抑郁症健康 > 高龄人群 senile people英语短句 例句大全

高龄人群 senile people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-10 00:54:56


高龄人群,senile people

1)senile people高龄人群

1.Our country is becoming a community which has more and moresenile people.我国已进入老龄化社会,而高龄人群由于生理特性的衰退、心理特性的改变以及社会地位的下降,导致其交通行为特性与交通需求都发生了变化,因此,对作为高龄人群最常用出行方式载体的人行道系统进行是否适应高龄人群特性的研究就显得很有必要。


1.A Study on the Applicability of Pavement for Senile People;人行道系统对高龄人群的适应性研究

2.Analysis of the total hip replacement for the aged population with femoral neck fracture高龄人群股骨颈骨折后行人工髋关节置换的分析

3.Traction Table-Assisted Mini-Incision Dynamic Hip Screws Fixation for Treatment of Femoral Intertrochanteric Fractures in the Elderly牵引床辅助下小切口DHS内固定治疗高龄人群股骨转子间骨折

4.The clinical application of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in senile patients with biliary disease治疗性内镜下逆行胰胆管造影在高龄人群胆系疾病中的应用

5.Characteristics of the Most Robust and the Frailest Oldest-Olds in China with Discussion of Determinants of Health Status;中国高龄老人最健康和最不健康群体特征分析——兼论中国高龄老人健康影响因素

6.Correlation between TCM Symptom and Hypercoagluability of the Elder People;老龄人群中医证候类型与血液高凝状态相关性研究

7.Gender and age differences in the distribution of the HDL subclasses among the Chinese population Gender,age and HDL subclasses distribution中国人群年龄与性别在高密度脂蛋白亚类分布的差异

8.The Chinese tend to be smug about old age.中国人向来以高龄为荣。

9.My daughter will not assort with people of her own age.我女儿和她的同龄人不合群。

10.The average age of majority of hair color users is 30-60 years.染发主体人群的平均年龄为30-60岁。

11.Heart Rate Variation in Normal Subjects among Various Age Groups;不同年龄段人群在常态下的心率变化

12.Aging Effect of Lead on Occupational Exposure Workers;职业性铅接触对作业人群的增龄效应

13.Birth Preference of People at Birth Age in Changzhou City and Its Causes;常州市育龄人群生育意愿及影响因素

14.Survey and Analysis of the Fertility Desires of the Childbeanng - aged People;千名育龄人群生育意愿的调查与分析

15.Caries prevalence among residents of Hainan province海南省城乡不同年龄段人群龋病调查

16.Research on Universal Design of the "Public Goods" Concerning the Aging Population关注老龄人群的“共用品”通用设计研究

17.The MRI research for corpus callosum of normal Chinese human of differential-age group正常人不同年龄群胼胝体的MRI研究

18.Analysis of normal eye anterior segments in different ages不同年龄正常人群眼前节参数的分析


reproductive population育龄人群

3)age set[人]年龄群

4)the oldest old高龄老人

1.Analysis of Self-rated Health of the Oldest Old;高龄老人健康自评的比较分析

2.Abstract: Based on the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey conducted in 2002,this paper analyzes the similarities and differences in individual determinants of ADL betweenthe oldest old and the young old.结果发现:高龄老人和低龄老人ADL状况存在显著差异;年龄、认知能力、慢性病、情绪、躯体健康以及体力劳动是影响老年人ADL下降的关键因素。

3.Medical expenses have brought heavy pressures both onthe oldest old and on their families, and come to be an important cause of the lower life quality.医疗费用支出给老人及其家庭带来极大压力 ,构成了高龄老人生活质量下降的重要原因。

5)Elderly patient高龄病人

6)Senile patient高龄病人

1.Objective To study the methodS of management for perioperative period senile patients.目的探讨高龄病人围手术期处理方法。


高危险人群在人群总体中对特定环境污染物的毒性比较敏感,即接触污染物后发生毒性反应的相对危险性明显高于正常对照人群的那一部分人群。同正常对照人群比较,在接触同样水平的环境污染物后,高危险人群表现为毒性反应增强或潜伏期缩短。高危险人群类别因环境污染物的不同而异。例如,儿童对二氧化硫、飘尘等大气污染物比较敏感,呼吸道容易受到损伤;缺钙者对铅污染敏感;维生素 A缺乏者对呼吸道致癌物敏感;遗传性葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏者对多种溶血性化学污染物敏感;着色性干皮病患者由于皮肤上皮细胞DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)修复功能缺损,易患紫外线诱发的皮肤癌;冠心病患者对一氧化碳的毒性比较敏感等。影响人体对环境污染物反应敏感性的因素主要有发育、营养、遗传、行为习惯和疾病等。当个体接触环境污染物时,这些因素在体内引起吸收、 分布、 代谢、排泄等毒物动力学的差别,使有关器官中毒物的浓度增高;或者影响有关器官对毒物的反应性和机体的适应代偿能力,使这部分人群对环境污染物的敏感性增强。高危险人群是环境医学的重点保护对象。在制订环境卫生标准时,必须认真考虑高危险人群的安全。确定不同环境污染物的高危险人群及其占人群总体的比例是环境医学的一项任务。参考书目E.J. Calabrese, PollutantsandHighRisk Groups,Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1978.

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