抑郁症健康 > 抗焦虑作用 anxiolytic英语短句 例句大全

抗焦虑作用 anxiolytic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 12:09:38




1.Theanxiolytic effect and the mechanism of taurine (TA) were preliminarily investigated by means of behavioral pharmacological methods for the first time.本课题主要运用行为药理学的方法观察了牛磺酸(Taurine,TA)的抗焦虑作用,同时对其作用机理进行了初步探讨。

2.Theanxiolytic effect and the mechanism of succinic acid (SA) were preliminarily investigated by means of behavioral methods for the first time.本课题主要运用行为药理学手段观察了琥珀酸(succinic acid,SA)的抗焦虑作用,同时对其作用机制进行初步探讨,并阐明了SA与地西泮(diazepam,DZ)的不同作用特点。


1.Study on the Anxiolytic Effect of Extracts of Jieyouanshen Decoction解虑安神汤提取部位抗焦虑作用的研究

2.Effect of midazolam on digital substract angiography咪哒唑仑对脑血管造影术患者的抗焦虑作用

3.Influence of personality on propofol resisting anxiety in eyeground operation人格因素对眼底手术中异丙酚抗焦虑作用的影响

4.Objective To study the Influence of personality on propofol resisting anxiety in eyeground operation.目的研究人格中情绪因素对眼底手术中异丙酚抗焦虑作用的影响。

5.Studies on the Best Prescription of Anxiolytic Effect of Huanglianejiao Decoction and Optimum Selection of Extraction;黄连阿胶汤抗焦虑作用的最佳配比和提取工艺的实验研究

6.Effect of Banxia-Houpo Decoction, Magnolol and Honokiol on Gastrointestinal Movement, and Their Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Effects;半夏厚朴汤及厚朴主要成分促胃肠运动、抗焦虑和抗抑郁作用的研究

7.Fruit Chan’s Dumplings: Horror, Confrontation and Anxiety恐怖·对抗·焦虑——陈果转型作品《饺子》的三重解读

8.The Role of Emotion Regulation in the Treatment of Child Anxiety Disorders;情绪调节在儿童焦虑症治疗中的作用

9.The Effect of Cognition Training on Different Kinds of Test Anxiety;认知训练对不同类型考试焦虑的作用

10.The efficacy of psychological behavioral intervention on dental anxiety and social anxiety in adult orthodontic patient心理行为干预对成人正畸治疗患者牙科焦虑和社交焦虑的作用

11.A Survey on Administrations of the Anti-Anxiety Agents for In-patients of Psychiatric Department住院精神科病人抗焦虑药物应用调查分析

12.Stress Management: ERP Studies of the Effect of Relaxation on the Undergraduates with Trait Anxiety;应激管理:松弛法对特质焦虑者作用的ERP研究

13.Teachers Role in Minimizing Child Learners Anxiety in ELL;教师在消除儿童英语学习焦虑中的作用

14.Moderating Effect of Self-efficacy on the Relationship Between Neuroticism and Test Anxiety;自我效能感对神经质-考试焦虑的调节作用

15.To Release Language Anxiety in a Humanistic Approach;论人本主义理念在减轻语言焦虑中的作用

16.Anxiety Relieving Study on the Aroma of Three Kinds of Essential Oil三种芳香植物精油香气对缓解焦虑作用的研究

17.Application of Employment Guidance Course in Relieving Employment Anxiety of Poverty-Stricken College Students就业指导课在缓解贫困生就业焦虑中的作用

18.The Relationship of Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement:The Role of Moderated Mediator考试焦虑与学业成绩的关系:有调节的中介作用



3)antianxiety drugs抗焦虑药

1.Analysis of uses for sedative-hypnotics andantianxiety drugs in Beijing Anding Hospital during 2001-;2001-北京安定医院镇静催眠及抗焦虑药用药分析

2.),antianxiety drugs(Benzodiazepinds,buspirone),mood stabilizers(lithium carbonate,arbamazepine,s odium valproate,topiramate,et al.文内对心理行为疾病的治疗药物包括抗抑郁药(三环类抗抑郁药、单胺氧化酶抑制剂、选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂等)、抗焦虑药(苯二氮类药物、丁螺环酮)、情感稳定剂(锂盐、丙戊酸钠、卡马西平、妥泰)、抗精神病药(传统抗精神病药、不典型抗精神病药)等作一概述。

4)Anxiolytic effect抗焦虑

1.Research on the anxiolytic effects of Ningxin compound extract;宁心复方提取物抗焦虑作用实验研究

5)anti-anxiety agents抗焦虑药


1.Objective To explore theanti-anxiety effects of Rana temporaria chensinensis David egg oil.目的研究中国林蛙卵油 (eggoilofRanatemporariachensinensisDavid ,EORTCD)的抗焦虑作用。

2.Theanti-anxiety effects of egg oil of Rana temporaria chensinensis David (EORTCD), the liposoluble part extracted from Rana temporaria chensinensis David by supercritical fluid extraction of CO_2 and the mechanism of EORTCD were studied preliminarily.本文对中国林蛙卵的CO_2超临界萃取物中国林蛙卵油(egg oil of Rana temporaria chensinensis David,EORTCD)的抗焦虑作用及其机理进行了探索。

3.Objective To select effectiveanti-anxiety herb for clinical application.目的筛选抗焦虑中药材,为临床配伍应用提供依据。



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