抑郁症健康 > 老年性白内障 Senile cataract英语短句 例句大全

老年性白内障 Senile cataract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-09 23:16:10


老年性白内障,Senile cataract

1)Senile cataract老年性白内障

1.Clinical study on treatment of senile cataract by Fumingpian;复明片治疗老年性白内障的临床研究

2.Relationship between preoperative nitric oxide level in aqueous humor and postoperative inflammation in patients with senile cataract;老年性白内障术前房水一氧化氮水平与术后炎症反应的关系

3.A clinical study on the treatment senile cataract with ziyinbushenpian(滋阴补肾片);滋阴补肾片治疗老年性白内障临床观察


1.Genetics Studies on Hereditary Cataract and Age Related Cataract;遗传性白内障与老年性白内障的遗传学研究

2.Value of High Frequency Ultrasound in Diagonsis of Senile Cataract高频超声对老年性白内障的诊断价值

3.A Study of There Lationship between Nitricoxide and Senile Cataract Group, Type-2 Diabetic Cataract Group;一氧化氮对老年性白内障糖尿病性白内障的影响及意义

parison between the influence of tear film after ultrasonic phacoemulsification in simple age-related cataract and diabetic cataract超声乳化术对单纯老年性白内障与老年糖尿病性白内障泪膜影响的比较

5.Study on Superoxide Dismutase and Trace Element in Patients with Senile Cataract老年性白内障超氧化物歧化酶与微量元素研究

6.Correlation of Occurrence of Senile Cataract with Fluorine in the地氟病区老年性白内障的发生与氟的关系

7.Study of Calculation and Control Measures of Expenses of Case Mix in Senile Cataract;老年性白内障病例组合费用测算与控制研究

8.The Study of Contrast Sensitivity Function in Post-operative Senile Cataract Patients;老年性白内障摘除术后对比敏感度视觉的研究

9.The Investigation of Binocular Visual Function of Postoperative Senile Cataract Patients;老年性白内障术后双眼视觉功能的研究

10.The Prevention and Cure of the hotiai Cataract of Alderly People by Means of Chinese and Western medicine;初发期老年性白内障中、西医治疗及防御

11.The expression and significance of p33~(ING 1) and p53 in age-related cataract老年性白内障中p33~(ING 1)和p53的表达及临床意义

12.Evaluation of the retinometer examination for predicting senile cataract postoperative visual acuity视网膜计预测老年性白内障术后视力评价

13.Clinical Observation of Yiming Capsules in Treatment of Senile Cataract易明胶囊治疗老年性白内障的临床研究

14.Phasic Change of Crystallins with Ageing and Its Role in Senile Cataract;晶体蛋白时相性改变及对老年性白内障形成的影响

15.The Study of HSF4 on Protein Expression of HLECs and Relation with Senile CataractHSF4对HLECs蛋白表达的影响及与老年性白内障的相关性研究

16.Expression of Aquaporin 1 in Lens Epithelial Cells of Clear Lens and Age-related Cataract透明晶状体和老年性白内障晶状体上皮细胞水通道蛋白1的表达

17.Expression and Significance of Hsp70 in the Epitheliar Layer of Age-related Cataract;热休克蛋白70在老年性白内障晶状体上皮细胞的表达及意义

18.Expression and Significance of hsp27 in the Epithelial Layer of Age-related Cataract;热休克蛋白27在老年性白内障晶状体上皮细胞的表达及意义


age-related cataract老年性白内障

1.Characteristics of electrophysiology of vision inage-related cataract;老年性白内障电生理分析

2.Expression of heat shock protein70 in humanage-related cataract lens epithelial cells and its significance;热休克蛋白70在老年性白内障晶状体上皮细胞中的表达及意义

3.The safety management of inpatients withage-related cataract;老年性白内障住院患者的安全管理

3)non-age related cataract非老年性白内障

1.AIM: To evaluate the effects of co-application ofnon-age related cataract surgery and removal of anterior portion of vitreous.目的:观察非老年性白内障摘除术中联合应用前部玻璃体切割的疗效。

4)Senile cataract老年白内障

1.The top three of the depression incidence rate of single disease were senile cataract (19.单病种抑郁状态发生率以老年白内障(19。

5)great aged senile cataract高龄老年性白内障

parison of phacoemulsification and small incision in extraction ofgreat aged senile cataract;小切口和超声乳化术在高龄老年性白内障摘出术中的对比研究

6)senile cataract/surgery老年性白内障/外科学


先天性白内障先天性白内障congenital cataract在出生时或因晶体在胚胎过程中发育受障碍所致,或于婴幼儿发育过程中晶体逐渐变为混浊,失去常态。以遗传、胚胎时感染(特别是早期风疹病毒感染)、孕妇营养不良为主要病因。临床表现多为双侧性、静止性,也有呈进行性终至全部晶体混浊者。对视力影响不大者,无需手术;严重影响视力者,应及时、早期手术(1~2岁为宜),以免妨碍视觉功能发育导致弱视与眼球震颤。

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