抑郁症健康 > 抑郁状态 depression英语短句 例句大全

抑郁状态 depression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-22 06:08:33




1.Clinical Study on Patients with Poststroke Depression;脑卒中后抑郁状态患者的临床观察和分析

2.The relative factors analysis ondepression in the bladder cancer patients;膀胱癌患者抑郁状态的相关因素分析

3.An investigation ondepression in elderly patients with cerebral stroke;老年性脑卒中患者伴抑郁状态的调查分析


1.manic depressionph.1. 【医】躁狂抑郁状态

2.a state of clinical depression in which the person exhibits irritability and restlessness.表现出一种兴奋或不安的抑郁状态。

3.a term used for any state of depression that is not psychotic.非心理方面的任何一种抑郁状态。

4.an inappropriate state of depression that is precipitated by events in the person"s life (to be distinguished from normal grief).由于突发事件而导致的抑郁状态。

5.The Related Factors of Depression in Patients with Climacteric Women;更年期妇女抑郁状态的相关因素分析

6.Effect of psychological intervention for hospitalized patients with post-stroke depression心理干预对脑卒中后抑郁状态的疗效

7.Study on the relative factors of 43 patients with post stroke depression43例脑卒中后抑郁状态相关因素分析

8.Relationship among Undergraduates Self-Esteem level, Depression State and State Anxiety;大学生自尊水平、抑郁状态与状态焦虑的关系

9.Effect of strength training on depression and manoamine transmitters in female college students with depression symptoms;力量训练对抑郁女大学生抑郁状态、单胺递质水平的影响

10.Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Depression and Monoamine Transmitters in Female College Students with Depression Symptoms有氧运动对抑郁女大学生抑郁状态、单胺递质的影响

11.Bipolar disorder (or manic-depressive psychosis ):Mental illness characterized by the alternation of manic and depressive states.躁郁症:一种精神疾病,以反复出现躁狂和抑郁状态为特征。

12.Clinical study of Jieyuxiaoyan Decoction on Tumor Patients" Depressive State and Immunity Effect消岩解郁汤对肿瘤患者抑郁状态及免疫力影响的临床观察

13." Koko went into a depression following Michael"s death." says Patterson.佩特森说:“科科在迈克尔死后陷入了抑郁状态。

14.Treatment of Depression in Patients with CAD by Therapy of Nourishing Liver and Kidney补益肝肾法治疗冠心病抑郁状态疗效观察

15.Evaluation of Depressed Persons for Emotional Faces;不同抑郁状态个体对情绪面孔的评价研究

16.Relative Analysis on the Depression and ADL Function of the Elderly.;老年抑郁状态与日常生活能力的相关性分析

17.Survey and Research on Depression among University Students;地方新建本科院校大学生抑郁状态调查研究

18.Efficacy of Paroxetine in Treatment of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Complicating Depression帕罗西汀对伴抑郁状态冠心病患者的疗效观察


depression state抑郁状态

1.Multiple stepwise regression analysis on elderdepression state and family function;老年抑郁状态与家庭功能的多元逐步回归分析

2.Objective To investigate thedepression state of elderly cancer patients and its relation with awareness of diagnoses,disease development,economic resource,and disease duration.目的探讨老年癌症患者的抑郁状态及其与入院诊断知情情况、病情的发展、医疗费来源、病程长短等因素的关系。

3.Objective To study the incidence rate ofdepression state in asymptomatic cerebral infarction (ACI) and the correlation between them.目的探讨无症状性脑梗塞 (ACI)抑郁状态的发生率及抑郁状态与脑梗塞的关系。

3)Depressive state抑郁状态

1.Clinical study of He-Ne laser intravascular irradiation therapy on depressive state caused by lacunar intarcts;氦氖激光血管内照射治疗腔隙性脑梗死所致抑郁状态的疗效研究

2.Clinical study of low intensity He-Ne laser intravascular irradiation combined with Xuefuzhuyu granule therapy on depressive state caused by ischemic cerebrovascular disease;低能量He-Ne激光血管内照射合血府逐淤胶囊治疗缺血性脑血管病后抑郁状态的疗效研究

3.ResultsDepressive states of patients in the intervention group were better than those in the control group(P<0.目的探讨睡眠干预对老年脑卒中患者抑郁状态的影响。

4)depressive position抑郁状态抑郁状态

5)A state of severe depression.沮丧抑郁的状态

6)depressive symptoms抑郁症状

1.Analysis of university studentsdepressive symptoms by university personality inventory;应用UPI检测大学生抑郁症状结果分析

2.Controlled study of risperidone versus clozapine in treatment of refractory schizophrenia withdepressive symptoms;利培酮和氯氮平治疗伴抑郁症状的难治性精神分裂症对照研究

3.Clinical study on the features of the schizophrenia withdepressive symptoms;首次住院伴抑郁症状的精神分裂症临床研究


抑郁状态抑郁状态depressive state抑郁状态(depressive state)一种心理状态。主要表现为情绪低落、表情苦闷、行动迟缓,常感力不从心,思维迟钝,联想缓慢,因而言语减少,语流缓慢,语音低沉或整日沉默不语。常出现在某些精神病人身上,如抑郁症、反应性抑郁、神经性抑郁症等。(赵拼源撰梁宝勇审)

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