抑郁症健康 > 深部脑刺激技术可以治疗抗药性抑郁症


时间:2023-07-28 17:02:58



Deep brain stimulation技术用来治疗抗药性抑郁症似乎是一个很具有前景的方法。将称为Pacemaker的刺激信息发送器以及与之相连的电极植入脑部,选择性地刺激某个脑区域,调节神经细胞的放电,从而达到治疗的目的。目前被认为能治愈一系列精神疾病。加拿大St. Jude公司使用自己的DBS产品Libra对21名长期()抑郁症患者进行治疗,通过植入DBS,刺激布罗德曼25区。半年后,通过神经心理学量表Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression进行症状测定,发现62%的患者症状减轻了40%。

According to the latest data in a clinical study supported bySt. Jude Medical, Inc.(NYSE:STJ), deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy for depression may provide sustainable improvement in depression symptoms among patients with major depressive disorder. Study results will be presented today at theAmerican Psychiatric Association(APA) meeting inSan Francisco.

This study profiles 21 patients with DBS therapy in the area of the brain known as Brodmann Area 25, most of whom have completed one year of post-surgery evaluation. At six months, 62 percent of the patients experienced at least a 40-percent decrease in symptoms of depression as measured by a standardized test called the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Of these patients, 92 percent maintained this improvement at their last follow-up visit (typically at one year). Additionally, 71 percent of all patients in the study exhibited at least a 40-percent decrease in symptoms of depression as measured by theHamiltonscale.

“Typically these patients do not maintain responses to traditional approaches such as medications and electroconvulsive therapy,” said

Peter Giacobbe, M.D., psychiatrist with the University Health Network inTorontoand presenter of the study results. “We are encouraged that this data indicates DBS therapy may provide sustainable improvement in the quality of life for these patients.”

Ongoing at three leading Canadian academic medical centers, the study utilizes the St. Jude Medical Libra® Deep Brain Stimulation System to deliver stimulation to an area of the brain known as Brodmann Area 25, which appears to become overactive in severely depressed people. The pilot study builds upon the research of

Helen Mayberg, M.D., and

Andres Lozano, M.D.

Patients in the study had suffered from depression for an average of 20 years, had tried in excess of 12 depression medications and were considered disabled or unable to work at the time of enrollment. At the 12-month evaluation point, eight of the study patients had returned to daily life activities such as school, work and sustaining relationships with family and friends, and two patients were considered to be in remission.

“These results are important as they contribute to the growing body of research about the potential benefits deep brain stimulation may provide this patient population,” said

Chris Chavez, president of the St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation Division. “We are committed to expanding our research into the field of depression and to completingthe BROADEN™ study to determine whether stimulation of Brodmann Area 25 is clinically significant intreating severely depressed patients who have exhausted other treatment options."

The early results of the Brodmann Area 25 pilot study led to the establishment of the BROADEN (BROdmann Area 25 DEep brain Neuromodulation) study, a larger controlled, blinded pivotal study. The BROADEN study is being conducted under aU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) Investigational Device Exemption (IDE). For more information about this clinical study, call toll-free 866-787-4332 or visit .

An estimated 21 million adult Americans suffer from depression according to theNational Mental Health Advisory Council. Of these, approximately 4 million live with severe depression that does not respond to medications, psychotherapy and, in certain cases, electroconvulsive therapy.

The Libra Deep Brain Stimulation System is currently approved inEuropefor the symptomatic treatment of Parkinson’s disease.St. Jude Medicalhas clinical studies underway in the U.S. for Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor. More than 45,000 patients in 35 countries have been implanted withSt. Jude Medicalneurostimulation systems. For more information aboutSt. Jude Medicalpain therapies, visit .

AboutSt. Jude Medical

St. Jude Medicaldevelops medical technology and services that focus on putting more control into the hands of those who treat cardiac, neurological and chronic pain patients worldwide. The company is dedicated to advancing the practice of medicine by reducing risk wherever possible and contributing to successful outcomes for every patient. Headquartered inSt. Paul, Minn.,St. Jude Medicalemploys approximately 14,000 people worldwide and has four major focus areas that include: cardiac rhythm management, atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular and neuromodulation. For more information, please visit .

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include the expectations, plans and prospects for the Company, including potential clinical successes, anticipated regulatory approvals and future product launches, and projected revenues, margins, earnings and market shares. The statements made by the Company are based upon management’s current expectations and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include market conditions and other factors beyond the Company’s control and the risk factors and other cautionary statements described in the Company’s filings with theSEC, including those described in the Risk Factors and Cautionary Statements sections of the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter endedApril 4, . The Company does not intend to update these statements and undertakes no duty to any person to provide any such update under any circumstance.

