抑郁症健康 > 归化异化研究 study of domestication and foreignization英语短句 例句大全

归化异化研究 study of domestication and foreignization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-18 07:21:07


归化异化研究,study of domestication and foreignization

1)study of domestication and foreignization归化异化研究

1.With the emergence of new translation theories,the focus of thestudy of domestication and foreignization has shifted to other aspects like the dominant status of the two strategies,the factors constraining the translator\"s selection and the influence of the strategy selection on the target culture and so on.在新的翻译理论影响下,中国译界有关归化异化研究的重心也开始发生了转移。

2)culture studying of the similarites and differences异文化研究

1.With the growing up of native anthroplogy,it because a kind of misunderstanding that considering the research of anthropdogy as theculture studying of the similarites and differences.随着本土人类学的成长 ,把人类学研究简单视为异文化研究成了一种误解。

3)Differentiated Study差异化研究

4)domesticating and foreignizing approaches to translation归化异化


1.Starting from the influencing factors upon translator’s choice ofdomestication/foreignization,it embeds the choice of translation strategy in the fabrics of receiving culture to display acomplicated picture of the multiple impacts between the choice of translation strategy andvarious norms of receiving culture.国内对翻译的归化/异化的讨论大多局限于文本的语言学认识范畴。



1.A Discussion on Foreignization/Localization on the Dimensions of Culture and Language;论文化/语言层面的异化/归化翻译

2.The Influence of Cultural Difference Upon Domestication And Foreignization in Translation Study论文化差异影响下的翻译归化与异化

3.nonreturn to zero change recording异码变化不归零记录

4.Normalized Difference Vegetation Index归一化差异植被指数

5.Domestication:A Wrong Way in Translation?--A Cultural Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization归化:翻译的歧路?——“归化”与“异化”应用文化层面探讨

6.The Changing Translation-Space & Time in Translation--The Keyword "Dragon" as a Case in Foreignization and Domestication;时也异也—翻译的时空观——“异化”“归化”间

7.Foreignization and Domestication: An Examination from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Translation跨文化交际翻译中的异化与归化问题

8.Cultural Strategies for E-C/C-E Idiom Translation: Domestication & Foreignization;英汉习语翻译的文化策略:归化与异化

9.On Foreignization and Domestication in Translation;从跨文化角度论翻译中的异化与归化

10.Cultural Factors That Affect the Translation Strategy of Foreignization & Domestication;影响异化和归化翻译策略的文化因素

11.Cultural Strategies for the E-C/C-E Proverb Translation: Foreignization and Domestication;英汉谚语互译的文化策略:异化与归化

12.Domestication and Foreignization in the Frademark Translation for the Female Cosmetic;“归化”“异化”与女性化妆品商标的翻译

13.Cognitive schema theory:domestication and foreignization in cultural translation;认知图示理论与文化翻译的归化,异化

14.Foreignization or Domestication from the Perspective of Cultural Interaction;从文化交流角度看归化与异化的选择

15.Domestication and Foreignization in Cross-culture Translation;跨文化交际中的归化和异化翻译现象

16.Approaches to Cultures in Translation: Foreignizing and Domesticating;翻译中文化因素的处理:异化与归化

17.Domestication and Foreignization: an Examination from the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Translation;从跨文化翻译角度看“归化”和“异化”

18.Cultural Strategies for the Translation of Chinese Numbers: Foreignization and Domestication;汉语数字的文化翻译策略:异化与归化


culture studying of the similarites and differences异文化研究

1.With the growing up of native anthroplogy,it because a kind of misunderstanding that considering the research of anthropdogy as theculture studying of the similarites and differences.随着本土人类学的成长 ,把人类学研究简单视为异文化研究成了一种误解。

3)Differentiated Study差异化研究

4)domesticating and foreignizing approaches to translation归化异化


1.Starting from the influencing factors upon translator’s choice ofdomestication/foreignization,it embeds the choice of translation strategy in the fabrics of receiving culture to display acomplicated picture of the multiple impacts between the choice of translation strategy andvarious norms of receiving culture.国内对翻译的归化/异化的讨论大多局限于文本的语言学认识范畴。



归化1.归顺,归附。 2.同化。 3.旧谓甲国人入乙国籍。

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