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游移 alienation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-06 20:39:03




1.Shen Congwen′s literary reviews of Lu Xun: fromalienation to acceptance;沈从文论鲁迅:从游移到认同


1.vagrant thoughts [fancies]游移不定的思想 [幻想]

2.Theirs is a vacillating attitude.他们的态度是游移的。

3.I wobbled in my opinion.我的意见游移不定。

4.anti-back lash spring防止齿隙游移的弹簧

5.An Analysis of Researching System about Tourism Migration and Study on Tourism Labor s Mobility and Migration in Jiuhua Mountain;旅游移民研究体系分析及九华山旅游劳工转移和移民研究

6.An Empirical Study on Tourism Mobile Commerce Tourists" Acceptance--Based on Tourists" Survey in Guilin旅游移动商务游客接受实证研究——基于对桂林游客的调查

7.vacillate between two opinions在两种意见之间游移不定

8.His eyes wandered over the landscape.他的目光游移于四周的景色。

9.He seesawed between two opinions.他在两种意见之间举棋不定 [游移不定] 。

10.all his resolution had again taken possession of him.他又完全回到了游移不定的状态。

11.A wandering in mind or thought.游移不定思想散漫,神思恍惚

12.These great nodules wander.这些大金属核是会游移的。

13.Others prefer to follow the ancient tradition of guiding the cultural life for the public.故在政府人士眼中,常有游移不定之感。

14.He is a man of unsteady mind, and acts by planets.他思想不稳,行为游移不定。

15.Transverse bars may migrate down-stream relatively rapidly.横向沙滩可以相当迅速地向下游移动。

16.A group migrating together.移民群,移栖群,洄游鱼群一起迁移的几个群体

17.To test your joystick"s calibration, move the joystick要测试游戏杆的校准情况,请移动游戏杆

18.A Study on the Spatial Move Mode of Tourist Flows in Scenic Area;风景旅游区游客流空间移动模式的实证研究


free grafting游离移植

1.The repair of ectropion palpebrarum byfree grafting of the complex tissue graft of eyelid;皮肤眼轮匝肌复合组织瓣游离移植修复眼睑外翻

2.Cell Source Exploration of Cell Therapy for Promoting Angiogenesis in Free Grafting;促进游离移植组织再血管化之细胞疗法的种子细胞来源探讨

3.The authors summarize in the paper their experience in caring 20 patients with soft tissue defect repaired by great thenar flapfree grafting, probing into the clinical nursing characteristics.总结应用大鱼际皮瓣游离移植修复指腹软组织缺损患者的临床护理,探讨微型游离皮瓣的临床护理特点及注意事项。

3)free graft游离移植

1.Background The method whichfree graft abductor hallucis and anastomosing blood vessel and nerve had been generally applicated in repairing the established facial paralysis.研究背景:吻合血管神经足拇展肌游离移植晚期面瘫整复手术已作为一种常用的术式应用于临床余,至目前我们采用该术式完成了43例患者的治疗并取得良好的效果,而对该组病例系统随访研究国内外均未见报道。

4)Free transplantation游离移植

1.To study the microsurgery anatomical basis of the thenar flap and provide method for repairing ventral soft tissue defect of the finger through free transplantation of the flap, Methods: Ten fresh abandoned hands were selected to dissect radial arteries above the distal wrist strip 5~6cm and perfuse with red latex.目的:报道大鱼际皮瓣的显微外科解剖学基础及游离移植修复指腹缺损的方法。

2.Conclusion:Free transplantation of submandibular gland to drain saliva into the conjunctival fornix can prevented the rabbits suffering from severe xerophthalmia.目的:观察兔自体颌下腺游离移植术后的泪液分泌及严重干眼症的治疗效果。

5)mobile game移动游戏

1.An analysis on the business ecosystem ofmobile game;移动游戏的商业生态系统分析

2.Based on detailed analysis of game systems available,the basic models and game ability essentials were identified,and then a flexible layeredmobile game platform architecture was proposed.对移动游戏领域系统进行细致的分析,从中识别出移动游戏系统的基本模型和游戏能力要素,提出了一种分层的柔性移动游戏平台架构。

3.This paper introduced the successful experience of the Japanese and the korean carriers in Developingmobile game, then combining the present situation and development of our country, some revelation and strategies of promotingmobile game were pointed out emphatically.本文通过对日韩运营商在发展移动游戏业务的成功模式比较分析,借鉴其在发展移动游戏业务优秀经验的基础上,结合目前国内移动游戏在发展过程中的实际问题,具体阐述了几点启示以及策略建议。

6)tourism migration旅游移民

1.A preliminary study on research system and methods oftourism migration;旅游移民研究体系及方法初探

2.Mainly concentrated in four aspects:thetourism migration definition and type,the causes,socio-economic impacts,and round-trip.旅游移民是近年来西方学者研究的焦点之一,包括旅游劳工移民和消费导向移民两大类型,主要集中在旅游移民的界定和类型划分、产生的动因、社会经济影响、往返问题等四个方面。

3.Recently a new phenomenon of human migration based on mass tourism ——tourism migration has been highly concerned by foreign scholars.近年来,一种基于大众旅游的新人口迁移现象——旅游移民受到西方学者的高度关注,旅游移民包括旅游劳工移民和消费导向移民两大类型,当前我国旅游劳工移民已经出现,但尚未引起我国学者的重视,在沿海地区、经济发达地区的一些旅游地,第二居住地、季节性移民等消费导向旅游移民现象已初见端倪,旅游移民研究有其现实必要性和前瞻指导性。


游移1.移动;更改。 2.迟疑不决。

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