抑郁症健康 > 脾胃湿热兼肝郁气滞证 Spleen-Stomach Damp-heat and Stagnation of liver-qi Syndromes英语短句 例句大全

脾胃湿热兼肝郁气滞证 Spleen-Stomach Damp-heat and Stagnation of liver-qi Syndromes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-20 00:22:51


脾胃湿热兼肝郁气滞证,Spleen-Stomach Damp-heat and Stagnation of liver-qi Syndromes

1)Spleen-Stomach Damp-heat and Stagnation of liver-qi Syndromes脾胃湿热兼肝郁气滞证

1.Objective:To observe the clinical effect and blight of QingWeiQuShi Fang(QWQSF)to treat patients with chronic superficial gastritis(CSG) belong toSpleen-Stomach Damp-heat and Stagnation of liver-qi Syndromes,by TCM Bianzheng.研究目的:观察导师戈焰教授“清胃祛湿方”治疗脾胃湿热兼肝郁气滞证慢性浅表性胃炎的临床有效性和安全性,客观评价其治疗慢性浅表性胃炎的有效性及安全性,探讨其作用机制,为医院制剂的进一步研制开发打下良好临床前期基础。


1.The Observation of QingWeiQuShi Fang"s Curative Effect in Treating Spleen-Stomach Damp-heat and Stagnation of Liver-qi Syndromes of Chronic Superficial Gastritis清胃祛湿方治疗脾胃湿热兼肝郁气滞证慢性浅表性胃炎临床疗效观察

2.Observation the Effect of Hugan Pill on the Patients of Syndrome of Stagnation of Liver and Spleen Deficiency with Dampness-heat of Liver and Gallbladder with Chronic Hepatitis B护肝滴丸治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝郁脾虚兼肝胆湿热证的临床研究

3.Research on the Relation of Gastric Movement Obstruction Caused by Spleen Deficiency Syndrome or Dampness-heat in Spleen and Stomach Syndrome;脾气虚证、脾胃湿热证与胃动力的关系问题探讨

4.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease of Stagnation of Liver-Qi with Deficiency of the Spleen Complication with Damp-Heat Syndrom with Qingganjiangzhitang清肝降脂汤治疗肝郁脾虚兼肝胆湿热型酒精性脂肪肝的临床研究

5.Clinical Study in Treating Obesity of Syndromes in Spleen Dysfunction Due to Dampness and Liver-qi Stagnation with Acupuncturing Back-Shu and Front-Mu Points俞募配穴针刺治疗脾虚湿阻与肝郁气滞型单纯性肥胖的临床研究

6.Research on the Cellular Immunological Function of Traditional Chinese Medicine Type of Syndrome That Stagnation of the Liver-Qi and Deficiency of the Spleen and Retention of Damp-heat in the Interior from Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B;慢性乙型肝炎肝郁脾虚、湿热中阻证的证型特点研究

7.Clinical Research on Treating Chronic Hepatitis B of Liver Depression and Spleen Deficiency, Heat Resistance Permits with Longchai Decoction龙柴方治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝郁脾虚,湿热内阻证的临床研究

8.Experimental Study on Quantization of Splenogastric Hygropy-rexia Syndroma with Predominance of Wetness and Heat脾胃湿热证湿热偏重量化的实验研究

9.The Experimental Study on Quantizing Dominant Wet and Dominant Heat Type of the Spleen and Stomach Wet Heat Syndrome脾胃湿热证湿、热偏重量化的实验研究

10.Prolonged Ⅱ phase,Ⅲ phase and shortened Ⅰ phase were found in ILS group,DHSS group,RFD group and SPD group.肝胃不和型、脾胃湿热型、饮食停滞型和痰湿中阻型Ⅱ组相、Ⅲ相延长,相缩短;

11.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease of Stagnation of Liver-Qi with Deficiency of the Spleen Complicated with Damp-Heat Syndrome with Qinganjiangzhi Decoction清肝降脂汤治疗肝郁脾虚兼肝胆湿热型非酒精性脂肪肝的临床观察

12.The Treatment of 40 Cases of Chronic Superficial Gastritis Due to Stagnation of Liver Qi and Damp-heat With Chaihu Shugan San and Huanglian Wendan Tang柴胡疏肝散合黄连温胆汤加减治疗肝郁湿热型胃痛证40例

13.Decision Tree Diagnostic Model of Gan-dan Damp-heat Syndrome and Gan-stangnancy Pi-deficiency Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B慢性乙型肝炎患者肝胆湿热证和肝郁脾虚证的决策树诊断模型初探

14.Clinical Trial on Treating Chronic Hepatitis B of Liver-spleen Dampness-heat Type with the Method of Jianpi Qingre Treatment;健脾清热利湿法治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝脾湿热证的临床研究

15.Study on the Expression of IL-8 and HSP70 in Hp-related Gastropathy with Splenogastric Hygropyrexia SyndromeHp相关胃病脾胃湿热证IL-8与HSP70表达的研究

16.Preliminary Research on the Quantizing Diagnostic Criteria of Spleen-Stomach Damp-Heat Syndrome in Chronic Gastritis慢性胃炎脾胃湿热证量化诊断标准的初步研究

17.Study on Blood Stasis of Patients of Chronic Hepatitis B with Syndrome Dampness-heat Retention Spleen;慢性乙型肝炎湿热蕴脾证血瘀的研究

18.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease of Stagnation of Liver-Qi with Deficiency of the Spleen Complicated with Damp-Heat Syndrome with Hugan Dripping Pill;护肝滴丸治疗肝郁脾虚夹湿热型酒精性脂肪肝的临床研究


The Stagnated Heat Syndrome in the Liver and Stomach肝胃郁热证

1.Recognition ofThe Stagnated Heat Syndrome in the Liver and Stomach in the Treatment of Diabetes;肝胃郁热证在消渴病治疗中的辨识

3)spleen-stomach damp-heat syndrome脾胃湿热证

1.Features of intestinal flora in patients with chronic diarrhea ofspleen-stomach damp-heat syndrome;慢性腹泻脾胃湿热证与肠道菌群的关系

2.Quantitative analysis on tongue manifestations in rats withspleen-stomach damp-heat syndrome by optical coherence tomography;应用光学相干层析成像技术对脾胃湿热证大鼠舌象的量化分析研究

3.The Study of Childhood Recurrent Abdominal Pain and TCM Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome with Intestinal Microecology;小儿再发性腹痛的脾胃湿热证与肠道微生态关系的研究

4)spleen-stomach damp-heat脾胃湿热证

1.To explore the expression of EGF and Trefoil factors 1 (TFF1) in the antral mucosa of chronic gastritis withspleen-stomach damp-heat (SSDH) patients.探讨EGF和TFF1在慢性胃炎脾胃湿热患者胃窦粘膜内表达,采用免疫细胞化学的方法,选择慢性浅表性胃炎脾胃湿热证患者20例,与同病脾胃气虚证患者32例和健康人5例对照,结果脾胃湿热组和脾胃气虚组患者的EGF和TFF1的表达与正常对照组相比,有显著性差异(P<0。

2.objective: To investigate the relationship between the heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) , standard CD44 (CD44s) and CD44v6 in chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) patients withspleen-stomach damp-heat syndrome.为探讨慢性萎缩性胃炎(Chronic atrophic gastritis,CAG)脾胃湿热证与热休克蛋白60(HSP60)、热休克蛋白70(HSP70),细胞粘附分子标准型CD44蛋白(CD44s)及CD44的变异体(CD44v)之一CD44v6之间的关系,选择CAG患者71例进行胃镜检查,胃窦部活检标本行快速尿素酶试验及13C呼气试验,检测幽门螺旋杆菌(Hp),病理诊断和HSP60、HSP70、CD44s及CD44v6的免疫组织化学染色,分析比较它们的相关性。

5)spleen-stomach dampness-heat syndrome脾胃湿热证

1.The Observation of Additive Pinelliae Decoction for Purging Stomach-Fire s Curative Effect in Treating Epigastic Pain and Spleen-Stomach Dampness-Heat Syndrome;半夏泻心汤加味治疗胃脘痛脾胃湿热证之疗效研究

2.Objective To study the effect of compound recipe of clearing heat and dissipating dampness on microecology of diarrhea-predominate irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) withspleen-stomach dampness-heat syndrome.目的观察清热化湿法对腹泻型肠易激综合征脾胃湿热证肠道微生态的影响。

6)Splenogastric hygropyrexia syndrome脾胃湿热证

1.Study on the Relationship between Splenogastric Hygropyrexia Syndrome of ROU and the Effects of Zn~(2+), Immunologic Function and HP Infection and Influence on KouKuiFang;复发性口腔溃疡脾胃湿热证与锌、免疫功能和HP的关系及口溃方的影响

2.Studying on splenogastric hygropyrexia syndrome deep is helpful to the research of the spleen"s nature.脾胃湿热证是脾胃实证中的一个常见证型,在消化系统疾病中占有重要的地位,对它的深入研究,有助于脾本质研究的深入开展。


脾胃湿热脾胃湿热 脾胃湿热 病证名。亦称中焦湿热。多由感湿邪或饮食不节、过食肥甘,酿成湿热,内蕴脾胃所致。症见脘腹痞满、体倦身重、大便溏泄、身热口苦、渴不多饮、尿少而黄,甚至面目皮肤发黄如橘子色,舌苔黄腻,脉濡数。治以清热利湿为主。

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