抑郁症健康 > 人格 personality英语短句 例句大全

人格 personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-27 03:45:52




1.Characteristics of Pupils Personality and Its Relationship with Childhood Abuse;小学生的“小七”人格特点及其与受虐待经历的关系

2.The Research on Rural Liushou Children"s Personality and its" Relationship with Coping Style;农村留守儿童人格特征与应付方式的关系研究

3.Some Problems about the Treatment and Assessment of Personality Disorders;人格障碍诊断与评估过程中存在的问题


1.socialization of personality人格社会化人格社会化

2.factor theory of personality人格因素说人格因素说

3.thinking type of personality思维型人格 思考型人格

4.nonconforming personality非尊奉人格 非尊奉性格

5.implicit personality theory内隐人格论 内隐性格观

6.This "personality" is both moral and artistic.这“人格”同时包括道德上的人格和艺术上的人格。

7.Personality barrier refers to the ill adaptation of personality,and it is also called "personality of morbid psychology".人格障碍是指人格适应不良,又称“心理病态人格”。

8.On the Chinese Translation of "Personality";Personality:人格还是个性

9.objective personality test客观人格测验 客观人格测验

10.be against the grain with sb.与某人格格不入,使某人反感

11.optimal personality traits最佳人格特质 最佳人格特质

12.personality trait theory人格特质理论人格特质论

13.psychopathic personality心理病态人格 精神病态人格

14.The Construction of Confucian Ideal Personality and Comtemporary Moral Personality儒家的理想人格与当代道德人格建构

15.A Study on Implicit Theories of Personality and Personality, Mental Health;内隐人格观与人格、心理健康的研究

16.Emphasize Personality Education Foster Healthy Personality;重视人格教育 塑造学生健全人格

17.Stress Coping Personality:A Valuable Personality Structure;压力应对人格:一种有价值的人格结构

18.The Style is the Man--On the Style of Cao Cao s Poetry and His personality;文如其人——试析曹操的诗格及人格



1.Study on Modernization of "New-hunan" Character in LIANG Qi-chao s Works;梁启超“新民”人格中的现代性探析

2.Cultivation of childreni scharacter in family education;论家庭教育中儿童人格的塑造与培养

3.Chinese Traditional Ethic and the Establishing of the Characters of Modern Juveniles;中国传统伦理道德与当代青少年的人格塑造

3)moral quality人格

1.The comfortable and true feelings ——analyzing themoral quality of scholars of Wei-jin period again;适意与真情——对魏晋士人人格的再解读

2.Culture,moral quality and their significance in education;文化、人格及其教育学意义


1.Relationship between systemic utilization of social support and differentpersonalities breast cancer patients;乳腺癌患者的不同人格与社会支持系统的利用

2.Personalities of the Characters in Zhang Ailing s Novels and Tactics for Interpersonal Defense;试论张爱玲小说中的人物人格和人际防御策略

3.Affects of martial arts culture onpersonalities of contemporary university students;武术文化对当代大学生人格的影响

5)moral integrity人格

1.On teachers’moral integrity and its cultivation;浅谈教师人格的内涵和修养方法

2.It is most important to strengthen studentsmoral integrity education during the new period.人格教育是德育工作的基础,新时期德育工作的重要方面是加强学生的人格教育,提出了实施人格教育的具体方法。

6)personality style人格风格



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