抑郁症健康 > 知识异化 knowledge alienation英语短句 例句大全

知识异化 knowledge alienation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-12 12:17:52


知识异化,knowledge alienation

1)knowledge alienation知识异化

2)variation knowledge变异知识

1.The approximate precision degree of variation rough sets and the properties ofvariation knowledge;变异粗集近似精度与变异知识特性

2.By using concept of variation rough sets,this paper presents the concept of filter degree ofvariation knowledge,the characters about granulation and filter ofvariation knowledge are also discussed.利用变异知识的概念,提出了变异知识过滤度的概念,对变异知识[α/R]的颗粒特征、过滤特征进行了讨论。

3.Presents the dependency concept ofvariation knowledge, advances transfer theorem ofvariation knowledge dependence, dependency finite extension theorem ofvariation knowledge and application ofvariation knowledge in knowledge mining.给出变异知识的依赖概念 ,提出变异知识依赖的传递性定理 ,变异知识的依赖有限扩张定理 ,给出变异知识依赖在知识挖掘中的应

3)Isomeric knowledge异构知识

1.Based on this description, the process and integration of the isomeric knowledge is realized by building an .在此基础上,通过建立基于异构知识的智能性管理决策系统的体系结构,来实现对异性知识的处理与集成,以达到使多种异性知识有机结合与集成利用。

2.This papers discusses the integrated reason and application of isomeric knowledge based on management decision problems.探讨了基于管理决策问题异构知识的集成推理及应用 ,在异构 (混合 )知识的面向对象表示的基础上 ,构建了一个在推理策略控制下 ,以元推理机为核心 ,四种功能推理机协调工作的推理系统。

3.The concept of isomeric knowledge is introduced, the isomeric knowledge management based on XML is discussed, and a new architecture of isomeric knowledge-based IDSS is proposed.介绍了异构知识的基本概念,探讨了基于 XML 的异构知识管理,进而提出基于异构知识的 IDSS 新结构框架。


1.A Study on Integrated Reasoning of Isomeric Knowledge Based on Management Decision Problems;基于管理决策问题中的异构知识集成推理研究

2.Research on Abnormal Decision Support System Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Base Construction异常工况决策支持系统知识获取与知识库构建



5.Paralogism and Difference:Legitimization of Postmodern Knowledge in Loytard s Thought;误构与差异——利奥塔论后现代知识合法化问题

6.Experimental Study of the Difference about the Students?Constructive Levels of Mathematical Knowledge;中学生数学知识建构水平差异性的实验研究

7.A Study on Inventory Control Using Knowledge Management System Based onStructure Difference基于结构差异知识管理系统的库存控制研究

8.Clustering algorithm for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks using deployment knowledge使用部署知识的异构传感器网络有效成簇算法

9.A study on value difference,knowledge domain structure and knowledge calculation based on general economy theory of knowledge价值性差异、知识域结构与知识计量研究——基于知识的一般性经济原理

10.Study on the knowledge background difference among the staffs and the knowledge transfer within the organization;员工知识背景差异与组织内知识转移

11.His knowledge of music was prodigious.他的音乐知识令人惊异。

12.The Research of E-learning Evaluation Indicator Based on Knowledge Construction;基于知识建构的在线异步学习评价指标体系研究

13.The Expression Method on Knowledge of Knowledge Data-base and Reasoning Knowledge of Die Structure冲模结构知识库知识与控制性知识的表示

14.Unique Perspective, Unique Comprehension -A New Exploration of Literary Reviews·Bosom Friends;深识鉴奥见“异”知“音”——《文心雕龙·知音》新探

15.Similarities and Differences of Semantic Knowledge Representation Among HowNet,HNC and FrameNet知网、HNC和框架网的语义知识表示异同

16.Based on knowledge component design knowledge base is constructed in this paper.基于知识构件建立了产品设计知识库。

17.Knowledge Network Structure and Its Implication to Knowledge Management;知识网络结构及其对知识管理的启示

18.Discussion on the Construction of Knowledge-type Organization Facing the Knowledge Service;构建面向知识服务的知识型组织初探


variation knowledge变异知识

1.The approximate precision degree of variation rough sets and the properties ofvariation knowledge;变异粗集近似精度与变异知识特性

2.By using concept of variation rough sets,this paper presents the concept of filter degree ofvariation knowledge,the characters about granulation and filter ofvariation knowledge are also discussed.利用变异知识的概念,提出了变异知识过滤度的概念,对变异知识[α/R]的颗粒特征、过滤特征进行了讨论。

3.Presents the dependency concept ofvariation knowledge, advances transfer theorem ofvariation knowledge dependence, dependency finite extension theorem ofvariation knowledge and application ofvariation knowledge in knowledge mining.给出变异知识的依赖概念 ,提出变异知识依赖的传递性定理 ,变异知识的依赖有限扩张定理 ,给出变异知识依赖在知识挖掘中的应

3)Isomeric knowledge异构知识

1.Based on this description, the process and integration of the isomeric knowledge is realized by building an .在此基础上,通过建立基于异构知识的智能性管理决策系统的体系结构,来实现对异性知识的处理与集成,以达到使多种异性知识有机结合与集成利用。

2.This papers discusses the integrated reason and application of isomeric knowledge based on management decision problems.探讨了基于管理决策问题异构知识的集成推理及应用 ,在异构 (混合 )知识的面向对象表示的基础上 ,构建了一个在推理策略控制下 ,以元推理机为核心 ,四种功能推理机协调工作的推理系统。

3.The concept of isomeric knowledge is introduced, the isomeric knowledge management based on XML is discussed, and a new architecture of isomeric knowledge-based IDSS is proposed.介绍了异构知识的基本概念,探讨了基于 XML 的异构知识管理,进而提出基于异构知识的 IDSS 新结构框架。

4)knowledge difference知识差异

5)heterogeneous knowledge异性知识

6)variation knowledge sets变异知识族

1.We further present the concepts of the granulation degree and filter degree ofvariation knowledge sets,and analyze the characters about granulation and filter ofvariation knowledge sets.以此为基础,进一步提出了变异知识族的粒度、过滤度的概念,分析了变异知识族颗粒特征、过滤特征。


异化性假性性早熟异化性假性性早熟病名。包括男孩女性化、女孩男性化。 为男孩体内出现分泌雌激素肿瘤、女孩体内肾上腺皮质增生或出现分泌雄激素肿瘤而致。此 时表现男孩乳房增大或女孩出现胡须,体毛,肌肉发达及阴蒂增大等。服用过量性激素制剂 亦可引起。

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