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弗洛伊德 Freud英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-14 15:58:35




1.Freud s Psychoanalysis and its Influence on American "Lost Generation" Writers;论弗洛伊德精神分析学说对美国“迷茫一代”作家的影响

ment onFreud s Thought of"Regression of Dreams";弗洛伊德“梦倒退”思想评析

3.Shi Zhecun:Influenced by, but Also Trying to Flee fromFreud;“受其影响,又摆脱影响”——施蛰存与弗洛伊德理论


1.Freudian moral theory弗洛伊德主义道德理论

2.Freudian criticism弗洛伊德派批评理论

3.a disciple of Freud弗洛伊德学说的信徒

4.an exponent of the opinions of Freud弗洛伊德见解的解释者

5.The Reform of New Freudism to Personality of Freud Theory;新弗洛伊德学派对弗洛伊德人格理论的改造

6.STENFAN ZWEIG AND SIGMUND FREUD;斯·茨威格与弗洛伊德——兼论弗洛伊德及其学说的意义

7.Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child.弗洛伊德认为游戏对小孩有好处。

8.He contradicted Freud once again他再一次同弗洛伊德背道而驰。

9.Freud"s Case of "Wolf Man" and Its Commendatory弗洛伊德的“狼人”案例及其评述

10.By the way, do you know of Dr. Freud?顺便问一下,你知道弗洛伊德吗?

11.She"s an exponent of the opinions of Freud.她是弗洛伊德学说的鼓吹者。

12.Freud is the inventor of psychoanalysis.弗洛伊德是精神分析学说的创立者。

13.I consider that Freud, Kafka and Sartre were right.我认为弗洛伊德、卡夫卡和萨特是对的。

14.A Freudian Approach to an American Tragedy;弗洛伊德心理理论分析《美国悲剧》

15.A Freudian Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Orlando;弗洛伊德式精神分析法解读《奥兰多》

16.The Re-reading of Rat Man: Freud s Study of Obsessive Neurosis;《鼠人》重读——弗洛伊德关于强迫症的研究

17.A Freudian Analysis of the Allegorical Lord of the Flies;用弗洛伊德的“三我说”解读《蝇王》

18.Interpretation of The Butcher s Wife with Freud s Theory of Psychoanalysis;《杀夫》的弗洛伊德精神分析理论阐释


Sigmund freud弗洛伊德

1.Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalytical Feminism;弗洛伊德与精神分析女性主义

2.Motivity for Sigmund Freud s Personality Formation;弗洛伊德性格形成的原动力


1.On Horney s Inheritance and Criticism toFrued;试论霍妮对弗洛伊德的继承与批判

2.This paper provides results about how to manage category on the basis ofFrued s motivation theory.本文将从弗洛伊德的动机理论出发,将其重要观点——无意识动机理论运用到品类创新管理中去。

3.He made literature the mediums of dispelling his sadness,which is in step with views ofFrued.这与精神分析学家弗洛伊德的观点类似。

4)Furoyeed method弗洛伊德法

1.In this paper,we intioduce the general prccers to solve the question of minpath withFuroyeed method and describe how to realize on computer through block diagram.本文介绍了用“弗洛伊德法”解“最短路”问题的一般步骤,并通过框图,描述了这一解题方法是如何在计算机上实现的。


6)Sigmund Freud (1856~1939)弗洛伊德,S.



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