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异化译法 foreignization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-26 15:03:33




1.By typical examples, this paper aims at bridging the cultural gap and conveying the cultural information by means offoreignization and domestication.本文首先从英汉语言比较的角度,分析了文化差异对习语的影响,并举例说明如何用异化译法和归化译法消除文化障碍,传达习语的文化信息。

2)alienation method of translation异化翻译法

1.Therefore, different linguistic expressions can be transferred between different languages through thealienation method of translation.因此相异的语言表达是可以在不同语言之间通过异化翻译法传移的 ,异化法具有独特优势 ,在翻译理论和实践中有其不可取代的独特地


1.Foreignization: Case Studies on the Translation of Poetic Images by Wang Wei;异化翻译法:王维诗歌意象翻译之个案研究

2.The Alienation Method of Translation: A Perspective of Kant s Sensus Communis;从康德的人类“共通感”看异化翻译法

3.New Study on Foreignization--Study Foreignization from Aspect of Dialectics;异化翻译新究——从辨证法角度商榷翻译中的异化

4.Foreignization:the Best Way to Deal with Cultural Difference in Translation异化:翻译中处理文化差异的最佳方法

5.Differences between Chinese and Russian Cultures and the Translation Methods;俄汉互译中的文化差异及其翻译方法

6.Translation Strategies of Cross-cultural Communication--Domestication and Foreignization;跨文化交际翻译方法:归化和异化策略

7.Domestication and Foreignization:Two Complement Methods in Translation;归化和异化:两种相辅相成的翻译方法

8.A Study on Domestication and Foreignization--In E-C Proverb Translations;归化异化翻译方法在谚语汉译中的运用

9.Domestication and Foreignization──Two Methods Dealing With Culture Differences in Translation;归化与异化——处理翻译中文化差异的两种方法

10.A View of the Cultural Differences of English and Chinese Proverbs and Their Translations;浅谈英汉谚语的文化差异及翻译方法

11.On Treatment of Cultural Factors in Translation;浅谈翻译中文化差异的三种处理方法

12.Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies of English and Chinese Idioms;英汉习语的文化差异及翻译方法探析

13.Methods and principles of trade mark translation in cultural differences;从文化差异看商标翻译的方法及原则

14.Foreignization-the Call of Creative Treason;异化——顺应创造性叛逆的翻译方法

15.The Domestication and Foreignization in Idiom Translating Methods from Cultural Perspective文化视域下习语翻译的异化和归化方法

16.Cultural Difference and Metaphor Translation--Foreignization and Domestication in Translation;从文化差异看比喻翻译——翻译中的归化和异化

17.A Corpus-based Assessment of Legal Text Translation from the Aspect of Legal Cultural Differences;从法律文化差异看法律文本翻译的质量

18.The Application of Domesticating Translation and Foreignizing Translation;归化与异化的翻译方法在实践中的应用


alienation method of translation异化翻译法

1.Therefore, different linguistic expressions can be transferred between different languages through thealienation method of translation.因此相异的语言表达是可以在不同语言之间通过异化翻译法传移的 ,异化法具有独特优势 ,在翻译理论和实践中有其不可取代的独特地

3)foreignizing translation异化翻译

1.This article provides three ways of translating the connotation of the animal words: literal translation, domesticating translation,foreignizing translation.如何处理动物词语的翻译及其内涵意义,对译、归化翻译和异化翻译都是必要的翻译对策。

2.This paper offers a comparative study of Venuti s and Lu Xun s conception offoreignizing translation.本文对韦努蒂和鲁迅的异化翻译观进行了比较。

3.This paper is an attempt to prove that cultural differences are able to be signified by employing the translation strategy offoreignizing translation in which foreignness and strangeness of the original are preserved through the agency of case studies of.结合异化翻译理论以及对林语堂翻译的《浮生六记》证明异化翻译可以凸显文化差异。

4)foreignizing transliteration异化音译

1.And the history of name translation, we could find it experienced a process from the domesticating transliteration toforeignizing transliteration then to the combination of transliteration and free translation.从人名翻译的历史来看,人名翻译经历了一个从归化音译到异化音译再到音意译相结合的变化过程,其背后原因颇为引人深思。


1.Foreignization: Case Studies on the Translation of Poetic Images by Wang Wei;异化翻译法:王维诗歌意象翻译之个案研究

2.He aims to convince people thatforeignization strategy should be the only best strategy to translate culture-loaded terms as far as cultural transmission is concerned, and thus provides a solution to the problem of cultu.作者通过对比分析一些文化负载词的不同翻译方法,让人们相信,就文化传播而论,异化翻译策略是翻译文化负载词的唯一最佳策略。

3.This paper focuses on the principles of translating loan words, especially the application of domestication andforeignization in translating English loan words to Chinese.在涉及文化的问题上,归化翻译和异化翻译是很好的处理方法。


1.By typical examples, this paper aims at bridging the cultural gap and conveying the cultural information by means of foreignization anddomestication.本文首先从英汉语言比较的角度,分析了文化差异对习语的影响,并举例说明如何用异化译法和归化译法消除文化障碍,传达习语的文化信息。



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