抑郁症健康 > 简易应对方式量表 Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

简易应对方式量表 Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-20 08:20:07


简易应对方式量表,Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire

1)Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire简易应对方式量表

1.Those people completed questionnaires that included Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36), Social Support Scale (SSRS),Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire, Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and demographic Questionnaire.问卷由五部分组成:健康调查简表(SF-36)、社会支持评定量表、简易应对方式量表和抑郁自评量表、一般社会人口学问卷(自制)。

2)simple copying styles简易应对方式


1.Relationship between Parental Rearing Pattern and Simple Reponse of Middle School Students.;中学生父母教养方式与简易应对方式的关系

2.A Research on the Relationship between the Multi-dimensional of Social Supports between the Simple Coping Styles in Patients of Post-stroke Depression中风后抑郁患者多维感知社会支持与简易应对方式的相关研究

3.A Easy Proof of Several General Relativistic Effect Formula几个广义相对论效应公式的简易证明

4.Electrical Pulse Supply Control Mode and Application in Electrostatic-precipitation电除尘器简易脉冲供电控制方式及应用

5.Method: The treatment was applied to50 cases and compared with40 cases in the control group.方法:对50例新生儿呼吸衰竭应用简易鼻塞式持续呼吸道正压给氧,并与40例对照组进行比较。

6.It offers us a convenient shorthand which will be of use in our further investigation.它提供我们一种方便的简易方式,对于我们进一步的研究有用处。

7.Introducing mass density allows the equation to be simple, understandable and applicable.而且,引入质量密度后,该方程形式简单并易于理解和应用。

8.The Simple Method to Deterine the Configuration of Chiral Molecule Showed by Cuneiform;确定楔形式手性分子构型的简易方法

9.Influence of arrangement ways of reinforcement of prestressing tendon on the box girder natural frequency预应力筋布筋方式对简支梁固有频率的影响

10.Consideration to simplified ways of hearing of criminal general procedure;关于刑事普通程序简易化审理方式的思考——兼评简易程序

11.This method is simple, and possessed of popularization and application value.该方法简单易行,具有推广应用价值。

12.Two Easy Ways To Determine the Directions of the Principal Stresses In A Plane Stress State;二向应力状态主应力方向判别的两种简易方法

13.A Simple Memory Method of Thermodynamic Basic Equations,Coefficient Relations and Maxwell Relationsm;热力学基本方程、对应系数关系式和麦克斯韦关系式的简捷记忆

14.How China"s Banking Deals with the Diversification of International Settlement Ways我国银行业如何应对国际贸易结算方式多元化

15.Introduction of Ecological Momentary Assessment and Other Methods for Measuring Coping Ways;应对方式的生态瞬时评估法及其他测量方法简介

16.This setting method is easy to graps without side effects and leave a small surface of wound.留置方法简便,创伤小,尤不良反应,是简便而易行的冲洗方 法。

17.The calculation procedure with these expressions is straightforward.用这些方程式的计算程序是简单易行的。

18.Simple Implementation Method of Preemptive and Real-time Multitask Processing for Single-chip Microcomputer单片机抢占式实时多任务处理的简易实现方法


simple copying styles简易应对方式


1.Methods Uses(SCL-90)and(SCSQ)lives to120 famous doctors according to the sex minute men and women 2 groups carries on the contrast,result finally uses SPSS 12.方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)对120名持有医师职业资格证的医师根据性别情况分男医师组和女医师组进行调查,结果采用SPSS12。

4)Simple reponse简易应对

1.Objective To study the state of parental rearing andSimple reponse and congruence,and to explore the effects of parental rearing patterns on studentsSimple reponse and congruence.目的了解中学生的父母教养方式与简易应对方式状况,探讨父母教养方式对中学生简易应对方式的影响。

5)simple ways of coping简单应对方式

6)short forms of well known instruments简式量表



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