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弗洛依德 Freud英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-10 11:19:05




1.By combining theFreudian theory of "Structure of Psyche",the personality of Harry is explored and thoroughly analyzed,from which the spiritual emptiness and the loss of the faith of the Americans at that generation is reflected clearly.结合弗洛依德"人格结构说"对"兔子"哈利的人格进行深层剖析,从而看到从他折射出的其所处时代美国人民精神空虚和信仰缺失的社会现状。

2.The influence ofFreud s theory on him was clearly seen.弗洛依德学说对张氏影响也是显而易见的。

3.Freud s influence on Lu Xun manifests itself entirely in his earlier works, and his borrowing ofFreudian theory appears partial.虽然弗洛依德对鲁迅的影响集中于其前期创作,鲁迅对弗洛依德理论的借鉴也只是局部的,但这种影响和借鉴作为鲁迅"拿来主义"的有机组成部分,对其创作及其成就的影响是深远的。


1.Freud was not a Freudian, Jung not a Jungian, and Rogers not a Rogerian.弗洛依德不代表弗洛依德学派,荣格不代表荣格学派,罗杰斯也不代表罗杰斯学派。

2.A Soul Hunter-Cool But Sincerity and Deep Feeling--The Art of Drawing On Lucian Freud;冷静而又热情的灵魂猎者——路西恩·弗洛依德的绘画艺术

3.The Fate of Western Cultural Rebels in China;西方文化叛逆者在中国的命运——从尼采到弗洛依德

4.Freudian moral theory弗洛伊德主义道德理论

5.Freudian criticism弗洛伊德派批评理论

6.a disciple of Freud弗洛伊德学说的信徒

7.an exponent of the opinions of Freud弗洛伊德见解的解释者

8.The Reform of New Freudism to Personality of Freud Theory;新弗洛伊德学派对弗洛伊德人格理论的改造

9.Alfred Prufrock s Song of One-Night Love;阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的一夜情之歌

10.Freudian psychoanalytic school佛洛依德精神分析学派

11.STENFAN ZWEIG AND SIGMUND FREUD;斯·茨威格与弗洛伊德——兼论弗洛伊德及其学说的意义

12.The language artistry of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock;论“J·阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌”的语言艺术

13.On the mermaid image in T.S.Eliot s"The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock;评《J·艾尔弗莱德·普鲁弗洛克情歌》的美人鱼意象

14.On Freudianism and Sherwood Anderson s Literary Creation;论弗洛伊德主义和舍伍德·安德森的文学创作

15.The Moral Forming Throry of New Freudism and the Meaning to Moral Education;新弗洛伊德主义的道德形成理论及其德育意义

16.Flora Manhood squealed, her eye on the Torte.弗洛拉·曼胡德两眼盯住布丁,扬声尖叫。

17.Artist Frank Gaylord created the statues from steel.艺术家弗兰克?盖洛德用钢创作了雕像。

18.Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child.弗洛伊德认为游戏对小孩有好处。


Freudian psychoanalysis弗洛依德精神分析

1.Through the compared analysis on the treatment byFreudian psychoanalysis theory and psychology theory in TCM,it was found that their common point embodied in its practicability and confirmation difficulty.对弗洛依德精神分析治疗和中医心理学理论进行分析比较,其共同之处体现在实用性和难证实性上,同时对疾病的认识、心理治疗和泛性论与禁欲论3个方面进行比较,目的在于通过分析比较指导临床。

3)Fuluoyide"s psychoanalysis method弗洛依德心理分析

4)Sigmund freud弗洛伊德

1.Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalytical Feminism;弗洛伊德与精神分析女性主义

2.Motivity for Sigmund Freud s Personality Formation;弗洛伊德性格形成的原动力

5)Froude number弗洛德数

1.Changing ventilation volume andFroude number,a series supercavity lengths were obtained in different conditions and experiential formula of ventilated cavity length was presented.采用通气的方法在较低水速下(V=7-15m/s)生成人工通气超空泡,通过改变通气率和弗洛德数,获得了不同条件下通气空泡的长度,给出了通气空泡长度与通气率及弗洛德数的经验公式。

2.By changing ventilation volume andFroude number, different supercavity lengths and corresponding drag coefficients of model have been obtained.采用通气的方法在较低水速下(V=7m/s~15m/s)生成人工通气超空泡,通过改变通气率和弗洛德数,获得了不同条件下通气空泡的长度,给出了不同空泡长度下的模型阻力系数。


1.Freud s Psychoanalysis and its Influence on American "Lost Generation" Writers;论弗洛伊德精神分析学说对美国“迷茫一代”作家的影响

ment onFreud s Thought of"Regression of Dreams";弗洛伊德“梦倒退”思想评析

3.Shi Zhecun:Influenced by, but Also Trying to Flee fromFreud;“受其影响,又摆脱影响”——施蛰存与弗洛伊德理论



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