抑郁症健康 > 和声游移 harmony shifting英语短句 例句大全

和声游移 harmony shifting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-28 04:24:58


和声游移,harmony shifting

1)harmony shifting和声游移

1.This paper analyzes this work in details, generalizes its techniques applied in the harmony, and highlights the characteristics of itsharmony shifting and the expressive effects thus brought.本文通过对其作品的具体分析和研究,进而对作曲家的和声手法作一定的归纳和概括,集中反映作曲家在和声游移技法上的创作特征和音乐上的表现意义。


1.Harmonic Flux in Debussy’s Reflets dans l eau;德彪西《水中倒影》的和声游移特征

2.On the Expressive Effects of Harmony Shifting in 24 Preludes & Fugues by D.Shostakovich;论肖斯塔科维奇《24首序曲与赋格》和声游移的表现特征

3.An Analysis of Researching System about Tourism Migration and Study on Tourism Labor s Mobility and Migration in Jiuhua Mountain;旅游移民研究体系分析及九华山旅游劳工转移和移民研究

4.Problems with Displacement,Transfiguration and Noise in Side Scan Sonar System Graphing侧扫声纳系统成图中的位移、变形和噪声问题

5.Unsteadiness, Expansion and Extension of Mutation;"三度间音"的游移性和扩展与延伸

6.He loved to play with words, to jingle them, to make puns with them.他喜欢作文字游戏,玩弄声韵和双关语。

7.Downloadable applications, games, pictures, animations and ring tones.下载应用程序,游戏,图片,动画和铃声.

8.Music Form and Harmony in Samuel Barber s Excursions;巴伯《漫游集》之一中的曲式与和声现象

9.Ling Chunsheng and his "Hezhe Nationality in Lower Reaches of Songhua River";凌纯声和他的《松花江下游的赫哲族》

10.Conduct the displacement, pressure, temperature, strain, vibration& noise measurement.进行位移、力、度、变,振动和噪声的测量。

11.Analysis of Echo Canceller Usage and Configuration in Mobile Communication Network移动通信网回声抑制器的使用和设置

12.Then his eyes wavered, all his expression changed, and in a voice unusually gentle.后来,他的目光游移不定,表情也完全改变了,声音变得特别温柔。

13.Both the architectural acoustics and electroacoustics are used in the language articulation design.游泳馆的语言清晰度设计是建筑声学和电声学的综合设计。

14.It first come with the particularity of melody and vacillation in two inflexion.首先是音律上的特殊性和二个变音的游移性.

15.The Experimental Research and Clinical Observation of Free Fat Graft Autotransplantation自体游离脂肪移植的实验研究和临床观察

16.Medial Arm Free Flap上臂内侧皮瓣游离移植解剖研究和临床应用

17.On Wavering Factor in the Temperament and Literature Creature of Shen Congwen by Reading Letters from Home;从《从文家书》看沈从文性格和创作中的游移因素

18.An Analysis of the Meaning Shift of"Darou"Between"Inference"and"Request for Confirmation;也论"だろう"在"推量"和"要求确认"间的游移


digression and split of narrative叙事的游移和裂变


1.Shen Congwen′s literary reviews of Lu Xun: fromalienation to acceptance;沈从文论鲁迅:从游移到认同


1.Understanding music,producing music-new thought ofharmony teaching;为理解音乐 为创作音乐——对和声教学的新思考

2.The development and change ofharmony and mode of the classical-romantic era in the European music;论欧洲古典—浪漫主义音乐——和声与调式思维的发展变化

3.On Harmony Language and Method in Debussy sThe Afternoon of a Faun;论德彪西《牧神午后》作品中的和声语言及手段


1.In the article,the author makes an inquiry of professional skills,harmonic,accompany music forms,so as to make an elaboration of the importance and necessary of impromptu accompany of dulcimer in an theory way.扬琴为民乐中最为重要的伴奏乐器,即兴伴奏又是民乐中较为普遍的伴奏形式,因而文章从扬琴即兴伴奏的专业技术、和声基础、伴奏音型等多方面进行探讨,使扬琴即兴伴奏的重要性和必要性在理论上得到进一步提升。

2.Furthermore,by using tone color,key-touching,harmonic as well as pedal,the author tries to represent rich variations of this music.作品通过音色、触键、和声、踏板的变化来表现出更加丰富的层次与音色的变化和对比。

3.By analyzing on melody,harmonic,rhythm and general structure of music,the author discusses the form of musical organism in Stravinsky s dance drama——Sacrifice to Spring.本文通过对旋律、和声、节奏、乐曲总体结构4种形态的分析,对斯特拉文斯基的舞剧《春之祭》的音乐组织形态进行了探讨。




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