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犯罪人员 Criminals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-09 14:59:17




1.A Preliminary Design ofCriminals Personality Questionnaire and Some Correlation Studies;犯罪人员人格特征问卷的编制及相关研究


1.Investigative Measures Against Characteristics of Drug Offenders Counterintelligence Activities;涉毒违法犯罪人员反情报的侦查对策

2.Determination of the Criminal Pattern of Bribery Crime Committed By Employees of Enterprises;企业人员受贿罪犯罪形态的认定探讨

3.To a surprising extent the ordinary criminals ignored the Party prisoners.令人奇怪的是,普通罪犯从来不理会党员罪犯。

4.One who has committed a felony.重罪犯犯了重罪的人

5.Person who helps a criminal after the crime has been committed犯罪后帮助一罪犯的人

6.Judicial work personnel who release without authority crime suspects, accused persons, or criminals from custody司法工作人员私放在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或者罪犯的,

7.Types of Accomplices in Crimes Committed by the Offenders without Special Status Jointly with Judicial Officers;司法工作人员参与无身份者犯罪的共犯类型

8.Research on the Conviction and Penalty of the Bribery Crimes by Non-national Staffs非国家工作人员贿赂犯罪罪与罚问题探究

9.Can non-national public servants commit the bribery crime?非国家工作人员可否构成受贿罪共犯?

10.The criminal throttled the watchman and robbed the bank .那罪犯勒死了守卫人员并抢劫银行。

11.any judicial personnel committing the crimes as stated in the previous two paragraphs is to be severely punished司法工作人员犯前两款罪的,从重处罚

12.The researchers told eight of the recruits in the study to commit a mock crime.研究人员让8名受试的新兵模拟犯罪,

13.Besides the jury, the judge believed the prisoner to be guilty.除陪审员外,法官也相信这犯人有罪。

14.Positive Research on Regulating Senior Managers" Crime in State-owned Enterprises;国有企业高管人员犯罪控制实证研究

15.Research on the Subject of Crime of Chinese State Functionaries;我国国家工作人员犯罪主体问题研究

16.Legal Defect and Countermeasures on Phenomena of HIV/AIDS Patients Crime Offence and Violation of The Law;染艾人员犯罪面临的法律空缺与对策

17.An Overview of the Economic Crimes by Abusing Duty in NGO;NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪规制综述

18.An Analysis of Reasons and Countermeasures for Official Crimes;公职人员职务犯罪的原因剖析及对策


Criminal archieves犯罪人员档案

3)maritime criminal law船员犯罪

1.The legislation ofmaritime criminal law has been mentioned more and more, especially the part relating to the seafarers, according to the conventional navigation habits and the specialty of marine field, is attracted.海事刑事立法已逐渐提上日程,其中有关规制船员犯罪──基于古老的航海习惯和海事领域的特殊性而被视为犯罪行为的刑事立法更为各方所关注。

4)Governmental Official Crime官员犯罪

5)Criminous person MIS违法犯罪人员信息系统

6)crimes committed by judicial officers司法工作人员犯罪



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