抑郁症健康 > 卒中后抑郁症 Post-stroke depression英语短句 例句大全

卒中后抑郁症 Post-stroke depression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-25 21:56:29


卒中后抑郁症,Post-stroke depression

1)Post-stroke depression卒中后抑郁症

1.Meta-analysis of comparative studies for citalopram in the teatment of post-stroke depression西酞普兰治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的Meta分析

2.Title: Research on treatment to post-stroke depression under the direction of theory of "The liver controlling dispersion" in Chinese medicineSpecialty: Diagnostics of Chinese MedicineCandidate: Gao MinTutor: Professor Chen QunPost-stroke depression (PSD) means having depressive emotion or in the station of depression after stroke and having been confirmed by related scales.卒中后抑郁症(Post-stroke depression,PSD)是指发生于卒中后经量表测定证实有抑郁情绪或处于抑郁的状态,是脑卒中的重要并发症之一,发生率为25%~80%,大部分为轻—中度。

3.Post-stroke depression refers to happen in post-stroke measured by the scale confirmed that there is depressed mood or in a state of depression is an important complication of stroke,the incidence rate is 25%-80%,and most of light-moderate.卒中后抑郁症(Post-stroke depression,PSD)是指发生于卒中后经量表测定证实有抑郁情绪或处于抑郁的状态,是脑卒中的重要并发症之一,发生率为25%~80%,大部分为轻—中度。


1.Clinical research of Chinese and western medicine on post-stroke depression卒中后抑郁症的中西医临床研究进展

2.Experimental Study of the Ditankaiqiao-tang on the Post-stroke Depression Rats涤痰开窍解郁汤对脑卒中后抑郁症的实验研究

mon Syndromes and Related Research on PSD卒中后抑郁症的中医常见证候及相关性研究

4.The Pathogenesis Study of Post Stroke Depression and the Development of Its Mouse Model;卒中后抑郁症发病机制研究及其小鼠模型建立

5.A Clinical Study of Therapy of Shu-Le Decoction on Post-Stroke Depression舒乐汤治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的临床研究

6.The Clinical Research of Using Additional Powder Regulat Liver and Spleen to Treat the Depressive Disorder after Apoplexy加味四逆散治疗卒中后抑郁症观察的疗效

7.Clinical Observation of Electroacupuncture on Temporal Three-Needle Acupoints for the Treatment of Post-stroke Depression电针颞三针为主治疗脑卒中后抑郁症临床研究

bination of Acupuncture with Chinese Medicine to Treat Poststroke Depression:A report of 30 Cases针药并用治疗脑卒中后抑郁症30例临床分析

9.Meta-analysis of comparative studies for citalopram in the teatment of post-stroke depression西酞普兰治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的Meta分析

10.Music-electrotherapy on post stroke depression音乐电治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的应用研究

11.Clinical Observation on Post-Stroke Depression Treated by "Kai Guan Li Qiao,Li Qi Jie Yu"Acupuncture Therapy;“开关利窍,理气解郁”针法治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的临床研究

12.Clinical Research on the Treatment of Post Stroke Depression with Dispersing the Stagnation of the Liver and Strengthening the Spleen疏肝健脾法治疗肝郁脾虚型卒中后抑郁症的理论探讨及临床研究

13.A Preliminary Clinical Study of "Xingnao Jieyu Particle" on Post-stroke Depression醒脑解郁颗粒治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的初步临床研究

14.Research on Treatment to Post-stroke Depression under the Direction of Theory of "the Liver Controlling Dispersion" in Chinese Medicine;运用中医肝主疏泄理论治疗卒中后抑郁症的研究

15.A Clinical Study of Therapy of Electroacupuncture at the Temple-Three-Needle on Post-Stroke Depression;电针颞三针为主治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的临床研究

16.Clinical Observation on Post Stroke Depression Treated by "Xing Nao Kai Qiao" Acupuncture Therapy;“醒脑开窍”针刺法治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的临床研究

17.Clinical Observation on Emotional Regulation Combined with Moxibustion on Sihua Acupoint in Preventing Post-stroke Depression情志调护结合艾灸四花穴预防脑卒中后抑郁症临床观察

18.Participation deanxit merger Song Yang Xin Capsule in the Treatment of post-stroke depression observed参松养心胶囊合并黛力新治疗卒中后抑郁症疗效观察


Post-stroke depression(PSD)卒中后抑郁症

1.Objective To observe the effects of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) in the treatment of post-stroke depression(PSD).目的观察高压氧治疗卒中后抑郁症的疗效。


mon Syndromes and Related Research onPSD卒中后抑郁症的中医常见证候及相关性研究

2.Objective:To observe the efficacy of "Xingnao Jieyu particle" on post-stroke depression (PSD) in order to find out a new method of TCM treatment onPSD.目的:通过对“醒脑解郁颗粒”治疗脑卒中后抑郁症(post-stroke depression,PSD)的研究,探讨该药的疗效及其作用机制,提出中医药治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的思路。

4)post-stroke depression脑卒中后抑郁症

1.Effect of Yuxingchangzhi Decoction on level of norepinephrine and 5-hydroxyptamin in serum of patients withpost-stroke depression;郁星菖志汤对急性脑卒中后抑郁症患者血清去甲肾上腺素和5-羟色胺的影响

2.Objective: To discuss the variation of 5-hydroxytryptamine(HT)levels of plasma and cerebral spinal fluid(CSF)in patients withpost-stroke depression(PSD),and to explore the change of event related potential N400 in PSD.目的:探讨脑卒中后抑郁症(PSD)患者血浆和脑脊液(CSF)中5-羟色胺(HT)的浓度变化,以及事件相关电位N400在PSD中的改变及临床意义。

3.Objective: To study the effects of therapy of electroacupuncture at theTemple-Three-Needle onpost-stroke depression (PSD).目的:观察电针颞三针为主治疗脑卒中后抑郁症的疗效。

5)post stroke depression(PSD)卒中后抑郁症(PSD)

6)Post stroke depression脑卒中后抑郁症

1.Purpose:Post stroke depression is a kind of disease including many mental symptoms and physical symptoms,it\"s a complicated affective disorders,witch caused by stoke.目的:脑卒中后抑郁症(Post stroke depression,PSD)是发生在卒中后的一种包括多种精神症状和躯体症状的复杂的情感性精神障碍性疾病,是卒中病重要的并发症之一。


儿童抑郁症儿童抑郁症child depression儿童抑郁症(ehild depression)儿童遇到不幸的处境(如亲人患重病或死亡,父母不和等),都可表现情绪低沉,同时注意力不集中、兴趣丧失、睡眠不佳、饮食无心等。这类症状在其他精神疾病中也可见到,但像成人那样的抑郁症,在青春期前却很少见。有人认为儿童抑郁症常表现为不典型或称为隐匿性抑郁症,即以躯体症状表现如难以解释的腹痛、头痛、厌食、遗尿等,而不是情绪抑郁作为主要症状。有人甚至认为心烦、逃学、出走、欺侮别的小孩等也可以是“隐匿性”的症状。但是,如果在整个病程中不出现抑郁的最主要症状一一情绪低落,那就不是抑郁症。抑郁反应的治疗首先是消除诱发因素,同时鼓励小孩把不愉快的情绪表达出来,不要闷在心里。抗抑郁药一般只用于病情较重或年龄较大的儿童。(金星明撰赵亚忠审)

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