抑郁症健康 > 应对 Coping英语短句 例句大全

应对 Coping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-06 16:03:59




1.Influence of mental intervention on self-acceptance and coping style of nursing specialty students in high occupational school;心理干预对高职护理专业学生自我接纳及应对方式的影响

2.The coping strategies with medium in hospital crisis;医院危机公关的媒介应对策略

3.Coping with stress caused by the event of SARS attack in Chinese school children;SARS流行期停课对疫区中小学生情绪学习生活的影响及应对


1.Countermeasures to Reply "Brownfields Effect" in the USA and Its Inspirations;美国应对“棕色地块效应”的对策及启示

2.An Analysis of Police Job-related Stress from Characteristics of Causal Attribution and Countermeasures警察工作应激的应对归因方式及对策

3.Effects of Transportation Stress on Livestock and Alleviating Strategy运输应激对畜禽的影响及其应对措施

4.Strategies of Small and Medium-sized Cities in Dealing with Foreign Capital M&A;中小城市应对外资并购的对策研究——兼论镇江市应对外资并购对策

5.show a response or a reaction to something.对某事作出反应或响应。

6.Re-defining"Equivalence":from Equivalence to Correspondence;重释“等值”:从“对等”到“对应”

7.Adaptation and Reaction of Skeletal Muscle to Hypoxia;骨骼肌组织对低氧应激的反应和适应

8.act in answer to(sth)or because of the action of another;behave in a similar way(对某事物或对他人的行动)回应,响应

9.On Homology and Non-homology of Subject and Theme in English;英语Subject与Theme的对应与非对应关系

10.Response,Correspondence and Reply:the Attitudes of Modern Confucians Towards "Dissemination of Western Learning to The Orient"反应·对应·回应——现代儒家对“西学东渐”之态度

11.A Contrastive Study of Semantic Asymmetry between English and Chinese Equivalents;英汉对应语的语义不对称性对比研究

12.Our eyes react to light.我们的眼睛对光起反应。

13.How do acids react on metals?酸对金属起什么反应?

14.ratio of receivable to inventories应收款项对存货的比率

15.anthropometric adaptation人体对座舱设备的适应

16.How did the peasants feel about this?对此农民的反应怎样?

17.He should be responsible for that.他应该对此事负有责任。

18.You should give voice to him.你应该对他发牢骚的。



1.Response and Reflections of Teaching in Kunming Medical College to the Rapid Development of Higher Education;高等教育快速发展期昆明医学院教学工作的应对与思考

2.Medical staff’s cognizance, response and emotion under sudden public health accidents;突发公共卫生事件下医护人员认知、应对和情绪特点的调查

3.Change andResponse:Students Dinning-hall Design in Changqing Campus of Shandong Normal University;变化与应对——谈山东师范大学长清校区学生食堂设计


ments on the Researches Regarding the Countermeasures to International and Domestic Public Emergency;国内外公共突发事件应对研究述评

2.The New Trends of European and American "Eco-Textiles" Standards and Its Countermeasure;欧美生态纺织品标准新动向及应对措施

3.Analysis of the Textile Products Identification Act and Countermeasures of Our Country;美国《纺织品识别法》研究及我国的应对


1.The Scarcity and theCountermeasures about Stimulation for Teachers in Provincial Medical Colleges in Western China;西部省属医学院校教师激励机制的缺失与应对

2.The thesis discusses the edition venture and its countermeasures for the journals of social science.风险应对乃人类的共同课题 ,它与人类相伴随、相始终。

3.Although the directors\" and officers\" liability insurance market in China is not as big as in USA,it is believed that some implications should be obtained from the crisis in USA and its countermeasures.在这种情况下,美国各州分别采取制定法和非制定法的方法来应对董事责任保险市场的危机,并取得了一定的成效。


1.On TBT——The Reply of China s Agricultural Products Trade;论国际贸易中的贸易技术壁垒——兼谈我国农产品贸易的应对

2.Thinking about Hunan Industries Reply to Dumping & Anti-dumping;湖南产业应对倾销和反倾销之思考

3.How to grasp andreply to the developments in the world situation is the question for us to study.针对动态发展的世界形势 ,如何把握和应对 ,是摆在我们面前的课题 。


1.The Corresponding and Imitating Principle Between Circle and Ellipse;圆和椭圆的透视仿射对应

2.The essay tells the supplementary regulations on deciding the place of main plain in the state of plain stress,throught which we can know that the main plain of ≤45°corresponds to which main plain without any other work.利用这个补充规定 ,不必进行任何判别运算和专门处理 ,就可确定小于或等于 4 5°的那个主平面方位角究竟与哪个主平面对



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