抑郁症健康 > 在监女犯 Female criminals英语短句 例句大全

在监女犯 Female criminals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-18 04:12:49


在监女犯,Female criminals

1)Female criminals在监女犯

1.In this paper,three scales---TAS-20,TSCS and CSQ are employed to survey 284 female criminals among whom 152 people suffering high alexithymia are selected to be given a statistical analysis of their self-conception and way to deal with problems.采用TAS-20、TSCS、CSQ量表对284名在监女犯进行问卷测量,从中筛选出152名高述情障碍者的自我概念和应对方式进行数据统计与分析,结果显示高述情障碍女犯的积极自我概念下降而消极自我批评上升,应对问题的成熟方式趋于下降,而不成熟和混合型方式趋于上升;高述情障碍与TSCS量表的总分和PH、PER、SO、ID、SA、B因素有显著负相关,与SC以及CSQ量表的"自责"、"幻想"、"退避"和"合理化"因子有显著正相关。


1.The Effect of Alexithymia on the Psychological Health of Female Criminals述情障碍对在监女犯心理健康的影响

2.A Research about Female Criminals" Mental Differences of Self-conception在监女犯自我概念高低的心理差异研究

3.A female prisoner who is pregnant or breast-feeding her baby may serve her sentence outside of prison.怀孕或正在哺乳自己婴儿的女罪犯,享受监外执行的待遇。

4.Screening Analysis of Female Criminer in Prison with Syphilis in Harbin from 1996 to 19981996~1998年哈尔滨市女性在押犯罪人员梅毒监测分析

5.For a female criminal who is pregnant or breast-feeding her baby, or a criminal who is seriously ill, the People"s Court may sentence the prisoner to serve his or her term outside of prison.对于怀孕或正在哺乳自己婴儿的犯罪妇女及有严重疾病的罪犯,人民法院可判处监外执行。

6.The prisoner travelled under police escort.囚犯在警察监管下行进。

7.The jail"s commander, Maj. Dave Wedding, said some women have exposed themselves to male inmates in video visitation booths, located in plain view in the jail"s main lobby.监狱狱长伟丁表示,一些妇女在监狱大厅的视频探视镜头前将身体清楚地暴露给男囚犯看。

8.Characteristics of Crimes by Women Prisoners from Countryside and Countermen-sires against Them;监内农村女性罪犯的特点及改造对策

9.Tom make a blunder in front of his girlfriend.汤姆在女友面前犯了错。

10.He tries to involve Julie, a saloon girl, in his plans but she turns him in to the authorities.琼.劳福德在恶魔岛监狱旁的夜总会当女歌手,罪犯克拉克.博逃狱时躲进了她的化妆室。

11.A comparative study on SCL - 90 of female prisoners;在押女犯与社会女性SCL-90对照研究

12.As for the proportion of male and female prison inmates, men outnumber women 24 to 1.关于男性监狱囚犯和女性监狱囚犯的比例,男性以24:1的高比例远超过女性.

13.Altogether, there were 3347 males and 411 females under active after-care supervision at the end of 1997.年底时,共有3347名男犯人和411名女犯人接受善后监管。

14.Logic Principles and Reform of Offendress Rights Protection in Our Country;我国监狱女犯权利保护的理论基础与制度安排

15.On the Prevention and Control for Female Crime;女性犯罪防控问题研究——以河北省女子监狱的调查为视角

16.Inmates rioted at Attica Prison in 1971.1971 年(美国)阿提卡监狱的在监犯发动了一场暴乱。

17.In former times, prisoners" heads were impaled on pointed stakes.从前的人把监犯的头钉在尖桩上.

18.The government guarantees the provision of food, clothing, shelter and articles of daily use for prison inmates.罪犯在监狱服刑期间的吃、穿、


Women in Custody在押女犯

1.Research on SupervisingWomen in Custody;在押女犯应对方式相关因素的研究


1.The rescue of theprisoners and the tit-for-tatstruggle between Taiping troops and the Qing government;砸狱劫囚与以毒攻毒——太平天国北伐时期清政府的监犯问题

4)Female criminal serve sentence女犯人

5)female crime女性犯罪

1.As a social problem,female crime has endangered social stability and harmony.女性犯罪作为一个社会问题,已经严重危害到社会的稳定与和谐。

2.The paper gives an analysis of the social reason of Chinesefemale crimes in light of cultural transition,aiming at a breakthrough in some traditional views and a clarification of misunderstandings in knowledge,thus to provide social prevention countermeasures againstfemale crimes.女性犯罪是当今社会不可忽视的一个重要问题,不但给众多家庭造成了悲剧,而且对社会危害程度日趋严重,已经成为影响经济发展、社会稳定的不可忽视的因素,应当引起高度重视。

3.Female crime increased fast in recent years,and we should attach significance to the harm offemale crime.近年来,中国女性犯罪快速增长,其危害应引起全社会的重视。

6)women crime女性犯罪

1.Domestic violence,which is imposed on women by men,andwomen crime which is caused by domestic violence are the extreme conflicts between intimacy.男性对女性的家庭暴力及其所引发的女性犯罪就是这种两性冲突的极端表现。

2.Domestic violence imposed on women,andwomen crimes caused by it are the extreme reflection by this sexual conflict.男性对女性的家庭暴力及其所引发的女性犯罪就是这种两性冲突的极端反映。

3.At present,women crimes in China have the following characteristics: Young and middle-aged women with lower educational background are the main parts ofwomen crimes,most of which are related with "money" and "emotion".目前中国的女性犯罪呈现出以下特点:在主体上以中青年为主,文化程度偏低;在主观方面动机多与“钱”、“情”有关;在客体上呈现出整体集中性和地域分散性的特点;在客观方面行为手段较隐蔽,组织形式开始向独立型发展。



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