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忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 分享快乐 值得分享!

时间:2020-07-20 13:03:51



People are cheated and horses are ridden. In the past, the way of education was to behave according to books and do things honestly. It doesn seem to work in the real world. There will always be despicable people. Being polite to them will only hurt themselves. I have experienced pain and injury, no matter in the past.


Too many people around have lost sympathy and kindness to society because they meet too many bad people, and they often remind friends that kindness will only bring aggravation and deception. However, up to now, I don know how many unintentional and intentional people have deceived me. From initial consternation to grievance and anger to lethargy and numbness, being cheated will never be used to, and you can recognize everyone. Please treat people around you seriously. Maybe you are changing a kind person.


You may not be understood or even expected, but you must never doubt yourself.


What I want to say more is that if my sincerity is not trusted, it will be an insult to me.


No one dares to say that the road he has traveled all his life suits him best.


We know each other. I never thought you were a bad person.


If there was no deception or lies in the world that day, I think it must be that the world refused to accept peoples existence, that is, living in deception or lies.


We learned to purify water, but we couldn find a way to purify memory.


I want to see the sexual repression hypothesis mentioned by French thinker Foucault in Sex History. People are not killed by sexual repression, and sexual repression is not really abnormal. It is not this that hurts people most, but the loss of spiritual connection, such as betrayal of love or distrust of loved ones. In some repression, the taste of love is definitely not as free as the taste of natural love, but at least there are real emotions in it, but there are only some shortcomings.


Taking pictures of mobile phones is never as good as when they are black.

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