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逻辑模型 logical model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-06 06:18:01


逻辑模型,logical model

1)logical model逻辑模型

1.A survey onlogical modelsof databases for OLAP;支持OLAP的数据库逻辑模型述评(英文)

2.The starlogical model is achieved which gives birth to corre.根据概念模型和最终用户的需求划分分析主题,并以港口货运量主题为例详细设计相应的事实表和维表,得出货物运输主题的星型逻辑模型,按照逻辑模型的设计讨论物理模型设计中遇到的问题。

3.This paper mainly introduced the data warehouse, and as a insurance agency data warehouse for an example, we presented the concept model andlogical model of the data warehouse.文章主要介绍了数据仓库的概况,并以保险代理业务数据仓库为实例进一步提出了建立其数据仓库的概念模型和逻辑模型设计方案。


1.The Theory of Logical Model基于逻辑关系的数学模型—逻辑模型的理论与分析

2.program structure and logic model计划项目的结构和逻辑模型

3.The Logical Model and System Analysis of Science & Technology Transferring;科技成果转化逻辑模型及其系统分析

4.Freight Revenue Management and its Logical Model of Application;货运收益管理及其应用逻辑模型研究

5.A kind of Agent’s Logical Model and Its Definition of the Class;一种Agent逻辑模型及其类定义

6.Web Service Choreography Model Based on Concurrent Transaction LogicWeb服务编排的并发事务逻辑模型

7.Model Checking Based on Spatial Logic and CTL基于空间逻辑和计算树逻辑的模型检测

8.A Multi-agent Based Negotiation Model with Fuzzy Logic Control;基于模糊逻辑控制的多Agent谈判模型

9.Fuzzy-logic based credit evaluation model for agent society;基于模糊逻辑的Agent社会信用评价模型

10.Product Logic BOM Model Research of Mass-customized Production;大规模定制产品逻辑BOM模型研究

11.logical-resource-oriented work-load model面向逻辑资源的工作负荷模型

12.Removes all expected values from the project"s logical database model.从逻辑数据库模型中删除所有预期值。

13.A VSK-t Logic-based Formal Model of Agent System;基于VSK-t逻辑的Agent形式化模型

14.Research of IDS Alert Correlation Model Based on Description Logics;基于描述逻辑的IDS告警关联模型研究

15.On the Model Checking of SN P Systems Based on Rewriting Logic;基于重写逻辑的SN P系统模型检测

16.Obtain the User Interface Logic of Business System on A Model-Based Approach;基于模型的业务系统界面逻辑的获取

17.The Logical Evolution of DCF Model in Enterprise Value Assessment;DCF模型在企业价值评估中的逻辑演进

18.Some Algebraic Properties about the 0-level Universal Operation Model of Universal Logic;泛逻辑的零级泛运算模型的代数性质


logic model逻辑模型

1.OBJECTIVE To construct thelogic model of interactivity between hospital and communitie based on the new type Health Delivery System (HDS),improve the theoretical system on new type HDS which based on community health service.目的以新型二级宏观医疗卫生服务系统为基点,进一步完善以社区为基础的医疗卫生服务理论体系,构建医院与社区互动逻辑模型,进行新型医疗卫生服务系统中医院与社区互动机制研究。

2.Methods: The technical route of "theoretical model-mathematics model-decision support system" and the scientific administrationlogic model were used to determine the objectives,inputs,outputs,results and interrelationship of OAHRH for construction of the theoretical model of OAHRH.方法:依据“理论模型-数学模型-决策支持系统”的技术路线,采用管理科学逻辑模型法(logic model),界定医院卫生资源结构优化配置的目标、投入、产出和结果及其相互关系,构建医院卫生资源结构优化配置理论模型;采用运筹学、统计学方法,构建相关数学模型;运用基于关系数据库的“三库”结构研制医院卫生资源结构优化配置决策支持系统。

3)logic BOM model逻辑BOM模型

1.During the transition process,old BOM system can not meet the current competitive demand and a new BOM model namedlogic BOM model is put forward.针对企业发展的需要,阐述了一种新的BOM———逻辑BOM模型。

4)model theoretic logic模型论逻辑

1.As the logical foundation of sematics, it is Known that the model theory treats the relationships between syntactic constructs and semantical features thereof, and that themodel theoretic logic (abstract model theory) cares, under the frame of abstract logic, for the similarity, distinctness and interrelationships among various extended logics.作为语义方法的逻辑基础,(一阶)模型论是研究(一阶)逻辑的语法构造与语义属性之间联系的一门数理逻辑的分支;而模型论逻辑(又称广义模型论)则是在抽象逻辑的框架中,用模型论的方法研究各种扩充逻辑系统的异、同及相互关系。

5)Fuzzy Logic model模糊逻辑模型

6)logistic model逻辑斯谛模型

1.Logistic models were established to describe growth in height, diameter and volume in the dominant trees of these forests at Gongga Mountain: Abies fabri, Picea brachytyla and A.根据贡嘎山 16块样地的调查资料 ,运用逻辑斯谛模型探讨了暗针叶林不同林型优势木生长动态。

2.The recursion formula[N(t+s)]-1=α+β·[N(t)]-1 of Logistic models is derived from recursive analysi.对逻辑斯谛模型进行了递归分析,得到递归公式。

3.Logistic model is increasing model,its outstretched application in Xinjiang Kanasi Lake tour that establish theory foundation to study ecological tour scene.逻辑斯谛模型是一个属于增长类型的模型,经过逻辑斯谛方程在新疆喀纳斯湖旅游发展中的延伸应用,为进一步拓展生态旅游景区研究奠定了理论基础。



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