抑郁症健康 > 犯罪心理画像 criminal profiling英语短句 例句大全

犯罪心理画像 criminal profiling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-23 10:45:40


犯罪心理画像,criminal profiling

1)criminal profiling犯罪心理画像

1.On the integration of crime scenes reconstruction andcriminal profiling;浅析犯罪现场重建与犯罪心理画像的整合

2.Crime Scene Analysis and Behavioral Evidence Analysis are two widely used methods ofcriminal profiling in USA,which are different from basic theories,forming process,construction and practice.道格拉斯的犯罪现场分析法和特维的行为证据分析法在美国是应用非常广泛的两种犯罪心理画像方法。

3.In the last several decades,criminal profiling got substantial development in some foreign countries and is gradually becoming a necessary investigation technique and forensic science.过去数十年里,犯罪心理画像(criminalprofiling)在国外的一些国家得到长足的发展,日显成熟,逐步成为侦查实践中不可或缺的一项侦查技术和法庭科学,而我国在这方面的研究甚少。


1.On the integration of crime scenes reconstruction and criminal profiling;浅析犯罪现场重建与犯罪心理画像的整合

2.Methods of Criminal Profiling: CSA and BEA Compared犯罪心理画像的方法——犯罪现场分析法与行为证据分析法之比较

3.Considerations on Issues of Criminal Psychological Maps;关于犯罪心理画像几个基本问题的思考

4.An Analysis of the Application of Criminal Psychology Portrait Technology in Investigation and Interrogation解析犯罪心理画像技术在侦查讯问中的应用

5.psychology in sexual crime性犯罪心理 性犯罪心理

6.Evidential Process of Criminal Psychological Trace under Problems-solving Mode--Widespread Application of Psychological Drawing问题解决模式下的犯罪心理痕迹证据化过程——对心理画像方法的普适化应用

7.mind of convict self harm罪犯自残心理 罪犯自残心理

8.psychology in joint crime共同犯罪心理 共同犯罪心理

9.Differentiating Between the "Criminal Mind" and the "Mind of the criminal";“犯罪人心理”与“犯罪心理”辨析

10.The Distinction between "Psychology of the Criminal"and "Criminal Psychology";"犯罪人心理"与"犯罪心理"辨析

11.On the Application of Image-hint Methods in the Technology of Criminal Psychological Tests;谈图像提示法在犯罪心理测试技术中的运用

12.Research on the Mechanism of Forming Criminal Activity and Criminal Mentality;犯罪行为与犯罪心理的发生机制初探

13.From a psychological view to analyze the accountant crime by taking advantage of duty;从犯罪心理学角度探析会计职务犯罪

14.An Analysis of Criminal psychology of Peasant Workers in "Self-salvation Crimes ";农民工“自救式犯罪”的犯罪心理学分析

15.Based on the Crime Profiling Research of Computer Forensics Analysis Method基于犯罪画像的计算机取证分析方法研究

16.An Analysis of Psychology of a Criminal in a Fifteen-murderee Murder;对一个15条人命案犯的犯罪心理剖析

17.Ascertain Criminal Psychology of Juvenile through the Scene of Crime;由青少年严重刑事犯罪的现场透视其犯罪心理

18.The Value of Study on the Criminal Psychology in the System of Prevention and Control of Crimes;犯罪心理研究在犯罪防控体系中的价值


criminal geographica profiling犯罪地理画像

3)Crime profile犯罪画像

4)guilty mind犯罪心理

1.This article focuses on the reason that internet culture becomes the social incentive, highlights the connection between internet and theguilty mind of adolescent, including the process of raising a crime motive and criminal purpose, and finally forming the criminal personality.论述了网络文化如何成为青少年犯罪心理的社会性诱因,使青少年产生犯罪动机和犯罪目的,最终形成犯罪人格。

2.Theguilty mind of criminal existing when carry into execution criminality such as motive , demand, volition, and the psychology, owing to the unique features and stability of criminal s "character ",will put up in a unconsciousness status,and be indicative of otherness in purpose , criminal type, selection of violated objective.犯罪人在实施犯罪行为前就已经存在的犯罪心理,如动机、需要、意志,以及实施犯罪行为时的心理状态,都会由于“个性”具有的独特性和稳定性,使其在实施犯罪过程中在无意识状态下表现出来,并因其个性的不同,在目的、犯罪类型、侵害目标的选择上都表现出差异性,这就为我们通过犯罪现场的态势和获取的证据材料分析犯罪心理并确定犯罪嫌疑人提供了理论依据,使我们识别犯罪人成为一种可能。

5)criminal psychology犯罪心理

1.Thecriminal psychology of acurrent teenage crime and educational views;当前青少年犯罪心理分析及教育对策

2.The surface factor for hiscriminal psychology is narrow character and excessive emotional reaction, and the basic basis is introversive character and excessive emotional suppression, while the core factor is weak character or loss of life goal.其犯罪心理结构的浅表因素为性格偏狭、情绪反应过度;基础因素则为性格内向、情绪压抑过度;核心因素为无力性格即生活目标缺失。

3.We should pay more attention to juvenile cultural mass meelia s influence on juvenilecriminal psychology and behavior especially when studying youth crimes.尤其是在研究未成年人犯罪时,更应充分重视文化传媒对未成年人犯罪心理和犯罪行为的影响。

6)Crime psychology犯罪心理

1.Introduce the background and characteristics of adolescent web crime,expound the crime psychology behind adolescent web crime activities,through the analysis of examples of adolescent web crime,propose the ways to prevent adolescent web crime.介绍青少年网络犯罪问题产生的背景及网络犯罪的特点,剖析青少年网络犯罪心理,通过对青少年网络犯罪实例的分析,提出预防青少年网络犯罪的方法。

2.Because the factor which affects about crime psychology and the crime form occurs are extremely complex.由于影响一个人犯罪心理形成和犯罪行为发生的因素极其复杂,犯罪心理的形成和犯罪行为的发生具有不可忽视的个体差异性,所以现有犯罪心理学研究的结论还无法完全适用于每一个人和每一种情境,这就为继续深入研究犯罪心理学的各种课题提供了必要背景。

3.From the theoretic and perspective angle,this paper analyses the necessity,feasibility and value of offering crime psychology and self-defense course in colleges under the conditions of marketization,intellectualization,informatization,internationalization and social development,And it also explores the scheme of offering the course.文章从理论层面和前瞻性角度分析论述了在市场化、智能化、信息化、国际化的社会发展中,论述了高校开设犯罪心理与自卫防身课程的必要性、可行性。


变态心理犯罪变态心理犯罪crime due to abnormal mind变态心理犯罪(erime due to abnormalmind)包括人格障碍犯罪与性变态犯罪。这类犯罪人在人格上明显偏离正常,以致不能适应正常的社会生活,其行为往往与社会的道德、法律规范相悖,易于造成犯罪。常见的变态心理犯罪有:反社会型、冲动型、施虐(色情)狂、露阴癖、纵火狂、偷窃狂等犯罪。变态心理犯罪人的特点是:思维和智力活动正常,主要是情感和意志活动的障碍,即性格的极端性、情感的极不稳定性和意志行为的不适应社会性。变态心理的犯罪一般应承担刑事责任,或视为有限制责任能力。(祖恩波撰柯为民审)

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