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倾向 Tendency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-19 08:49:22




1.The WesternTendency of World Sports Environment;世界体育环境的西方化倾向的初步研究

2.The Research of theTendency of Newspapers in Magazine s Layout Since 1990 s;九十年代以来报纸杂志化倾向研究

3.ConsumerismTendency of Chinese Mass Media in the Background of Globalization;全球化背景下中国大众传媒的消费主义倾向


1.To tilt or cause to tilt to one side.倾斜,使侧倾向一边倾斜或使向一边倾斜

2.A general tendency or inclination.趋向总的趋向或倾向

3.The plane dips to the south with a dip angle of fifty-five degrees.倾斜断面倾向南,倾角55度。

4.Contemporary trends in design.现代(派)设计倾向

5.The former gives rise to the tendency to compromise and the latter to the tendency to underestimate the enemy.前者产生妥协倾向,后者产生轻敌倾向。

6.An inclination or a habit.思想倾向一个倾向或习惯

7.self actualizing tendency自我实现倾向自我实现倾向

8.The tendency to seek such mistreatment.受虐倾向寻找被虐待机会的倾向

9.little tendency没有什么倾向性,倾向性很小

10.flash fire propensity闪火倾向(阻燃试验),火倾向

11.liable to be accused, or cause for such liability.倾向于受控告或者导致这样的倾向。

12.The tendency of fluids to diffuse in such a manner.渗透倾向液体以此种方式扩散的倾向

13.The ore strikes almost EW, dips southwardly, and the dip angle is 60° ~ 85°.矿体走向近东西,倾向南,倾角60°~85°。

14.A wrong tendency of putting money above everything (or all)else in all matters一切向钱看的错误倾向

15.One limb dips to the north with a dip angle of 46 degrees and the other limb dips to the south with a dip angle of 48 degrees.其中一个翼倾向北,倾角46度,另一个翼倾向南,倾角48度。

16.basinward-dipping homocline倾向于盆地的均斜层

17.tending to dismiss or reject.倾向于不考虑或者拒绝。

18.A downward inclination or slope.倾斜向下的倾斜或斜坡



1.Trend of Chinese-Character Affixation about "吧;从“吧”谈汉语词的词缀化倾向

2.The essay puts forward that insisteing on "serve the people" as the core of university students education in ethics, strengthening "three doctrines" and "three ideas" education ,as well as reinforcing troops construction, Can be aimed at Correcting the fivetrends "generalization", "desalination", "weakness", "formality" and "vulgarity" of university students education in ethics .本文针对大学生道德教育中表现出的泛化、淡化、弱化、形式化和庸俗化的五种倾向 ,提出坚持以为人民服务为大学生道德教育的核心 ,加强大学生的“三义”、“三观”教育和大学生道德教育的队伍建设 ,提高大学生道德教育的实效性和针对性 ,确保社会主义的正确办学方


1.Analysis on the maininclination of the western modern landscape design and enlightenment of China;西方现代景观设计的主要倾向及对中国的启示

2.This article discusses four factors of inditing exordium of Tolstoy s works: a) the focusing point of implying the main line of a novel; b) the entering point of accepting the historical background; c) the flashing point of exposing the author sinclination; d) starting point of identifying the artistic style.本篇着重研究了托尔斯泰开端创作的四个方面 :一、隐示作品主线的聚焦点 ;二、接纳历史背景的切入口 ;三、透露作者倾向的闪光点 ;四、确定艺术风格的起程点。

3.To do the work of the United Front well, we must stick to the principle of “Seeking Common Ground While Reserving Differences”, and we must avoid the threeinclinations: the “leftist” thoughts, ignoring proper guidance, evading contradictions.要克服和防止“左”的思想、忽视教育引导、回避矛盾等三种倾


1.Analytic method and appliction about intersection line of fault and coal seam on the conditions of samedip of fault and coal seam;断层与煤层倾向相同条件下断煤交线的解析求法及应用

2.The results show that if the original surface is level or the initial gradient is smaller than 7 degrees, the compression induces two groups of thrusts with oppositedip.实验结果显示 ,当变形前地形水平乃至初始地面坡度很小 (<7°)时 ,挤压作用形成两组倾向相反的冲断层。

5)dip direction倾向

1.Relations amongdip direction,dip angle, pitch direction,pitch angle,rake direction and rake angle were also studied.研究了斜井素描过程中 ,面理在硐顶的迹线的描绘方法 ,对倾向、倾角和倾伏向、倾伏角、侧伏向、侧伏角、侧余角的关系作了较深入的研究。

2.In order to achieve good dynamic correction , we must do three-parameter velocity analysis,namely determination of three-parameter velocity informations of subsurface reflector:dip direction, dip angle and mean square-root velocity.为了得到较好的动校正效果,必须进行三参量速度分析,确定地下反射界面的三参量速度信息,即倾向、倾角和均方根速度。

6)To slope; incline.倾斜;倾向



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