred,the most obvious Korean characteristics,could be showed into three aspects as sentiment,isolation and rebellion.这种情绪分别表现在悲情、疏离、反叛三个方面。


1.Estrangement and Commitment: The Core of Conrad s Spirit;疏离与责任:康拉德精神之核


1.The recent novel creation reveals the following focuses: theseparation from and dissolution of classical texts, the refusal of obtaining spiritual goals, the abandonment of elitism and enlightenment, the acceptance of secularization and the satisfaction of desires.对经典文本的疏离与消解 ,拒绝提供“精神镜像” ,摆脱文学由来已久的精英主义与启蒙主义理想 ,直逼形而下 ,认同世俗 ,放逐欲望 ,在同一个平面上与当代生活同流合污 ,构成了近年小说叙事的阅读焦点。


1.Investigation ofAlienation of College Students Living in Han Nationality District;西部汉区少数民族大学生疏离感状况研究

2.Relationship among the Family Functioning and Personality andAlienation of Adolescents;青少年疏离感与家庭功能、人格的关系研究

3.The study on relationship among alienation, subjective well-being and self-efficacy in “Three kinds of poor undergraduates”;“三困生”疏离感与主观幸福感、自我效能感的相关研究



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