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犯罪性 criminality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-29 08:12:54





1.involving or being or having the nature of a crime.犯罪的、与之有关的或有犯罪性质的。

2.A Study of the Influence of the Family Rearing Patterns On the Man s Acquisition of Crime;家庭教养方式对男性罪犯犯罪性获得的影响

3.Research on Relationship Between Justified Act in Criminal Law and Crime Constitution;排除犯罪性行为与犯罪构成关系之探讨

4.psychology in sexual crime性犯罪心理 性犯罪心理

5.The state, quality, or fact of being criminal.犯罪,有罪犯罪的状态、性质或事实

6.We will severely crack down on crimes committed by Mafia-like gangs, violent crimes, frequent property-related crimes, and drug-related crimes.严厉打击黑恶势力犯罪、重暴力犯罪、发性侵财犯罪、品犯罪等。

7.Doubt About Treating Unlawful Procurement of Benefit as a Capital Offense: In Perspective of Criminology;贪利性犯罪死刑正当性的犯罪学追问

8."Mafia-like criminal gangs, drug-related crimes"带有黑社会性质的团伙犯罪、毒品犯罪

9.Certain criminals are more likely to offend again when they are released.有些罪犯获释后犯罪的可能性更大。

10.The Valid Research into Desistance from Offence in Joint Offence;共同犯罪中犯罪中止有效性问题研究

11.the criminal twist in his personality他个性中的犯罪癖.

12.How Does the Criminology Form Its Concept of Crime;犯罪学的犯罪概念何以可能——犯罪学本体理论建设的反思性研究

13.Consideration of Criminal Legislation on Sex Infringement to Male;对男性性侵犯予以犯罪化的立法思考

14.The criminals will be punished according to the seriousness of their crime.罪犯们所受的惩罚将视其犯罪的严重性而定。

15.We"re looking for a homicidal serial criminal in a neighborhood populated by criminals.我们在罪犯聚集地寻找杀人成性的罪犯

16.On the Relevancy between Drugs Crime and Other Crimes;论毒品违法犯罪与其他刑事犯罪的关联性

17.Study on personality of female criminals;女性暴力犯罪与非暴力犯罪人格特征的比较

18.On the Double Attributes of Criminal Work and the Protection of Criminal Work Rights;罪犯劳动的二元属性与罪犯劳动权的保障


Crime character犯罪性质

3)Sex crime性犯罪

1.The purpose of this dissertation is to study and analyze the real plight of Chinese sexual crime legislation and try to put forward some pertinent suggestions to improve our sex crime laws.遵循“提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”的思维步骤,本文从分析我国性犯罪立法面临的现实困境入手,对我国性犯罪立法进行了有针对性的研究,目的在于提出解决我国性犯罪立法现实困境之建议。

4)female crime女性犯罪

1.As a social problem,female crime has endangered social stability and harmony.女性犯罪作为一个社会问题,已经严重危害到社会的稳定与和谐。

2.The paper gives an analysis of the social reason of Chinesefemale crimes in light of cultural transition,aiming at a breakthrough in some traditional views and a clarification of misunderstandings in knowledge,thus to provide social prevention countermeasures againstfemale crimes.女性犯罪是当今社会不可忽视的一个重要问题,不但给众多家庭造成了悲剧,而且对社会危害程度日趋严重,已经成为影响经济发展、社会稳定的不可忽视的因素,应当引起高度重视。

3.Female crime increased fast in recent years,and we should attach significance to the harm offemale crime.近年来,中国女性犯罪快速增长,其危害应引起全社会的重视。

5)women crime女性犯罪

1.Domestic violence,which is imposed on women by men,andwomen crime which is caused by domestic violence are the extreme conflicts between intimacy.男性对女性的家庭暴力及其所引发的女性犯罪就是这种两性冲突的极端表现。

2.Domestic violence imposed on women,andwomen crimes caused by it are the extreme reflection by this sexual conflict.男性对女性的家庭暴力及其所引发的女性犯罪就是这种两性冲突的极端反映。

3.At present,women crimes in China have the following characteristics: Young and middle-aged women with lower educational background are the main parts ofwomen crimes,most of which are related with "money" and "emotion".目前中国的女性犯罪呈现出以下特点:在主体上以中青年为主,文化程度偏低;在主观方面动机多与“钱”、“情”有关;在客体上呈现出整体集中性和地域分散性的特点;在客观方面行为手段较隐蔽,组织形式开始向独立型发展。

6)vicious crime恶性犯罪

1.As far as the criminal causes are concerned,the up-and-down ofvicious crimes is closely related to the unexpected deficiency and disorder of social mechanism,also closely related to the impropriety of educational system and the vacancy of mainstream culture,thus causingvicious crimes change from the "weak" through the "evil" to the "dark".在犯罪原因中,恶性犯罪的升降与社会机制骤发性缺陷和失序密切相关。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-

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