抑郁症健康 > 泛精神病倾向 pan-psychosis英语短句 例句大全

泛精神病倾向 pan-psychosis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-16 21:50:19




2)The tendency of the spirit精神化倾向

3)tendency toward entertainment泛娱乐倾向


1.On the Tendency of Over-entertainment in Media and Its Negative Effects;对媒体泛娱乐倾向及其负面效应的思考

2.Rational Thinking on the Inclination of News Entertainment;关于新闻传播娱乐化倾向的深层思考

3.On the Entertaining Tendency of Popular Novels during tile Late Qing Dynasty and Early Nationalist Period;论清末民初通俗小说的娱乐主义倾向

4.A Research on the Post-modernism in Taiwan s Entertainment TV Shows;台湾电视娱乐节目的后现代主义倾向研究

5.The development of the swordsman film s recreation tendency since 1970;20世纪70年代以来中国武侠电影的娱乐性倾向

6.Recreationalized Tendency of China s Sports Journalism and Its Differentiation;我国体育大众传播的娱乐化倾向及其异化

7.Reinterpretation of Meng Li-jun--Comments on the Recreative and National Tendency of the Historical Dramas;重读《孟丽君》——兼谈史剧的娱乐化与民族化倾向

8.Civil Ententainment--Thinkings on the Pan-enfer tainment of TV Program全民娱乐——对电视节目娱乐泛化的思考

9.an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy.一种通过娱乐或幻想从讨厌的现实中逃走的倾向。

10.Entertainment Trend in the Film Subtitle Translation--Disney Mulan as a Case Study电影字幕翻译的娱乐化倾向——迪士尼电影《花木兰》的个案研究

11.Entertainmentization and Social Responsibility of TV Programs电视栏目的娱乐化倾向与媒体责任——数字时代中国公共频道的展望

12.Entertainment aimed at an indiscriminating audience.面向所有人的娱乐活动

13.The Influence on BBS of University s Cyber by the Tendency Toward Entertainment and Relavent Solutions;“泛娱乐化”对校园BBS的影响及对策研究

14.A Study on Abused Entertainment in Traditional Opera Communication at Present当今戏曲传播中的“泛娱乐化”现象论析

15.Research on the Origin and Countermeasure to "Pan-entertainment" of Television Program电视节目“泛娱乐化”的成因和对策研究

16.From Comedy Popularity to Entertainment Hot--on the Change Tendency and its Reason of Ad-creation Pattern;从喜剧泛化到娱乐喧嚣——论广告创意范式娱乐化的流变与动因

17.The Extensive Amusement in News Program and the Decline of Entertainment News Program--On the post-entertainment phenomena of the TV news program in Taiwan新闻节目的泛娱乐化与娱乐新闻节目的式微——解读台湾电视新闻的后娱乐现象

18.Fight with the Shock Wave of Market Economy--Thinking Inclined to the Amusement of Dissemination of News of Chinese Sports;在市场经济的冲击波下搏击——关于中国体育新闻传播娱乐化倾向的思考


The tendency of the spirit精神化倾向

3)tendency toward entertainment泛娱乐倾向

4)pantropic viruses.泛向病毒

5)pan-spiritual product泛精神产品

6)Mysterious tendency神秘倾向


泛唇泛舌1.亦作"泛唇泛舌"。 2.议论纷纷。

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