抑郁症健康 > 07-30 国际期刊速递丨今日热点:心力衰竭 理想心血管健康指南 ω-3脂肪酸 射血分

07-30 国际期刊速递丨今日热点:心力衰竭 理想心血管健康指南 ω-3脂肪酸 射血分

时间:2020-06-16 05:26:02



BMCCardiovasc DisordDec 01, : 19 (1)今日发布01篇(共计177篇)

AngiologySept 01, : 70 (8)今日发布15

European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular CareEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布01

J ENDOVASC THEREarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布01

NethHeartJEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布01

Heart and VesselsEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布01

Pediatric CardiologyEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布01

CirculationJuly 30, : 140 (5)今日发布18

JACCAug 06, : 74 (5), 601-714今日发布15

JACC: Heart FailureAug 01, : 7 (8), 637-736今日发布20

Heart Fail RevEarly Recent, July 30, 今日发布01

PerfusionEarly Recent, July 30, 今日发布01篇RECOMMEND推荐阅读01心力衰竭的风险:美国心脏协会的理想心血管健康指南(Life"s Simple 7)的预防机会

JACC: Heart FailureResearch ArticleAlicia Uijl, Stefan Koudstaal, etc.9小时前


ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to determine whether combinations of specific Life’s Simple 7 (LS7) components are associated with reduced risk for heart failure (HF).本研究的目的是确定特定的心血管健康指南(LS7)成分组合是否与降低心力衰竭(HF)风险相关。BackgroundThe American Heart Association recommends the concept of LS7: healthy behaviors that have been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease.美国心脏协会推荐LS7的概念:健康行为已经证明可以减少心血管疾病。MethodsA total of 37,803 participants from the EPIC-NL (European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition–Netherlands) cohort were included (mean age: 49.4 ± 11.9 years, 74.7% women). The LS7 score ranged from 0 to 14 and was calculated by assigning 0, 1, or 2 points for smoking, physical activity, body mass index, diet, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and blood glucose. An overall ideal score (11 to 14 points) was present in 23.2% of participants, an intermediate score (9 or 10 points) in 35.3%, and an inadequate score (0 to 8 points) in 41.5%.共有37803名来自EPIC-NL(欧洲癌症和营养前瞻性研究-荷兰)队列的参与者(平均年龄:49.4±11.9岁,女性74.7%)。LS7评分从0分到14分,通过给吸烟、体育活动、体重指数、饮食、血压、总胆固醇和血糖分配0分、1分或2分来计算。23.2%的受试者总体理想得分(11-14分),35.3%的受试者为中等得分(9-10分),41.5%的受试者得分不足(0-8分)。ResultsOver a median follow-up period of 15.2 years (interquartile range: 14.1 to 16.5 years), 690 participants (1.8%) developed HF. In Cox proportional hazards models, ideal and intermediate LS7 scores were associated with reduced risk for HF compared with the inadequate category (hazard ratio: 0.45 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.34 to 0.60] and hazard ratio: 0.53 [95% CI: 0.44 to 0.64], respectively). Our analyses show that combinations with specific LS7 components, notably glucose, body mass index, smoking, and blood pressure, are associated with a lower incidence of HF.在15.2年的中位随访期(四分位间距:14.1至16.5年),690名参与者(1.8%)出现心衰。在Cox比例风险模型中,理想和中等LS7评分与低分者相比心衰风险降低(风险比:0.45[95%可信区间(CI):0.34-0.60]和风险比:0.53[95%CI:0.44-0.64]。我们的分析表明,结合特定的LS7成分,特别是葡萄糖、体重指数、吸烟和血压,与低心力衰竭的发生率相关。ConclusionsA healthy lifestyle, as reflected in an ideal LS7 score, was associated with a 55% lower risk for HF compared with an inadequate LS7 score. Preventive strategies that target combinations of specific LS7 components could have a significant impact on decreasing incident HF in the population at large.健康的生活方式,如理想的LS7评分,与低LS7评分相比,心衰风险降低55%。针对特定LS7组分组合的预防策略可能对降低总体人群中的HF事件有重大影响。

扫描二维码查看全文Aug 01, : 7 (8),10.1016/j.jchf..03.00902用ω-3脂肪酸预测心脏衰竭的风险:来自MESA

JACC: Heart FailureResearch ArticleRobert C. Block, Linxi Liu, etc.9小时前


ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to determine if plasma eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) abundance (%EPA) is associated with reduced hazard for primary heart failure (HF) events in the MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) trial.本研究的目的是在MESA(动脉粥样硬化多民族研究)试验中确定血浆二十碳五烯酸(EPA)丰度(%EPA)是否与原发性心力衰竭(HF)事件风险降低相关。BackgroundClinical trials suggest that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3 PUFAs) prevent sudden death in coronary heart disease and HF, but this is controversial. In mice, the authors demonstrated that the ω3 PUFA EPA prevents contractile dysfunction and fibrosis in an HF model, but whether this extends to humans is unclear.临床试验表明,ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸(ω3-pufas)可预防冠心病和心力衰竭的猝死,但这一点存在争议。在小鼠中,作者证明ω3 pufa epa可预防HF模型中的收缩功能障碍和纤维化,但这是否延伸到人类尚不清楚。MethodsIn the MESA cohort, the authors tested if plasma phospholipid EPA predicts primary HF incidence, including HF with reduced ejection fraction (EF) (EF<45%) and HF with preserved EF (EF≥45%) using Cox proportional hazards modeling.在MESA队列中,作者使用Cox比例风险模型测试了血浆磷脂EPA是否预测了原发性心力衰竭的发病率,包括射血分数降低(ef)(ef<45%)的心力衰竭和EF保留(ef≥45%)的心力衰竭。ResultsA total of 6,562 participants 45 to 84 years of age had EPA measured at baseline (1,794 black, 794 Chinese, 1,442 Hispanic, and 2,532 white; 52% women). Over a median follow-up period of 13.0 years, 292 HF events occurred: 128 HF with reduced EF, 110 HF with preserved EF, and 54 with unknown EF status. %EPA in HF-free participants was 0.76% (0.75% to 0.77%) but was lower in participants with HF at 0.69% (0.64% to 0.74%) (p= 0.005). Log %EPA was associated with lower HF incidence (hazard ratio: 0.73 [95% confidence interval: 0.60 to 0.91] per log-unit difference in %EPA; p= 0.001). Adjusting for age, sex, race, body mass index, smoking, diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, lipids and lipid-lowering drugs, albuminuria, and the lead fatty acid for each cluster did not change this relationship. Sensitivity analyses showed no dependence on HF type.共有6562名45至84岁的受试者在基线时测量了EPA(1794名黑人、794名中国人、1442名拉美裔和2532名白人;52%的女性)。中位数为13.0年的随访期间,发生292例心力衰竭事件:128例心力衰竭伴EF降低,110例心力衰竭伴EF维持,54例心力衰竭伴EF状态不明。%无心力衰竭参与者的EPA为0.76%(0.75%至0.77%),但心衰参与者的EPA为0.69%(0.64%至0.74%)(p=0.005)。对数%EPA与较低的心衰发生率相关(危险比:0.73[95%置信区间:0.60-0.91]/对数单位差,百分比EPA;P=0.001)。调整年龄、性别、种族、体重指数、吸烟、糖尿病、血压、血脂和降脂药物、蛋白尿和铅脂肪酸对每个组别没有改变这种关系。敏感性分析显示,不依赖于高频类型。ConclusionsHigher plasma EPA was significantly associated with reduced risk for HF, with both reduced and preserved EF. (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis [MESA]; )较高的血浆EPA与心衰风险降低显着相关,同时降低和维持了EF。(动脉粥样硬化多民族研究[MESA];NCT0005487)

扫描二维码查看全文Aug 01, : 7 (8),10.1016/j.jchf..03.00803射血分数维持的心力衰竭患者的年龄相关特征及预后

JACCResearch ArticleJasper Tromp, Li Shen, etc.13小时前

BackgroundAlthough heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is considered a disease of the elderly, younger patients are not spared from this syndrome.尽管射血分数维持性心力衰竭(HFPEF)被认为是老年人的一种疾病,但年轻患者并不因此而免于这种综合征。ObjectivesThis study therefore investigated the associations among age, clinical characteristics, and outcomes in patients with HFpEF.因此,本研究调查了HFPEF患者的年龄、临床特征和预后之间的关系。MethodsUsing >利用3项大型hfpef试验(Topcat[醛固酮拮抗剂治疗成人心脏衰竭并保持收缩功能]、i-preserve[伊贝沙坦治疗心脏衰竭并保持收缩功能]和charm-preserve中左室射血分数≥45%患者的数据。[坎地沙坦-西勒克泰尔在心脏衰竭时对死亡率和发病率的降低进行评估),根据年龄将患者分为:≤55岁(n 522)、56-64岁(n 1679)、65-74岁(n 3405)、75-84岁(n=2464)和≥85岁(n=398)。本研究比较了不同年龄段的临床和超声心动图特征、死亡率和住院率、死亡模式和生活质量。ResultsYounger patients (age≤55 years) with HFpEF were more often obese, nonwhite men, whereas older patients with HFpEF were more often white women with a higher prevalence of atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease (eGFR<60ml/min/1.73m2). Despite fewer comorbidities, younger patients had worse quality of life compared with older patients (age≥85 years). Compared with patients age≤55 years, patients age≥85 years had higher mortality (hazard ratio: 6.9; 95% confidence interval: 4.2 to 11.4). However, among patients who died, sudden death was, proportionally, the most common mode of death (p<0.001) in patients age≤55 years. In contrast, older patients (age≥85 years) died more often from noncardiovascular causes (34% vs. 20% in patients age≤55 years; p<0.001).患有hfpef的年轻患者(年龄≤55岁)更常是肥胖的非白人男性,而患有hfpef的老年患者更常是房颤、高血压和慢性肾病(egfr<60 ml/min/1.73 m2)患病率较高的白人女性。尽管合并症较少,但年轻患者的生活质量较老年患者差(年龄≥85岁)。与年龄小于等于55岁的患者相比,年龄大于等于85岁的患者死亡率更高(危险比:6.9;95%置信区间:4.2-11.4)。然而,在死亡的患者中,猝死成比例地是年龄≤55岁患者最常见的死亡模式(p<0.001)。相比之下,老年患者(年龄≥85岁)死于非心血管原因的频率更高(年龄≤55岁的患者为34%对20%;P<0.001)。ConclusionsCompared with the elderly, younger patients with HFpEF were less likely to be white, were more frequently obese men, and died more often of cardiovascular causes, particularly sudden death. In contrast, elderly patients with HFpEF had more comorbidities and died more often from noncardiovascular causes. (Aldosterone Antagonist Therapy for Adults With HeartFailure and Preserved Systolic Function [TOPCAT]; ; Irbesartan in HeartFailure With Preserved Systolic Function [I-PRESERVE]; ; Candesartan Cilexetil in HeartFailure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity [CHARM Preserved]; )与老年人相比,年轻的hfpef患者更不可能是白人,更经常是肥胖男性,更经常死于心血管疾病,特别是猝死。相比之下,老年HFPEF患者有更多的合并症,更多的死于非心血管原因。(醛固酮拮抗剂治疗成人心脏衰竭并保持收缩功能[topcat];NCT0094302;厄贝沙坦治疗心脏衰竭并保持收缩功能[i-preserve];NCT0095238;坎地沙坦-西勒塞治疗心脏衰竭评估死亡率和发病率的降低[保存的魅力);NCT00634712)

扫描二维码查看全文Aug 06, : 74 (5),10.1016/j.jacc..05.05204射血分数降低心力衰竭患者的地高辛停药和预后

JACCResearch ArticleAwais Malik, Ravi Masson, etc.13小时前


BackgroundThe deleterious effects of discontinuation of digoxin on outcomes in ambulatory patients with chronic heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are well-documented.停用地高辛对接受血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂降低射血分数(hfrf)的慢性心力衰竭(hf)门诊患者预后的有害影响已被充分记录。ObjectivesThe authors sought to determine the relationship between digoxin discontinuation and outcomes in hospitalized patients with HFrEF receiving more contemporary guideline-directed medical therapies including beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists.作者试图确定地高辛停药与接受更现代指导性药物治疗(包括β受体阻滞剂和盐皮质激素受体拮抗剂)的HFREF住院患者结局之间的关系。MethodsOf the 11,900 hospitalized patients with HFrEF (EF≤45%) in the Medicare-linked OPTIMIZE-HF (Organized Program to Initiate Lifesaving Treatment in Hospitalized Patients with HeartFailure) registry, 3,499 received pre-admission digoxin, which was discontinued in 721 patients. Using propensity scores for digoxin discontinuation, estimated for each of the 3,499 patients, a matched cohort of 698 pairs of patients, balanced on 50 baseline characteristics (mean age 76 years; mean EF 28%; 41% women; 13% African American; 65% on beta-blockers) was assembled.在医疗保险连锁优化-HF(有组织的心脏衰竭住院患者救生计划)登记册中的11900名HFRef(ef≤45%)住院患者中,3499名患者接受了入院前地高辛治疗,721名患者停止使用。使用每3499名患者的地高辛停药倾向评分,对698对患者进行配对队列研究,平衡50个基线特征(平均年龄76岁;平均EF 28%;41%女性;13%非洲裔美国人;65%β受体阻滞剂)。ResultsFour-year post-discharge, digoxin discontinuation was associated with significantly higher risks of HF readmission (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.21; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05 to 1.39; p=0.007), all-cause readmission (HR: 1.16; 95%CI: 1.04 to 1.31; p=0.010), and the combined endpoint of HF readmission or all-cause mortality (HR: 1.20; 95%CI: 1.07 to 1.34; p=0.002), but not all-cause mortality (HR: 1.09; 95%CI: 0.97 to 1.24; p=0.163). Discontinuation of digoxin was associated with a significantly higher risk of all 4 outcomes at 6months and 1 year post-discharge. At 30days, digoxin discontinuation was associated with higher risks of all-cause mortality (HR: 1.80; 95%CI: 1.26 to 2.57; p=0.001) and the combined endpoint (HR: 1.36; 95%CI: 1.09 to 1.71; p=0.007), but not of HF readmission (HR: 1.19; 95%CI: 0.90 to 1.59; p=0.226) or all-cause readmission (HR: 1.03; 95%CI: 0.84 to 1.26; p=0.778).出院后4年,地高辛停药与心衰再入院的风险显着增加相关(风险比[HR]1.21;95%置信区间[CI]1.05-1.39;P 0.007)、全因再入院(HR:1.16;95%CI:1.04-1.31;P 0.010)和H的联合终点。F再入院或全因死亡率(HR:1.20;95%CI:1.07至1.34;P 0.002),但不是全因死亡率(HR:1.09;95%CI:0.97至1.24;P 0.163)。停用地高辛与出院后6个月和1年的所有4种结局的风险显着较高相关。在30天时,地高辛停药与全因死亡率(HR:1.80;95%CI:1.26至2.57;P 0.001)和联合终点(HR:1.36;95%CI:1.09至1.71;P 0.007)的较高风险相关,但与心力衰竭再入院(HR:1.19;95%CI:0.90至1.59;P 0.226)或全因死亡率无关。再入院(HR:1.03;95%CI:0.84至1.26;P=0.778)。ConclusionsAmong hospitalized older patients with HFrEF on more contemporary guideline-directed medical therapies, discontinuation of pre-admission digoxin therapy was associated with poor outcomes.在接受更现代指导性医疗治疗的住院老年HFREF患者中,停止入院前地高辛治疗与不良预后相关。

扫描二维码查看全文Aug 06, : 74 (5),10.1016/j.jacc..05.06405经导管主动脉瓣置换术后肾素-血管紧张素系统抑制

JACCResearch ArticleTania Rodriguez-Gabella, Pablo Catalá, etc.13小时前

BackgroundSeveral studies have demonstrated the benefits of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in patients with aortic stenosis, but the presence of persistent fibrosis and myocardial hypertrophy has been related to worse prognosis.几项研究已经证实了经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)对主动脉狭窄患者的益处,但持续性纤维化和心肌肥大的存在与预后恶化有关。ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to explore the potential benefits of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors on left ventricular remodeling and major clinical outcomes following successful transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR).本研究的目的是探讨肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)抑制剂对成功的经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)后左心室重构和主要临床结局的潜在益处。MethodsPatients from 10 institutions with severe aortic stenosis who underwent TAVR between August and August were included. All baseline >包括8月至8月接受TAVR治疗的10个严重主动脉瓣狭窄机构的患者。对所有基线数据进行前瞻性记录,并进行预先指定的随访。记录出院时ras抑制剂的剂量和类型,并根据出院时的处方进行匹配比较。ResultsA total of 2,785 patients were included. Patients treated with RAS inhibitors (n=1,622) presented similar surgical risk scores but a higher rate of all cardiovascular risk factors, coronary disease, and myocardial infarction. After adjustment for these baseline differences, reduction of left ventricular volumes and hypertrophy was greater and cardiovascular mortality at 3-year follow-up was lower (odds ratio: 0.59; 95% confidence interval: 0.41 to 0.87; p=0.007) in patients treated with RAS inhibitors. Moreover, RAS inhibitors demonstrated a global cardiovascular protective effect with significantly lower rates of new-onset atrial fibrillation, cerebrovascular events, and readmissions.共包括2785名患者。接受ras抑制剂治疗的患者(n=1622)具有相似的手术风险评分,但所有心血管危险因素、冠状动脉疾病和心肌梗死的发生率较高。调整这些基线差异后,接受ras抑制剂治疗的患者的左心室容积减少和肥大更大,3年随访时心血管死亡率更低(比值比:0.59;95%置信区间:0.41至0.87;P=0.007)。此外,ras抑制剂显示出总体心血管保护作用,新发房颤、脑血管事件和再入院率显着降低。ConclusionsPost-TAVR RAS inhibitors are associated with lower cardiac mortality at 3-year follow-up and offer a global cardiovascular protective effect that might be partially explained by a positive left ventricular remodeling. An ongoing randomized trial will help confirm these hypothesis-generating findings. (Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade Benefits in Clinical Evolution and Ventricular Remodeling After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation [RASTAVI]; )TAVR后ras抑制剂与3年随访时较低的心脏死亡率相关,并提供了一种总体心血管保护作用,这可能部分由积极的左心室重构解释。一项正在进行的随机试验将有助于证实这些产生假设的发现。(肾素-血管紧张素系统阻断对经导管主动脉瓣植入术后临床进展和心室重构的益处[RASTavi];NCT0385)

扫描二维码查看全文Aug 06, : 74 (5),10.1016/j.jacc..05.055CONTENTS今日发文一览

BMCCardiovasc DisordDec 01, : 19 (1)今日发布1篇文章Case reportNo.01 P.179Epicardial cardiac cavernous Haemangioma-a case report心外膜海绵状血管瘤一例报告07-29 23:59 | 10.1186/s12872-019-1156-6

AngiologySept 01, : 70 (8)今日发布15篇文章editorialNo.01 P.685-687Imaging Characteristics and Significance of Coronary Artery Mismatch Lesions冠状动脉失配病变的影像学特征及意义07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719852843editorialNo.02 P.688-689Guideline Recommendations for the Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms腹主动脉瘤治疗指南建议07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719825518review-articleNo.03 P.690-700The Emerging Role of Bone Markers in Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Patients With Coronary Artery Disease骨标志物在冠状动脉疾病诊断和危险分层中的新作用07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319718822625review-articleNo.04 P.701-710GRADE-Based Recommendations for Surgical Repair of Nonruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm未破裂腹主动脉瘤外科修复的分级建议07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719838892review-articleNo.05 P.711-718Blood Cell Parameters and Predicting Coronary In-Stent Restenosis支架再狭窄中的血细胞参数与冠状动脉预测07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719830495research-articleNo.06 P.719-725Effects of Smoking Cessation with Nicotine Replacement Therapy on Vascular Endothelial Function, Arterial Stiffness, and Inflammation Response in Healthy Smokers尼古丁替代疗法戒烟对健康吸烟者血管内皮功能、动脉僵硬度和炎症反应的影响07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719853458research-articleNo.07 P.726-736Risk of Ischemic Stroke and Peripheral Arterial Disease in Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia: A Meta-Analysis杂合子家族性高胆固醇血症中缺血性卒中和外周动脉疾病的风险:荟萃分析07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719835433research-articleNo.08 P.737-746GlycA, a Novel Inflammatory Marker and Its Association With Peripheral Arterial Disease and Carotid Plaque: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis血糖,一种新的炎症标志物及其与外周动脉疾病和颈动脉斑块的关系:动脉粥样硬化的多民族研究07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719845185research-articleNo.09 P.747-755Vascular Inflammation, Calf Muscle Oxygen Saturation, and Blood Glucose are Associated With Exercise Pressor Response in Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease有症状的外周动脉疾病中,血管炎症、小腿肌肉氧饱和度和血糖与运动加压反应相关。07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719838399research-articleNo.10 P.756-764Imaging Characteristics of Mismatch Lesions: An Angiographic and Intravascular Ultrasound Analysis of 1369 Coronary Lesions不匹配病变的影像学特征:1369例冠状动脉病变的血管造影和血管内超声分析07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319718822348research-articleNo.11 P.765-773Drug-Eluting Stent Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Diabetic Patients With Multivessel and/or Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: A Meta-Analysis药物洗脱支架与冠状动脉旁路移植术治疗糖尿病合并多支和/或左主冠状动脉疾病的荟萃分析07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719839885research-articleNo.12 P.774-781Admission Heart Rate Is Associated With Coronary Artery Disease Severity and Complexity in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome急性冠状动脉综合征患者的入院心率与冠状动脉疾病的严重性和复杂性相关07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719832376letterNo.13 P.782-782Arrhythmia Risk and Laboratory Markers心律失常风险和实验室标志物07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319718824494letterNo.14 P.783-783Long-Term Mortality and Contrast-Induced Nephropathy长期死亡率和对比剂肾病07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319718823628letterNo.15 P.784-785Contrast-Induced Nephropathy: Further Investigations About Risk Factors Are Required07-29 19:32 | 10.1177/0003319719857376

European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular CareEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布1篇文章research-articleNo.01Mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock from acute myocardial infarction: Impella CP/5.0 versus ECMO急性心肌梗死心源性休克的机械循环支持:叶轮CP/5.0与ECMO比较07-29 19:54 | 10.1177/2048872619865891

J ENDOVASC THEREarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布1篇文章article-commentaryNo.01Double Graft Wrapping to Prepare a Landing Zone for Stent-Graft Placement: One of the Allies in the Battle for Complete Endovascular Treatment of the Ascending Aorta?双移植物包裹为支架移植物放置准备一个着陆区:在提升主动脉的完全血管内治疗之战中的盟友之一?07-29 20:08 | 10.1177/1526602819863063

NethHeartJEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布1篇文章Review ArticleNo.01 P.1-10Cardiac amyloidosis: the need for early diagnosis心脏淀粉样变:早期诊断的必要性07-29 23:25 | 10.1007/s12471-019-1299-1

Heart and VesselsEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布1篇文章Original ArticleNo.01 P.1-9Relationship between circulating levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2-angiotensin-(1–7)-MAS axis and coronary heart disease血管紧张素转换酶2-血管紧张素-MAS轴循环水平与冠心病的关系07-29 23:36 | 10.1007/s00380-019-01478-y

Pediatric CardiologyEarly Recent, July 29, 今日发布1篇文章Upcoming EventsNo.01 P.1-1Upcoming Events in Pediatric Cardiology儿科心脏病学即将举办的活动07-29 23:46 | 10.1007/s00246-019-02178-0

CirculationJuly 30, : 140 (5)今日发布18篇文章Frame of Referencearticle-commentaryNo.01 P.347–349Facilitating Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With a Cardiac Device促进心脏装置患者的磁共振成像07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040287article-commentaryNo.02 P.350–352Wearable Biosensors in Pediatric Cardiovascular Disease可穿戴式生物传感器在小儿心血管疾病中的应用07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.038483Original Research Articlesresearch-articleNo.03 P.353–365Differential Clinical Profiles, Exercise Responses, and Outcomes Associated With Existing HFpEF Definitions与现有HFPEF定义相关的不同临床特征、运动反应和结果07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.039136editorialNo.04 P.366–369Do Existing Definitions Identify Subgroup Phenotypes or Reflect the Natural History of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction?现有定义是否识别亚组表型或反映射血分数维持的心力衰竭的自然史?07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.041657research-articleNo.05 P.370–378Pulselessness After Initiation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Bradycardia in Hospitalized Children住院儿童心动过缓心肺复苏术后无脉搏07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.039048research-articleNo.06 P.379–389Noninferiority Designed Cardiovascular Trials in Highest-Impact Journals非劣效性设计在影响最大的期刊上进行心血管试验07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040214research-articleNo.07 P.390–404Insights Into the Pathogenesis of Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia From Engineered Human Heart Tissue工程心脏组织儿茶酚胺能多态性室性心动过速的发病机制探讨07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.039711research-articleNo.08 P.405–419Gene Therapy for Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia by Inhibition of Ca2 /Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase II抑制Ca2 /钙调蛋白依赖激酶Ⅱ基因治疗儿茶酚胺能性室性心动过速07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.038514State of the Artreview-articleNo.09 P.420–433Guiding Principles for Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention慢性完全闭塞经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的指导原则07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.039797The PulsenewsNo.10 P.434–435From the Literature从文献上看07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.042327Cases and Tracescase-reportNo.11 P.436–439Massive ST-Segment Elevation and QTc Prolongation in the Emergency Department急诊科大面积ST段抬高和QTC延长07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.041736CorrespondenceletterNo.12 P.440–442Depletion of Endothelial Prolyl Hydroxylase Domain Protein 2 and 3 Promotes Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Prevents Ventricular Failure Induced by Myocardial Infarction内皮脯氨酰羟化酶结构域蛋白2和3的缺失促进心肌细胞增殖并预防心肌梗死引起的心室衰竭07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.039276letterNo.13 P.e173–e174Letter by Gul and Haseeb Regarding Article, “One-Year Outcomes After MitraClip for Functional Mitral Regurgitation”Gul和Haseeb关于“二尖瓣功能性反流术后一年结果”一文的信07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.039995letterNo.14 P.e175–e176Response by Ailawadi et al to Letter Regarding Article, “One-Year Outcomes After MitraClip for Functional Mitral Regurgitation”Ailawadi等人对“二尖瓣功能性反流术后一年结果”一文的回复07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040735letterNo.15 P.e177–e178Letter by Li et al Regarding Article, “Dectin-1 Contributes to Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Regulating Macrophage Polarization and Neutrophil Infiltration”Li等人关于“dectin-1通过调节巨噬细胞极化和中性粒细胞浸润促进心肌缺血/再灌注损伤”一文的信07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040254letterNo.16 P.e179–e180Response by Fan et al to Letter Regarding Article, “Dectin-1 Contributes to Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Regulating Macrophage Polarization and Neutrophil Infiltration”Fan等人对“dectin-1通过调节巨噬细胞极化和中性粒细胞浸润导致心肌缺血/再灌注损伤”一文的回复07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040944CorrectionscorrectionNo.17 P.e181–e184Correction to: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Long-Term Management of Kawasaki Disease: A Scientific Statement for Health Professionals From the American Heart Association纠正:川崎病的诊断、治疗和长期治疗:美国心脏协会健康专家的科学声明07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000703correctionNo.18 P.e185Correction to: Natural History, Quality of Life, and Outcome in Cardiac Transthyretin Amyloidosis纠正:心脏转甲状腺素淀粉样变性的自然史、生活质量和结果07-30 03:34 | 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000714

JACCAug 06, : 74 (5), 601-714今日发布15篇文章PodcastIntroductionNo.01JACC Instructions for AuthorsJACC作者须知07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/S0735-1097(19)35725-0ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONSResearch ArticleNo.02Age-Related Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With HeartFailure With Preserved Ejection Fraction射血分数维持的心力衰竭患者的年龄相关特征及预后07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.052EditorialNo.03Discerning the Age-Related Heterogeneity in HeartFailure With Preserved Ejection Fraction在射血分数维持的心力衰竭中辨别年龄相关的异质性07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..06.008Research ArticleNo.04Digoxin Discontinuation and Outcomes inPatients With HeartFailure With Reduced EjectionFraction射血分数降低心力衰竭患者的地高辛停药和预后07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.064EditorialNo.05Is the Digitalis Leaf Still Withering?洋地黄叶子还在枯萎吗?07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..06.021Research ArticleNo.06Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibition Following Transcatheter AorticValveReplacement经导管主动脉瓣置换术后肾素-血管紧张素系统抑制07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.055EditorialNo.07Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibition inAortic Stenosis: Thinking Beyond Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement肾素-血管紧张素系统抑制主动脉瓣狭窄:超越经导管主动脉瓣置换的思考07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.056Research ArticleNo.08Conduction Abnormalities and Long-Term Mortality Following SeptalMyectomy in Patients With Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy梗阻性肥厚型心肌病患者中隔髓鞘切除术后的传导异常和长期死亡率07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.053EditorialNo.09Long-Term Prognostic Implications of Conduction Abnormalities Following Septal Myectomy: What Do We Know?中隔髓鞘切除术后传导异常的长期预后意义:我们知道什么?07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.054Research ArticleNo.10Corticosteroid Therapy in Neonates Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass: RandomizedControlled Trial体外循环新生儿糖皮质激素治疗:随机对照试验07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.060EditorialNo.11Corticosteroids for CongenitalHeartSurgery: When Is a Negative Trial Not a Negative Trial?先天性心脏手术用皮质类固醇:什么时候阴性试验不是阴性试验?07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..06.019JACC FOCUS SEMINAR: PHARMACOLOGICAL AGENTS FOR CV CAREReview ArticleNo.12The Evolution of β-Blockers in CoronaryArteryDiseaseand HeartFailure(Part 1/5)β-阻滞剂在冠状动脉疾病和心力衰竭中的演变(第1/5部分)07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..04.067Review ArticleNo.13From ACE Inhibitors/ARBs to ARNIs in Coronary Artery Disease and HeartFailure (Part 2/5)从ace抑制剂/arbs到冠状动脉疾病和心力衰竭的arnis(第2/5部分)07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..04.068Review ArticleNo.14Antithrombotics: From Aspirin to DOACs in Coronary Artery Disease and Atrial Fibrillation (Part 3/5)抗血栓药物:从阿司匹林到冠状动脉疾病和房颤的DOACS(第3/5部分)07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..02.080LETTERSLetterNo.15Very High-Risk ASCVD and Eligibility for Nonstatin Therapies Based on the AHA/ACC Cholesterol Guidelines基于AHA/ACC胆固醇指南的非常高风险的心血管疾病和非他汀类治疗的资格07-30 06:15 | 10.1016/j.jacc..05.051

JACC: Heart FailureAug 01, : 7 (8), 637-736今日发布20篇文章MINI-FOCUS ISSUE: PREVENTION AND LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONResearch ArticleNo.01Risk for HeartFailure: The Opportunity for Prevention With the American Heart Association’s Life’s Simple 7心力衰竭的风险:美国心脏协会的理想心血管健康指南(Life"s Simple 7)的预防机会07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..03.009EditorialNo.02Seven Metrics That Will Determine Your Cardiovascular Success or Failure决定心血管成功或失败的七个指标07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.008Research ArticleNo.03Predicting Risk for Incident HeartFailure With Omega-3 Fatty Acids: From MESA用ω-3脂肪酸预测心脏衰竭的风险:来自MESA07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..03.008EditorialNo.04Omega-3 Fatty Acids and HeartFailure: Evidence and Still Open Questionsω-3脂肪酸和心脏衰竭:证据和尚待解决的问题07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.007Research ArticleNo.05Impact of Malnutrition Using Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index in HeartFailure With Preserved Ejection Fraction老年营养不良风险指数对射血分数维持性心力衰竭的影响07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.020EditorialNo.06Impact of Malnutrition Using Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index in HeartFailure With Preserved Ejection Fraction老年营养不良风险指数对射血分数维持性心力衰竭的影响07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..06.002Research ArticleNo.07Hemodynamic Effects of Weight Loss inObesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis减肥对肥胖患者血流动力学的影响:系统回顾和荟萃分析07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.019EditorialNo.08Treating Obesity in HeartFailure: A Big, Fat Void治疗心脏衰竭的肥胖:巨大的脂肪空洞07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..06.001Research ArticleNo.09Exercise-Based Rehabilitation for HeartFailure: Cochrane Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and TrialSequential Analysis基于运动的心力衰竭康复:Cochrane系统回顾、荟萃分析和试验序贯分析07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.023EditorialNo.10Exercise Rehabilitation for HeartFailure: The Neglected Stepchild心力衰竭的运动康复:被忽视的继子07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..05.006STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEWReview ArticleNo.11Screening for Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy in Everyday Practice转甲状腺素淀粉样心肌病的日常筛查07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.010CLINICAL RESEARCHResearch ArticleNo.12Risk Models for Prediction of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Benefit: Insights From the DANISH Trial预测植入式心律转复除颤器益处的风险模型:丹麦试验的见解07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..03.019EditorialNo.13Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators in Patients With Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy非缺血性心肌病患者植入式心律转复除颤器的初步预防07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..05.011PATIENT PERSPECTIVE: LIVING WITH HEART FAILURELetterNo.14The Day That Changed My Life—For the Better那一天改变了我的生活07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.011EDITOR’S PAGEEditorialNo.15Why Should We Publish AllClinical Trials?为什么我们要公布所有的临床试验?07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..06.009LETTERS TO THE EDITORLetterNo.16Sex Differences in Outcomes of LVAD Patients Bridged to Transplant: The Problem of Selection BiasLVAD患者移植后结局的性别差异:选择偏倚问题07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.017LetterNo.17Reply: Sex Differences in Outcomes of LVAD Patients Bridged to Transplant: TheProblem of Selection Bias回答:LVAD患者移植后结局的性别差异:选择偏倚问题07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..05.014LetterNo.18Personalized Medicine: Women in HeartFailure Clinical Trials, a Must!个性化药物:女性心脏衰竭临床试验,必须!07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..03.010LetterNo.19On the Way to Accurately Evaluate Cardiac Function in Patients With HeartFailure准确评价心力衰竭患者心功能的方法探讨07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..04.005CORRECTIONCorrectionNo.20Correction更正07-30 10:01 | 10.1016/j.jchf..06.008

Heart Fail RevEarly Recent, July 30, 今日发布1篇文章ArticleNo.01 P.1-11Relative Efficacy of Spironolactone, Eplerenone, and cAnRenone in patients with Chronic Heart failure (RESEARCH): a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials螺内酯、eplerenone和canrenone对慢性心力衰竭患者的相对疗效(研究):随机对照试验的系统回顾和网络荟萃分析07-30 16:12 | 10.1007/s10741-019-09832-y

PerfusionEarly Recent, July 30, 今日发布1篇文章research-articleNo.01Romiplostim as a transfusion saving strategy in 20 patients after heart or lung transplantation: a single centre before-after pilot study20例心脏或肺移植术后患者应用romiplostim作为一种节省输血的策略:一个试验前和试验后的单一中心07-30 18:13 | 10.1177/0267659119864814

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