抑郁症健康 > HAMD抑郁量表 Hamilton rating scale for depression英语短句 例句大全

HAMD抑郁量表 Hamilton rating scale for depression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-22 08:31:49


HAMD抑郁量表,Hamilton rating scale for depression

1)Hamilton rating scale for depressionHAMD抑郁量表

1.Objective To observe the effects of Bushen Tiaogan Qingxin recipe (BTQR) onHamilton rating scale for depression (HAMD), monoamine meurotransmitter and endocrinal function in patients with climacteric depression, and to explore its mechanism.目的通过临床观察补肾调肝清心方对更年期抑郁症患者HAMD抑郁量表评分、单胺类神经递质及内分泌功能的影响 ,探讨其疗效机理。

2)Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD)汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)

3)Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD)汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)

4)hamilton depression scaleHAMD量表

1.Correlation analysis between factor scores and syndrome essence ofhamilton depression scale (HAMD) in patients with depression抑郁症患者HAMD量表因子分与证候要素的相关性分析


1.Correlation analysis between factor scores and syndrome essence of hamilton depression scale (HAMD) in patients with depression抑郁症患者HAMD量表因子分与证候要素的相关性分析

2.The Validity of HAMD and SCID-Ⅰ in Psychological Autopsy;HAMD和SCID-Ⅰ在心理解剖中的效度评估

3.Expressed or expressible as a quantity.用数量表示的用数量表示的或可表示成数量的

4.single range (measuring) instrument单范围[量限] (测量)仪表

5.induction instrument for measuring electrical quantities测电量用感应测量仪表

6.indicating flow meter指示流量表指示流量计

7.double-range recording flowmeter双量程记录式流量表

8.rotarydisplacement meter“旋转”排量式仪表 The argument list2.5.1 自变量列表

10.single function(measuring)instrument单功能(测量)仪表

11.accessory(for a measuring instrument)(测量仪表的)附件

12.Heat meter based on MSP430F149基于MSP430F149的热量表

13.This measuring scale can also be called 8-factor scale.这一测量表也被称为8因素测量表。

14.gas meter meter for measuring the amount of gas used煤气表(计量煤气用量的仪表).

15.infant intelligence scale婴儿智力量表 婴儿智力量表

16.A watch of good quality is more expensive than a watch of poor quality.质量好的手表比质量次的手表要贵。

17.psychophysical scaling心理物理量表法 心理物理量表法

18.bipolar adjective scale双极形容词量表 双极形容量表


Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD)汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)

3)Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD)汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)

4)hamilton depression scaleHAMD量表

1.Correlation analysis between factor scores and syndrome essence ofhamilton depression scale (HAMD) in patients with depression抑郁症患者HAMD量表因子分与证候要素的相关性分析

5)Self-rating Depression Scale抑郁量表

1.Method A self-designed psychologic status scale,Self-rating Anxiety Scale(SAS) andSelf-rating Depression Scale(SDS) were used to assess the psychologic status of the parents of cerebral palsy children.方法采用自行设计脑瘫患儿父母的心理状况调查表,焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁量表(SDS)测评患儿父母的心理状态。

6)Zung scaleZung抑郁量表

1.Methods The depressive characteristics in burned patients of different stages of disease,gender,age,education level,traumatic parts and degrees were analyzed byZung scale.方法采用Zung抑郁量表调查烧伤患者不同时期、性别、年龄、文化、烧伤部位和程度的抑郁发生的特点。


汉米通抑郁量表汉米通抑郁量表Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression, HRSD汉米通抑郁量表(Hamilton Ratingscale ofDepression,HRso)系汉米通(Hamilton,M.^.)于一960年所编,为测量抑郁而用。最早为17个项目,后来增加至24个项目,每个项目评分为0一4五级或O一2三级。适用于抑郁型情感性疾病患者,包括状态性抑郁和特质性抑郁。HRSD的17个项目:(l)抑郁心境。(2)罪恶感。(3)自杀。(4)入睡困难。(5)睡中易醒。(6)睡眠早醒。(7)工作和兴趣。(8)迟钝。(9)激越。(10)焦虚一身体的。(11)焦虑-心理的。(12)身体症状一胃肠道。(13)身体症状-一般的。(14)性症状一无性欲。(15)疑病。(16)无自知力。(17)体重减轻。(龚推先撰林传燕市)

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