抑郁症健康 > JACC: Heart Failure|心力衰竭的风险:美国心脏协会的理想心血管健康指南(Lifes Simple 7...

JACC: Heart Failure|心力衰竭的风险:美国心脏协会的理想心血管健康指南(Lifes Simple 7...

时间:2020-09-25 09:32:03


Risk for HeartFailure: The Opportunity for Prevention With the American Heart Association’s Life’s Simple 7JACC: Heart FailureResearch ArticleAug 01, : 7 (8), 10.1016/j.jchf..03.009本文由“天纳”临床学术信息人工智能系统自动翻译Central Illustration

ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to determine whether combinations of specific Life’s Simple 7 (LS7) components are associated with reduced risk for heart failure (HF).本研究的目的是确定特定的心血管健康指南(LS7)成分组合是否与降低心力衰竭(HF)风险相关。BackgroundThe American Heart Association recommends the concept of LS7: healthy behaviors that have been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease.美国心脏协会推荐LS7的概念:健康行为已经证明可以减少心血管疾病。MethodsA total of 37,803 participants from the EPIC-NL (European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition–Netherlands) cohort were included (mean age: 49.4 ± 11.9 years, 74.7% women). The LS7 score ranged from 0 to 14 and was calculated by assigning 0, 1, or 2 points for smoking, physical activity, body mass index, diet, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and blood glucose. An overall ideal score (11 to 14 points) was present in 23.2% of participants, an intermediate score (9 or 10 points) in 35.3%, and an inadequate score (0 to 8 points) in 41.5%.共有37803名来自EPIC-NL(欧洲癌症和营养前瞻性研究-荷兰)队列的参与者(平均年龄:49.4±11.9岁,女性74.7%)。LS7评分从0分到14分,通过给吸烟、体育活动、体重指数、饮食、血压、总胆固醇和血糖分配0分、1分或2分来计算。23.2%的受试者总体理想得分(11-14分),35.3%的受试者为中等得分(9-10分),41.5%的受试者得分不足(0-8分)。ResultsOver a median follow-up period of 15.2 years (interquartile range: 14.1 to 16.5 years), 690 participants (1.8%) developed HF. In Cox proportional hazards models, ideal and intermediate LS7 scores were associated with reduced risk for HF compared with the inadequate category (hazard ratio: 0.45 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.34 to 0.60] and hazard ratio: 0.53 [95% CI: 0.44 to 0.64], respectively). Our analyses show that combinations with specific LS7 components, notably glucose, body mass index, smoking, and blood pressure, are associated with a lower incidence of HF.在15.2年的中位随访期(四分位间距:14.1至16.5年),690名参与者(1.8%)出现心衰。在Cox比例风险模型中,理想和中等LS7评分与低分者相比心衰风险降低(风险比:0.45[95%可信区间(CI):0.34-0.60]和风险比:0.53[95%CI:0.44-0.64]。我们的分析表明,结合特定的LS7成分,特别是葡萄糖、体重指数、吸烟和血压,与低心力衰竭的发生率相关。ConclusionsA healthy lifestyle, as reflected in an ideal LS7 score, was associated with a 55% lower risk for HF compared with an inadequate LS7 score. Preventive strategies that target combinations of specific LS7 components could have a significant impact on decreasing incident HF in the population at large.健康的生活方式,如理想的LS7评分,与低LS7评分相比,心衰风险降低55%。针对特定LS7组分组合的预防策略可能对降低总体人群中的HF事件有重大影响。FootnotesThe EPIC-Netherlands study is supported by the Europe Against Cancer Programme of the European Commission; the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports; the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development; and the World Cancer Research Fund. This work has received support from the European Union/European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking BigData@Heart grant 116074. Dr. Asselbergs is supported by the University College London Hospitals National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre. Dr. Vaartjes is supported by a grant from the Dutch Heart Foundation (grant DHF project Facts and Figures). 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JACC: Heart FailureResearch ArticleAug 01, : 7 (8), 10.1016/j.jchf..03.009

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