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人格境界 personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 16:42:54




1.The death consciousness displayed in Qu Yuan s poetry is the artistic expression of hispersonality and his views on death,which are influenced by Confucius,Mencius,Chuang Tsu s views on death.作品所表现的死亡意识,是诗人死亡观的艺术体现,是诗人人格境界的艺术转化,它蕴含着诗人对死亡的独特理解与阐释。

2.SU Shi spersonality has typical meanings.苏轼的这种人格境界使他在文学上作出了卓异的贡献,尤其表现在对词的雅化方面。

3.The Viewpoint on Death showed in Qu Yuan s works are composed of two kinds:the description of death and the transcendence of death and they are art expression of the author s views on the death and the authorspersonality.屈赋死亡意境是诗人死亡观的艺术体现 ,是诗人为“美政”而死这种人格境界的艺术转化。


1.On the Influence on the Construction of Jin People s Aesthetic Character Realm Caused by Zhi Dun s Thoughts of "Little Satori";论支遁“小顿悟义”对晋人审美人格境界建构之影响

2.Improving personality conditions and exploring humanistic possibilities The main contrast of heroic psychology between Chinese and western writers;“人格境界”与“人性探索”——中西作家英雄心态致力点透析

3.The frustrations and misfortunes of Tao yuan-ming" s whole life shaped his broad-minded and unconventional dignity.陶渊明一生历经坎坷,形成了旷达超远的人格境界。

4.The Character of Professor Zheng Tianting Stems from Traditional Chinese Culture: A Study of \%The Record of Travelfrom Changsha to Kunming\%;从《滇行记》说起——关于郑天挺先生的人格境界与中国传统文化

5.Personality Upgrade of Teachers and the Subject Impetus of Teacher s Ethics Self-discipline--A Study on Subject Impetus of Teacher s Ethics Self-discipline in Universities (2);高校教师人格境界提升与师德自律主体动力——高校教师师德自律主体动力研究之二

6.The Three Levels Of Personality and The Three Art Realm--On The Realm Theory Of Wang Guo-wei人格的三层次与艺术的三境界——论王国维的境界说

7.The Highest Ambit of Writing Teaching is to Mold Students Sound Personality;写作教学的最高境界是塑造学生健全的人格

8.Feng Youlan s Theory on Life and Constructing Ideal Personality in a Harmonious Society;论冯友兰“道德境界说”与和谐社会理想人格的构建

9.for the world of a man"s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts.人生的境界,主要就在于他思想的境界。

10.Essential Modality for Traditional Confucian Realm of Life--With Oneness of Human and Heaven and Personality Super-promotion as a Center;儒家传统人生境界思想的基本理论形态——以天人合一观与人格超升论为中心

11.The World of Herzog and the Cultural Dilemma of Contemporary Western World;《赫索格》的世界与当代西方的文化困境

12.Poetry: the Polishing of Words,Sentences and Meanings& the Progress of Quality and Style;诗歌:字句意的锤炼与品格境界的递进

13."To Transfer the World of the Ancients to the World of Myself": A New Perspective on Wang Guowei s Idea of "Three Kinds of States";“借古人之境界为我之境界”——王国维“三种境界”说新论

14.transient situational personality disorder暂时情境性人格异常

15.Behavior and level:the Ethics Dimension about Feng Youlan s Theory of level;行为与境界——冯友兰人生境界说的伦理维度

16.Sacred & Clear Realm:Integration of Man s Mind & Natural Objects;神圣与澄明之境:心与物融为一体——论庄子与海德格尔对人与世界原初关联的哲学思考

17.Ren Jing Lu Jie Shi Cao:The Blend Between Tradition and New Concept;人境庐诗:新辟境界与传统形式的交融

18.Promoting Multi-polarization of World Structure to Construct a Harmonious International Environment;促进世界格局多极化,打造和谐国际环境


realm of personality人格境界

1.His death is the ultimate target of Qu Yuan srealm of personality instead of negativing his body.他的死亡并非对肉体生命的简单否定,而是其人格境界的终极指向;他的自沉殉节是建立在长期的人格修养基础之上的一种坚定选择,这种坚定选择是儒家"内圣外王"、道家"无待而游"人格境界的双重体现。

3)idealization of personality人格与精神境界

4)Aesthetic Character Realm审美人格境界

1.On the Influence on the Construction of Jin People sAesthetic Character Realm Caused by Zhi Dun s Thoughts of "Little Satori";论支遁“小顿悟义”对晋人审美人格境界建构之影响

5)life state人生境界

1.On the functions of ideological and political education inlife state;论人生境界的思想政治教育功能

2.He proposes his theory oflife states inthe context of Chinese and Western cultural controversy and ournationality in peril in 1930s and 1940s of the 20th century.他在二十世纪三、四十年代中西文化论战与民族危亡这一时代背景下提出了其人生境界说。

3.The theory oflife state is core and soul of this philosophy system.这一体系的核心和灵魂是人生境界说。

6)life realm人生境界

1.The Last Farmer-the Transition Adult Learning Brings to a Farmer s Life Realm;最后的农民—成人学习对农民人生境界的改造

2.Based on "Tao", Laozi putlife realms into three gradations -common realm , wise realm and newborn baby realm .以"道"为圭臬,老子将人生境界区分为俗人境界、圣人境界、赤子境界三个层次。

3.Only Marxist philosophy, a kind of scientific world outlook and methodology, is able to expand and develop human spiritual world, to achieve the value goals committed ontologically, to enhance the true, good and beautifullife realm, and to seek a spiritual home for human beings.只有马克思主义哲学这种科学的世界观与方法论,才能开拓、发展人的精神世界,发挥其本体论承诺的价值目标、提升真善美的人生境界、为人类寻求精神家园的作用。



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