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教师心理契约 teachers psychological contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-17 06:17:53


教师心理契约,teacher"s psychological contract

1)teacher"s psychological contract教师心理契约


1.Research of Contents and Structure of Middle-School Teachers Psychology Bond;中学教师心理契约的内容与结构研究


3.On the Management of University Teachers Psychological Contracts under Circumstance Changes;变革环境下高校教师心理契约管理的探讨

4.Empirical Analysis of the Psychological Contract in Vocational Schools and Study on the Management Strategy高职教师心理契约实证分析及管理策略探索

5.College Teachers Psychological Contract and Its Relation with Job Attitude;高校教师心理契约及其与工作态度的关系

6.Content and Construction of IT Teachers Psychological Contracts at Primary and Secondary Schools;中小学信息技术教师心理契约的内容与构建

7.Structure of the Teachers Psychological Contracts and Influential Factors at Primary and Secondary Schools in Guangdong Province;广东省中小学教师心理契约的结构及影响因素

8.The Structure and Dynamic Development of Faculty"s Psychological Contract大学教师心理契约的结构及其动态变化

9.The Imbalance and Reconstructing about Teachers Psychological Contract: Based on the Reform of Faculty Employment System in University;教师心理契约的失衡与重构——基于高校教师职务聘任制改革的视角

10.Psychological Contract: The Fulcrum of Improving Management Effects of Teachers;心理契约:提升教师管理绩效的支点

11.Management of University Teachers on the Basis of a Mental Contract;基于心理契约基础上的高校教师管理

12.The Management of Experiment Teachers in Colleges and Universities under Psychological Contract心理契约视角下的高校实验教师管理

13.A Study Both on Psychological Contract between Teachers and Students in College and Teachers Fulfillment Effect高校师生心理契约与教师履约效应研究

14.Study on University Teachers" Loyalty in View of Psychological Contract心理契约视角下的高校教师忠诚研究

15.Conclude a Fine Psychological Contract on Part of College Teachers构建高校与教师之间良好的心理契约

16.Experimental Research on Teacher Expectancy Effect in Psychological Contract between Teachers and Students in College;高校师生心理契约中教师期望效应的实证研究

17.A Study on University Faculty Management in the Background of Recruitment System: A Psychological Contract Perspective;聘任制背景下高校教师管理中的心理契约研究

18.Discuss the Management Ways to the University Teachers based on the Psychological Contract Theory;基于心理契约的高校教师管理策略探讨


psychological contract心理契约

1.Analysis on the status and measures of staffpsychological contract;员工群体心理契约现状分析及相关策略研究

2.Probe into correlations betweenpsychological contract theory and nursing human resource management;心理契约理论与护理人力资源管理相关性探讨

3.Demonstration research on the relationship betweenpsychological contract and employee satisfaction;心理契约与员工满意度关系的实证研究

3)Psychological contracts心理契约

1.The construction of good psychological contracts in human resource management;论人力资源管理中良好心理契约的构建

2.An Empirical Study on the Construct Dimensions of Managers Psychological Contracts in China;经理人心理契约结构维度实证研究

3.Psychological contracts exists between employee and organization,which is understanding and expectation for each others responsibilities and obligations.心理契约是员工与组织之间的一种隐含的、未公开说明的对相互义务和责任的理解和期望。

4)psychology contract心理契约

1.Developpsychology contract of personnel with hospital management;浅谈医院管理中员工心理契约的构建

2.The essence ofpsychology contract is modern organization and its members expectation of bodiless psychology.心理契约的本质是现代组织及其成员对无形的心理内容的一系列期望。

3.Based on the significance of organizational and personal psychology,thepsychology contract is introduced into public administration in China.本文将心理契约理论与方法引入到我国公共管理领域,阐述研究了政府与公务员之间心理契约的必要性和实施心理契约管理的可能性。

5)psychological agreement心理契约

1.Life-long employment system as a “relation typepsychological agreement" is the core of Japan s traditional manpower resource management system, which has a profound influence on the shaping of Japan s enterprises competition.终身雇佣制这种"关系型心理契约"是日本传统的人力资源管理系统的核心,对日本企业竞争力的形成具有深远影响。

2.The article is from the current situation of thepsychological agreement in student\"s management of institution of higher learning,probe into the problem and challenge faced in administrative institute of the university at present,put forward and build student\"s suggestion of managingpsychological agreement rationally pointedly.文章从心理契约在高校学生管理工作中的现状,探讨目前高校管理所面临的问题和挑战,有针对性地提出合理建构高校学生管理心理契约的建议。

6)mental contract心理契约

1.The analysis on the application ofmental contract in intellectual employee management;心理契约在知识型员工管理中的应用分析

2.However,the implication and contents ofmental contract between the teachers and universities is different from that of service contract.高校青年教师与高校之间的劳动关系就是一种契约关系,但青年教师心理契约的含义、内容和一般的劳务性心理契约又不同。

3.Employee smental contract coexists with written contract,it can be seen as a supplement of written contract.员工心理契约与书面契约并存 ,它可以看作是书面契约的一个补充 ,对维系雇佣关系 ,保持员工士气等方面都起着十分重要的作用。


心理契约心理契约mental agreements心理契约(mental agreements)美国管理心理学家薛恩(schdn,E.H.)的名著《组织心理学》中的重要概念,指组织与其成员的相互作用和影响,往往是以建立和反复重新建立一种契约的形式表现出来的。成员对组织的热情、责任感和忠诚,以及是否能从自己的工作中获得满足,很大程度上取决于下列条件:(1)职工自感欠了组织什么及能提供何种贡献的期望,和组织能给职工什么期望。这两种期望相匹配的程度如何。(2)双方实际上交换的东西的性质:是用钱来交换工作时间,还是用社交与安全需要的满足来交换勤奋与忠心,或者用自我实现的机会和挑战性任务来交换优质高产及创造性等等各种各样的组合。心理契约总是不断改变的,贯穿于个人在组织中的整个职业生涯,既反映组织的变化与发展,也反映成员不断的组织社会化过程。因此,这是组织心理学的核心概念之一。(张交撰孙俊山审)

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