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中外档案事业 domestic and foreign archival causes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-10 20:47:17


中外档案事业,domestic and foreign archival causes

1)domestic and foreign archival causes中外档案事业

2)Chinese archival undertaking中国档案事业


1.The Study of Wu Baokang"s Contribution for Chinese Arcgival Undertaking论吴宝康对当代中国档案事业的贡献

2.The Influence of Electronic Files on the Ecological Environment of Archives Management in China;电子文件对中国档案事业生态环境的影响*

3.Study on the Archival Undertaking of the Communist Party of China in the New Democratic Revolution Period;新民主主义革命时期中国共产党档案事业研究

4.Archives of CPC Central Committee(State Archives Bureau)中央档案馆(国家档案局)

5.Research on Personnel Archives Management of Enterprises in China in New Situation;新形势下我国企业人事档案管理研究

6.Archives Classification in China《中国档案分类法》

7.Tighten up management to Develop the cause of Archives;加强档案工作管理 促进档案事业发展

8.On the Development of the Archives Undertaking of the US Indian Tribes and its Revelation;美国印第安部落档案事业的发展及其启示

9.Promote using Information in Archives, Speed up the Development of Archives Undertaking;促进文档信息化 加快档案事业的发展

10.Limitations of Regulating and Controlling Statutes in Development of Archival Undertaking;档案事业发展过程中法规调控的局限性

11.Empirical Research of Scientific and Technology Innovation in the Development of Archives Endeavor科技创新在档案事业发展中的实证研究

12.The Birth and Development of Personal File;科学规范的中国共产党人的人事档案工作

13.On the Sustainale Development of Archives Cause and the Quality of Archives Cadre Team;论档案事业的可持续发展与档案干部队伍素质

14.A View on the Development of the Filing Cause in Universities in Terms of Importance and Functions;从档案的地位和作用看高校档案事业的发展

15.archival management of Republican Period中华民国时期档案管理

16.Chinese Archives Subject Thesaurus《中国档案主题词表》

17.An Experimental Study of Chinese English Majors Intercultural Awareness Through Portfolio Assessment;中国英语专业学生跨文化意识的档案评量研究

18.Research of Archives Management Pattern of State-owned Enterprises when Property Right Changed;国有企业产权变动中的档案管理模式研究


Chinese archival undertaking中国档案事业

3)archival undertaking档案事业

1.The development ofarchival undertaking does not only depend on economic support.档案事业的发展,并不限于经济的维系。

4)archives cause档案事业

1.This paper expounds the significance of the innovation of the archives work, analyzes on the influence of the application of information techniques on the innovation of the archives work, and advances some concrete measures for promoting the development of thearchives cause with the innovative spirit.论述了档案工作创新的意义,分析了信息技术的运用对档案工作创新的影响,提出了以创新精神带动档案事业发展的具体措施。

2.For the sound development ofarchives cause,people who engage in archives work must improve the scientific quality and the human culture quality of their own at the same time.档案事业的健康快速发展,需档案工作人员在不断提高自身科技素质的同时,努力提高人文素质。


1.In the thesis, the author discusses the relation between thearchives and the strategy of keeping development and the role of thearchives in carring out the strategy of keeping development.本文论述了档案事业与可持续发展战略之间的关系 ,档案事业在可持续发展战略的实施中所应发挥的作用 ,并根据可持续发展战略的要求和我国档案事业存在的问题 ,提出了我国档案事业可持续发展的几点建设性意

6)CHINA TODAY:Archival Undertaking《当代中国的档案事业》


中外1.表里,内心与外表。 2.宫内和宫外。 3.朝廷内外,中央和地方。 4.犹里外。 5.中原和边疆;中国和外国。 6.家庭内外,家人和外人。 7.指中表之亲。

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