抑郁症健康 > 压力应对 Stress coping英语短句 例句大全

压力应对 Stress coping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 13:20:44


压力应对,Stress coping

1)Stress coping压力应对

1.And the relation between the job stress,stress coping,and personality trait was researched.本研究运用访谈、问卷调查等方法,以231名学历在大专以上的在职企业知识型员工为调查对象,对其工作压力、压力应对现状及与人格特质的关系进行研究。

bining with the same kind of scales at home and abroad as well as referring to adolescent coping theories and open-questions,the present study developed a stress coping scale suitable for Chinese adolescents and used it to measure a sample of 1555 adolescents from Grades 7 to 12.本研究结合国内外同类量表,并参照青少年应对理论与开放式问题,编制适合中国青少年的压力应对方式量表并对初一到高三的1555名青少年进行施测。


1.Effects of Stress Management Training on Primary Teachers Stress Coping Style;压力管理训练对小学教师压力应对方式的影响

2.Research on Knowledge Worker s Job Stress and Stress Coping Style;知识型员工工作压力及其压力应对的研究

3.Religious Coping:a new view of the Minority Groups coping research;宗教应对:少数民族压力应对研究的新视角

4.Stress Coping Personality:A Valuable Personality Structure;压力应对人格:一种有价值的人格结构

5.Stress and Coping among Emergency Nurses;急诊科护士压力源、压力与应对的研究

6.We must bring pressure in him.我们应对他施加压力。

7.Influence of force and stress wave on the quality of green compacts in high velocity compaction力与应力波对高速压制压坯质量的影响

8.She has shown great resilience to stress.她对压力表现出了极大的适应能力。

9.Impact of pressure on driving force for liquid-gaseous hydrate reaction压力对气-液水合反应驱动力的影响

10.A Study on the Stress of the Freshman in Middle School and the Moderator Effect of Social Support and Coping Style;中学新生压力及社会支持、应对方式对压力的调节效应

11.Influences of Residual Stress on Load-Depth Curve in Indentation Test;残余应力对压痕实验中压力—压痕深度曲线的影响

12.Influence of Multiple Piezoelectric Effects on Static Performance of Piezoelectric Sensors多次压电效应对压电力传感器静态特性的影响

13.The Research on Competency and Coping Strategies which Impacted the Professional Pressure of the Secondary Teachers胜任力和应对策略对教师职业压力的影响

14.Among other jobs, the hippocampus is involved in responding to stress.海马体的功能之一是对压力作出反应。

15.The response to stress is what often needs to be controlled.对压力的反应是常常需要被控制的。

16.Effect of RCC Dam Seepage upon Temperature Stress碾压混凝土坝渗流对温度应力的影响

17.Analysis of the Influence of Tectonic Comress Stress over Coal-mining-induced Subsidence;挤压构造应力对采煤沉陷的影响分析

18.Effect of Residual Stress on the Properties of Piezoelectric Thin Films;残余应力对压电薄膜材料性能的影响



1.Objective:This investigation intends to understand the stress andcoping of in-patient department doctors,as well as discuss the discrepancy of stress and psychological health between doctors from two distinct medical backgrounds,namely,Western Medicine(WM)and Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).结果:中医医生在工作满意、心理健康、压力感受和压力应对方面都好于西医医生(55。

2.Three questionnaires were administrated to 329 middle school students to explore the relationships among the stressful life events, personality andcoping styles.本研究对 32 9名中学生进行了问卷调查 ,试图探讨压力生活事件 ,人格特点和压力应对三者之间的关系。

3)corresponding pressure对应压力

4)Mastery of stress压力应对能力

5)Stress coping personality (SCP)压力应对人格

6)Stress coping styles压力应对方式

1.Nurses Emotional Intelligence and Conscientiousness Interactive Effects on as Well as Correlated to Stress Coping Styles;护士情绪智力、尽责性人格和压力应对方式的关系及其交互作用研究

2.But which coping styles they select to solve problems about love and something else? The characteristics of undergraduates\" love values,stress coping styles and the correlation between them may provide significant answers.然而大学生在面对和追求爱情的过程中难免会遭遇困难、挫折,产生各种心理冲突,从而产生较大的心理压力,需要他们以一定的压力应对方式来加以应对。


锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验periodic inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping and special equipmentguolu YOli侧飞扣1 YOli gLJal对印ji tez陌叩劝以拍1 dingqi】,on四n锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验(peri诫c inspectionof城le。,p~切reves-Sels,p~二piPing ands衅过闪uiplr屺nt)为保证设备的安全使用,规定设备必须按一定周期进行法定的、强制性的检验。定期检验由政府设立的检验所、使用单位或行业检验站进行。检验单位及检验人员必须具有与所检设备相适应的资格。设备使用单位应该建立定期检验制度,做好检验计划,按时向检验单位提出申请。检验单位应该保证及时进行检验,检验按有关检验规则进行。检验时,设备使用单位应做好配合工作,提供必要的运行资料。检验完毕,检验单位要出具检验报告,对设备能否使用,要作出明确结论。如设备有缺陷,要提出是否修理、监护使用和报废的处理意见。锅炉压力容器安全监察机构根据检验机构的报告,发使用许可证书。有缺陷的,责令使用单位修理,修理后检验仍不符合安全要求的,则通知报废。使用单位逾期不进行定期检验,锅炉压力容器安全监察机构有权停止其设备运行。(陈亦惠)

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