抑郁症健康 > 忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 简短温柔 单纯文艺!

忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 简短温柔 单纯文艺!

时间:2019-05-26 11:19:31



If you don love me, can you tell me? I don want to cry for someone who doesn love me.


"Im in love with him." Why do you want to go back and break my heart with your feelings for him? "Im a human being, and Ill cry. Aren you tired like this? . . .


I have too much in my heart to say. I can share the good times with you. Everything will eventually become a memory.


On the road of life, some things are unavoidable, such as fate; Some things cannot be changed, such as love; Some are indelible, such as memory; Some are hard to give up, such as love, which is better to face bravely than to bear passively; Instead of being alone in silence, its better to erupt in resistance. The harder the road, the greater the resistance and the greater the risk. As long as you walk by, life will be more exciting.


People are like onions, peeled off layer by layer. The first layer is sadness, the second layer is heartache, 3


Do you love me? Do you love me? Will you show up when I am helpless? Will you help me wipe my tears when I cry? Will you accompany me when I am sad? You won !


Don bow your head, the crown will fall off. Don cry, bitch will laugh. Don be sad, your rival in love will be proud.


What hurts me is you, and what makes me cry is you. Then why do you make me feel excited and happy?


My heart hurts so much that I dare not go home. Being alone in an empty room is very depressing, and I feel suffocated. I can help crying. I can breathe.


Im not sad, I don cry, Im just used to parting and loneliness.

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