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异化与异化劳动 alienation and labor alienation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-26 09:03:40


异化与异化劳动,alienation and labor alienation

1)alienation and labor alienation异化与异化劳动

2)labor and alienated labor劳动与异化劳动

3)alienation of labor异化劳动

1.The "alienation of labor" is the key to the transformation of Max s modern critical paradigm,which expresses itself in two aspects: from of the research dimension of "national economics" to "moral.异化劳动是马克思现代性批判范式转换的枢纽,具体表现为两个转向:即从"国民经济学"研究维度的契入到"伦理道德"的转向;从"道德评价优先"到"历史评价优先"的转向。

2.These thoughts on social harmony derive from Marx s criticism of thealienation of labor and private property.这些社会和谐思想是马克思在对异化劳动和私有制批判的基础上产生的,并认为现实的共产主义运动是通向未来社会和谐的主要途径。

3.In 1844 Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy, Marxdidn t satisfact with reviewing the fact ofalienation of labor, but try toshow a beautiful society through criticizingalienation of labor, whichmostly embody in the communist society where the contraditionbetween people and nature, people and society, people and people, eople s body and soul really resolved.在《1844年经济学一哲学手稿》中,马克思并不满足于仅仅考察劳动异化的现实,而是试图通过批判异化劳动来展现一个美好的理想社会,它集中体现在真正解决了人与人、人与自然、人与社会等多重矛盾的共产主义社会之中。


1.Think about alienated labor s humanity--also on t he theory of alienated labor of Karl Marx s defect;论异化劳动的人道性——兼论马克思异化劳动论之阙失

2.Alien and Labor--Understanding Belief From the Viewpoint of Alien Labor;异化与信仰——从异化劳动的角度看人的信仰

3.Tao,Spirit of Art and the Alienation of Labor--On Zhuang-zi"s Thought of Anti-Alienation道、艺术精神与异化劳动——论庄子的反异化思想

4.Marx, Karl. Selections on Historical Materialism and Alienated Labor.《历史唯物主义与异化劳动》(篇章选读).

5.Alien Labour: Key to Marxist Criticism of Modernity;异化劳动:马克思现代性批判的切入点

6.An Analysis of the Philosophy and Logic of Marx s Doctrine of Estranged Labor;马克思异化劳动理论的哲学逻辑辨析

7.On Marxs Alienation Theory;略论马克思的异化劳动理论及其意义

8.On the Marx’s Alienated Labour Theory and Human Subjectivity论马克思异化劳动理论及人的主体性

9.Sublate various concrete patterns of "alienation labour" and fully realize Human values.扬弃“异化劳动”的具体形式,全面实现人的价值

10.Marx s Theory of Alienation in Work and the Harmonious Society Building in Contemporary China;马克思异化劳动理论与当代中国和谐社会建构

11.Explaining Marx s Theory of Dissimilated Work from the Perspective of Harmony;从和谐的角度解读马克思的异化劳动理论

12.The Labor Theory of Alienation of Marxist and the Analysis of Its Contemporary Significance;马克思异化劳动理论的剖析及其当代意义

13.On Marx s theory of dissimilated labor and human s all-round development;试论马克思异化劳动理论与人的全面发展

14.The Fundamental Change in Traditional Alienation Therory Caused by Alienation of Labour;劳动异化对传统异化理论实现的根本变革

15.Alienation and Being;异化与存在——从劳动异化的角度看人的存在问题

16.What does alienated labor have to do with private property?异化的劳动力跟私有财产有何关系?

17.Labor Alienation and Technique Alienation;劳动异化与技术异化——马克思与海德格尔关于人的异化理论比较

18.Differences between marcuse s theory of total alienation and Marx s of labour alienation;马尔库塞的总体异化论与马克思的劳动异化论的差异


labor and alienated labor劳动与异化劳动

3)alienation of labor异化劳动

1.The "alienation of labor" is the key to the transformation of Max s modern critical paradigm,which expresses itself in two aspects: from of the research dimension of "national economics" to "moral.异化劳动是马克思现代性批判范式转换的枢纽,具体表现为两个转向:即从"国民经济学"研究维度的契入到"伦理道德"的转向;从"道德评价优先"到"历史评价优先"的转向。

2.These thoughts on social harmony derive from Marx s criticism of thealienation of labor and private property.这些社会和谐思想是马克思在对异化劳动和私有制批判的基础上产生的,并认为现实的共产主义运动是通向未来社会和谐的主要途径。

3.In 1844 Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy, Marxdidn t satisfact with reviewing the fact ofalienation of labor, but try toshow a beautiful society through criticizingalienation of labor, whichmostly embody in the communist society where the contraditionbetween people and nature, people and society, people and people, eople s body and soul really resolved.在《1844年经济学一哲学手稿》中,马克思并不满足于仅仅考察劳动异化的现实,而是试图通过批判异化劳动来展现一个美好的理想社会,它集中体现在真正解决了人与人、人与自然、人与社会等多重矛盾的共产主义社会之中。

4)alienated labour异化劳动

1.By interpreting Marx’salienated labour theory in " Economics philosophy manuscript in 1844", this thesis analyzes the theory crux of Marx’salienated labour.通过对马克思《1844年经济学——哲学手稿》中异化劳动理论内容的解读,详细阐述了马克思异化劳动思想的理论内核,指出异化劳动的扬弃及其在马克思主义理论体系中的作用和地位。

2.The author thinks that Marx salienated labour theory is a peak of thoughts of alienation which plays important roles in all three parts of Marxism.文中分析了马克思的异化思想进程,指出马克思的异化劳动理论是异化思想的高峰,在马克思主义的三个组成部分的形成中有着重要的作用。

3.The problem,however,is how to understand the real meaning of this statement,which requires that we should begin with understanding and grasping the duality of the logic ofalienated labour.考察“人化自然”命题 ,要从理解和把握异化劳动逻辑的二重性入手。

5)labor alienation劳动异化

1.Analyzing the alienation of technology from labor,it is deemed that the large-scale capitalistic applications of technology were the precondition for technology alienation,where the root cause was thelabor alienation under conditions that the mode of capitalistic production was predomi.通过对劳动异化和技术异化的分析,认为技术异化是以资本主义生产方式和机器技术的大规模应用为前提的,根本的原因则是资本主义生产方式占据主导地位的情况下劳动异化了。

2.In his early work Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844,Marx has put forward the theory oflabor alienation and its sublation,which has expressed his strong desire of social justice.在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,马克思所提出的"劳动异化"及其扬弃的理论就已经包含了对社会公正的诉求。

3.In his Economics Philosophy Manuscript in 1844 Marx analyzes the practicallabor alienation, Proves the human practical essence and studies the relationship between alienation and human practical essence.马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,从现实的劳动异化的分析,到人的实践本质的论证,再到异化与人的实践本质关系的探究,将异化从政治学的概念上升为哲学的概念,充分说明了实践产生异化的不可避免性和实践又可克服异化的势所必然性,依此建立了并极大地丰富了人的实践本质的理论。

6)alienated labor异化劳动

1.The reflection of China agriculture-countryside-peasant problem in the field of vision of the theory ofalienated labor of Marx;马克思异化劳动理论视野下的中国“三农”问题反思

2.Karl Marx believes that this dichotomy view is just the reflection ofalienated labor in reality.马克思以劳动为理论视角,认为思想史上这种将劳动与休闲对立起来的观念不过是社会现实生活中的异化劳动的反映。

3.This paper,putting the practical superiority to the traditional metaphysics of the two divisions of subject and object as historical reference,Marxist theory as the great background and "alienated labor" as the analysis point,demonstrates the ontological dimensionality included in practical views by Marx.本文以实践对主客二分的形而上学传统的超越为历史参照,以马克思的整体学说为宏观背景,并以对"异化劳动"的个案分析为微观透析点,论证了马克思实践观内在地包含着存在论的维度,并指出这种存在论的内涵主要在于:实践是人的现实的、具体的、历史的生存在世方式;实践包含人类各种各样的活动形态,由物质生产实践、社会改革、伦理道德实践、精神实践等多层面、多维度的活动方式组成,可以视作广义上的人生实践;实践是人与自然、人与社会、人与自我交往的基本方式。



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