抑郁症健康 > 刘凯老师独家解析:北京市朝阳区高三一模英语「1」


时间:2022-04-29 03:24:10





第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分)




第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5 分,共15 分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

语法填空:这道题目,难度中等,题材涉及到校园友谊,人文科学,和书籍介绍这三大方面,紧贴近几年的考试热点话题。题目考点分布广泛且平均,时态语态考点2 题,非谓语考点 2 题,词性转换考点 1 题,从句考点 2 题,连词考点 2 题,介词考 点 1 题。要求考生有较高的考点辨析能力,并且对各个考点的知识点内容要非常熟悉。如果能准确地判断出每个考点,解答题目的难度就不大了。建议考生平时复习语法时,完成各语法要点的专项学习后,一定要多做综合性的语法填空篇章,提升判断和分析考点能力。


With our graduation day around the corner, I was busy preparing presents for my friends. As usual, I walked into the classroom, only ___1___ (find) a big box standing there. Approaching, I saw my name ___2___ (write) on it. I was quite shocked when the box ___3___ (open) and I saw “myself”, a vivid statue, sitting inside smiling up at me. I was at a complete loss for words. It was the most unique, unconventional present in my life.

【答案】1. to find;2. written/was written;3. was opened/opened;


【刘凯老师详解1】考查动词不定式。句意:像往常一样,我走进教室,却发现一个大箱子立在那里。分析句子可知,此处应用动词不定式作结果状语;only to do sth.是一个比较特殊的不定式结构,常用于表示一种意想不到的结果。故填to find。【本题考查非谓语动词;only to find表达意料之外的结果,本句翻译成“结果却发现一个大盒子立在那里】【only to do“不料(却)……,结果(却)……",表示一个出乎意料的结果(意料之外);only doing“结果就……",表示一个(意料之中)的结果】

【刘凯老师详解2】考查时态和语态/非谓语动词。此处动词write与其逻辑主语“name”之间是被动关系,所以可以用过去分词作后置定语;动词saw后可以加句子,根据全文的时态用一般过去时可知,此处也用一般过去时,所以此处也可以用was written。故填written/was written。

【刘凯老师详解3】考查时态和语态。此处动词open与其逻辑主语“the box”之间是被动关系,根据全文的时态用一般过去时可知,此处也用一般过去时,所以此处可以用was opened,表示箱子被打开了;也可以理解为箱子主动开了,用open的主动形式,时态用一般过去时,即opened。故填was opened/opened。


Analysis finds Earth’s magnetic(有磁性的) field was in place by at least 3.7 billion years ago, as early life arose.

Scientists think that having a magnetic field ___4___ (make) Earth more friendly to life. The field, ___5___ is generated by liquid iron moving about in the planet’s core, protects Earth ___6___ energetic particles(粒子)flowing from the Sun. It helps the planet hold on to its atmosphere and maintain liquid water on its surface.

【答案】4. makes;5. which;6. from;


【刘凯老师详解4】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:科学家认为有磁场使地球对生命更加友好。根据前面的“think”可知,时态用一般现在时;从句的主语“having a magnetic field”表单数,所以动词用第三人称单数形式。故填makes。【本题考查时态语态;提示词make为动词,根据本句中的think可知,时态为一般现在时;主语having a magnetic field为单数】

【刘凯老师详解5】考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子可知,这是一个非限制性定语从句,且空格处在从句中作主语,所以用which引导该从句。故填which。【本题考查定语从句;通过本句可以看出,主句完整,而从句不完整,缺主语,因此考查定语从句中的关系代词;通过翻译可知,此处代替的是the field,指物】



Do you have a mentor(导师) helping you make decisions in your life? If you do, then you are a very lucky person. ___7___ if not, then read the book Tuesdays with Morrie.

It tells the true story of the author, Mitch Albom, and his dying former professor, Morrie Schwartz. ___8___ you read this book, you will learn some very meaningful lessons from a professor dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease. When Mitch visits Morrie every Tuesday, the 78-year-old professor shares words of ___9___ (wise) about love, life, communication, values, and openness with his former student. As a beautiful tale ___10___ (deliver) many powerful lessons about life, this book should be high on everyone’s reading list.

【答案】7. But;8. As/When/Once/If/After;9. wisdom;10. delivering;


【刘凯老师详解7】考查连词。根据空格前的“If you do…”和空格后的“if not…”可知,空格前后之间是转折关系,应用转折连词but。故填But。【本题考查连词;根据前句If you do, then you are a very lucky person.及本句if not 可知,前后为转折关系】

【刘凯老师详解8】考查连词/介词。句意:你读了这本书,你将从一位死于卢格里格病的教授身上学到一些非常有意义的教训。根据空格后的句意和语境可知,此处可以用as“当……时”或when“当……时”或once“一旦”或if“如果”或after“……之后”。故填As/When/Once/If/After。【本题考查状语从句;通过本句可以看出,从句you read this book与主句you will learn some very meaningful lessons from a professor dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease 的关系,即可以是先后关系,也可以是提供条件等关系】



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5 分,共30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

完形填空:文章文体为记叙文。讲述的是学校足球队队长 Malik,在为更换足球队队服寻求赞助时遇到困难,后来通过奶奶 Gidda 想出了用院子里的无花果制作蛋糕卖钱的主意,最后成功挣到了换队服的钱,并把足球队命名为“奶奶队”的故事。


Gidda’s Team

The door closed behind Malik, making Mama look up from the hot meal. “Just in time for dinner. Will you ___11___ Gidda, please?”

Gidda was staying in Malik’s bedroom. He didn’t ___12___ giving up his room for his 82-year-old grandmother at first. But then she didn’t leave. Malik ___13___ over her suitcase on the floor. “Sorry,” Gidda said. “I’m just a nuisance(讨厌的人) here. I’m ___14___” Malik didn’t answer as he helped her up from her chair.

At dinner, Mama asked Malik, “How’s your ___15___ with the coach?”

Malik was captain of school soccer team, and he had to discuss a fundraiser with the coach. They’d have to raise hundreds of dollars to ___16___ their old shirts, and that seemed unlikely unless Malik came up with a(n) ___17___ plan.

Unwillingly, Malik said, “It’s just team stuff.” Changing the ___18___, Malik turned to Gidda. “Do you want to go sit outside after dinner?”

Gidda agreed. In the soft warmth of the evening, Gidda settled herself beneath the enormous fig(无花果) tree. “Feels like home,” she said. But Malik ___19___, “It drops figs everywhere.” Right then, a fig landed on his head. Gidda laughed, picked it up, and took a ___20___. “Perfect. Pick me a bunch. I’ll make fig cakes.”

The next morning, Malik found Gidda making fig cakes in the kitchen. She offered him one. Malik, hoping it wasn’t too awful, put it in his mouth. His eyes ___21___ as he chewed. It was delicious. He eyed the tree in the backyard. How many fig cakes could it ___22___?

Malik grabbed his phone and started ___23___ in a rush of excitement. An hour later, most of the soccer team gathered in the kitchen, and ate up fig cakes.

“Gidda’s Fabulous(极好的) Fig Cakes!” Malik said. “We’ll ___24___ them! Gidda said they were easy to make; she’ll ___25___ us how.”

At dinner that night, Gidda shared their plan with Mama, smiling ___26___ as she repeated the title Malik gave on her, “Team Grandmother.”

The next day, the kitchen was full of ___27___. Walking slowly among the excited boys, Gidda taught them to make fig cakes. Soon the fig cakes piled up.

As Malik ___28___, Gidda’s Fabulous Fig Cakes were a huge hit and they were quickly sold out.

When the new ___29___ arrived just in time for the opening game, Coach Garcia invited Gidda to watch. She arrived early, and waved at Malik. Then she turned ___30___ to show off her shirt. On the back were the words Team Grandmother.

【答案】11. B;12. D;13. C;14. A;15. D;16. B;17. A;18. C;19. D;20. C;21. A;22. A;23. B;24. C;25. B;26. A;27. D;28. B;29. C;30. D;


11. A. watchB. fetch

C. visit D. serve

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:请你去接吉达好吗?A. watch观察,看守;B. fetch请来,吸引;C. visit拜访;D. serve招待,服务于。由上一句“Just in time for dinner.”可知,此处表示请吉达来吃饭【本题是动词题;根据前句中“Just in time for dinner,”,可知,到了吃晚餐的时间,妈妈是希望我去叫奶奶(Gidda)吃饭,fetch sb. 有叫某人的含义。其余选项含义为:watch(观看),visit(拜访),serve(服务)】

12. A. allow B. enjoy

C. consider D. mind

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他一开始不介意把房间让给82岁的祖母。A. allow允许;B. enjoy享受;C. consider考虑;D. mind介意。由下文“But then she didn’t leave.”并结合语境可知,一开始他不介意把房间让给82岁的祖母。【本题是动词题;根据后文“But then she didn’t leave”以及“Malik didn’t answer as he helped her up from her chair”可知,Malik 对奶奶的情绪是正态度,所以选择 mind ,跟前面的 didn’t 组合表示不介意。其余选项含义为:allow(允许),enjoy(喜欢),consider(考虑)】

13. A. lookedB. handed

C. trippedD. turned

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:马利克在地板上被手提箱绊倒了。A. looked看,注意;B. handed传递,交给;C. tripped绊倒,跌倒;D. turned转动。由下文“Sorry,” Gidda said可知,此处指马利克在地板上被手提箱绊倒了。故选C项。

14. A. uselessB. unlucky

C. scared D. nervous

【刘凯老师详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我无用。A. useless无用的;B. unlucky不幸运的;C. scared害怕的;D. nervous紧张的。由上一句“I’m just a nuisance(讨厌的人) here.”可知,吉达认为自己无用。故选A项。

15. A. training B. appointment

C. negotiation D. meeting

【刘凯老师详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:你和教练的会面怎么样了?A. training训练;B. appointment约定;C. negotiation谈判;D. meeting会面。由下文中的“he had to discuss a fundraiser with the coach”可知,马利克跟教练见面商量筹款人的事情。故选D项。

16. A. buy B. replace

C. iron D. abandon

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们不得不筹集数百美元来更换旧衬衫,除非马利克想出一个绝妙的计划,否则这似乎不太可能。A. buy购买;B. replace更换,替换;C. iron熨;D. abandon抛弃。由空格后的“their old shirts”和下文“When the new ______ arrived just in time for the opening game”可知,此处指他们不得不筹集数百美元来更换旧衬衫。故选B项。

17. A. brilliant B. random

C. original D. personal

【刘凯老师详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们不得不筹集数百美元来更换旧衬衫,除非马利克想出一个绝妙的计划,否则这似乎不太可能。A. brilliant绝妙的;B. random随机的,任意的;C. original原来的;D. personal个人的。由上文“that seemed unlikely unless Malik came up with a(n)”并结合语境可知,此处表示除非马利克想出一个绝妙的计划,否则这似乎不太可能。故选A项。

18. A. planB. attitude

C. subject D. way

【刘凯老师详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:转移话题,马利克转向吉达。A. plan计划;B. attitude态度;C. subject话题;D. way方法。由上文Unwillingly, Malik said, “It’s just team stuff.”并结合上文内容可知,此处指马利克转移话题。故选C项。

19. A. repeatedB. reported

C. explainedD. complained

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但马利克抱怨说:“它到处都是无花果。”A. repeated重复;B. reported报告;C. explained解释;D. complained抱怨。由空格前的“But”和空格后的“It drops figs everywhere.”可知,此处指马利克抱怨说道。故选D项。

20. A. picture B. test

C. bite D. break

【刘凯老师详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:吉达笑了,拿起它,咬了一口。A. picture照片,图画;B. test测试;C. bite咬;D. break休息。由下文“Perfect. Pick me a bunch. I’ll make fig cakes.”并结合语境可知,吉达笑了,拿起它,咬了一口。take a bite意为“吃一口”。故选C项。

21. A. widened B. moved

C. focused D. opened

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他边嚼边睁大眼睛。A. widened放宽,睁大;B. moved移动;C. focused使聚焦;D. opened开。由下文“It was delicious. He eyed the tree in the backyard.”可知,此处表示因为好吃所以他边嚼边睁大眼睛。故选A项。

22. A. produce B. donate

C. deliver D. exchange

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:用它能制作多少无花果蛋糕?A. produce生产;B. donate捐赠;C. deliver递送,交付;D. exchange交换。由上文的“I’ll make fig cakes.”并结合语境可知,马利克问用它能制作多少无花果蛋糕。故选A项。

23. A. running B. texting

C. shouting D. thinking

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:马利克拿起手机,兴奋地发短信。A. running跑步;B. texting发短信;C. shouting吼叫;D. thinking想,考虑。由上文“Malik grabbed his phone”和下文“An hour later, most of the soccer team gathered in the kitchen, and ate up fig cakes.”并结合语境可知,兴奋地发短信。故选B项。

24. A. present B. send

C. sellD. reserve

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们会卖掉它们!A. present赠送,颁发;B. send寄,派遣;C. sell卖,销售;D. reserve预订。由下文“they were quickly sold out”并结合语境可知,此处指卖掉它们。故选C项。

25. A. prepare B. show

C. choose D. write

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:吉达说它们很容易做,她会教我们怎么做的。A. prepare准备;B. show展示;C. choose选择;D. write写。由下文“Gidda taught them to make fig cakes”并结合语境可知,此处指她会教“我们”怎么做无花果蛋糕。故选B项。

26. A. proudly B. politely

C. shyly D. bitterly

【刘凯老师详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上的晚餐上,吉达和妈妈分享了他们的计划,她骄傲地微笑着,重复着马利克给她的头衔:“团队祖母”。A. proudly骄傲地;B. politely礼貌地;C. shyly害羞地;D. bitterly悲痛地。由下文“the title Malik gave on her, ‘Team Grandmother’.”并结合语境可知,此处指她骄傲地微笑着。故选A项。

27. A. tension B. hope

C. praise D. energy

【刘凯老师详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天,厨房里充满了活力。A. tension紧张;B. hope希望;C. praise赞美;D. energy活力。由下文“Walking slowly among the excited boys”并结合语境可知,此处指厨房里充满了活力。故选D项。

28. A. promised B. predicted

C. announced D. identified

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:正如马利克预测的那样,吉达的无花果蛋糕非常畅销,很快就卖完了。A. promised承诺;B. predicted预测;C. announced通告;D. identified识别。由上文“Malik said. ‘We’ll ______ them!’”并结合可知,正如马利克预测的那样,吉达的无花果蛋糕很快就卖完了。故选B项。

29. A. socks B. boots

C. uniforms D. gloves

【刘凯老师详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当新制服刚好赶上首场比赛时,加西亚教练邀请吉达观看比赛。A. socks袜子;B. boots靴子;C. uniforms制服;D. gloves手套。由上文“They’d have to raise hundreds of dollars to ______ their old shirts”可知,新制服刚好赶上首场比赛。故选C项。

30. A. back B. away

C. downD. around

【刘凯老师详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后她转过身来炫耀她的衬衫。turn back“往回走,阻挡”;turn away“避开”;turn down“拒绝,关小”;turn around“转身”。由下文“On the back were the words Team Grandmother.”可知,此处指她转过身。故选D项。






