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头痛门诊 headache clinic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-28 20:55:56


头痛门诊,headache clinic

1)headache clinic头痛门诊



1.Clinical Observation of Headache Treated by Needling Zuqiaoyin(GB 44);针刺足窍阴穴治疗头痛疗效观察

2.Diagnostic value ofheadache after taking nitrates in coronary artery diseases;应用硝酸酯类药物出现头痛诊断冠心病的价值


1."He has a headache, aching Bones and joints. "他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。

2.Headache: Pain in the upper portion of the head头痛: 头颅上部的疼痛。

3.I"ve had a bad stomach-ache and a terrible headache for two days.我腹痛和头痛已两天了。

4.I am tired and have a headache.我累了,而且头痛。

5.It"s my wife that has the headache,“头痛的是我老婆,

6.She has a headache and is rather indisposed.她头痛,颇感不适。

7.My headaches are so-called migraines which recur all the time.我的头痛又叫偏头痛,老是不停发作。

8.Thomas Jefferson’s headaches: Were they migraines?托马斯·杰弗逊的头痛:是偏头痛吗?

9.Pathophysiological Research of Pain in Migraine and Cluster Headache偏头痛与丛集性头痛的疼痛发生机制研究

10.Headache,myalgia and arthralgia caused by an intravenous infusion of iron dextran静脉滴注右旋糖酐铁引起头痛、肌痛和关节痛

11.I had a headache and fever and a pain in the chest.回家后就感觉头痛、发烧,胸部疼痛。

12.She had a headache and vapours.她头痛,并胡思乱想。

13.I am indisposed with a headache.我头痛了,感到不舒服。

14.My head aches for want of sleep.我因为睡眠不足而头痛。

15.My mother is very subject to headaches.我母亲动不动就头痛。

16.The medicine soothed his headache.这种药减轻了他的头痛。

17.He is going to the doctor because of a headache.他因为头痛他去看病

18.Headaches: Multifold.最头痛的事:多方面的。




1.Clinical Observation of Headache Treated by Needling Zuqiaoyin(GB 44);针刺足窍阴穴治疗头痛疗效观察

2.Diagnostic value ofheadache after taking nitrates in coronary artery diseases;应用硝酸酯类药物出现头痛诊断冠心病的价值


1.Keep Away Methods to Hidden Trouble in Outpatient Transfusion Safety;门诊输液安全隐患的防范措施

2.Investigated Analysis of Anxiety of the Elderly Outpatients;老年门诊患者焦虑状况调查分析

3.Effects of the Health Education on Hospitalizing of the Outpatients;健康教育对门诊病人就医行为的影响

5)Outpatient department门诊

1.The practice and effect of regular collective morning shifting report in outpatient department;门诊实施定期晨间集体交接班的做法与效果

2.Information technology and service process reengineering in the outpatient department;信息技术与门诊服务流程再造

3.The practice of humanistic nursing service in outpatient department;我院门诊开展人性化护理服务的实践

6)Outpatient service门诊

1.The outpatient service nurses the service pattern the discussion;门诊护理服务模式的探讨

2.An analysis on the use of antibiotics in outpatient service at the Hospital of Zhejiang Normal University;浙江师范大学医院门诊抗生素应用情况分析

3.The recent using condition of antimicrobial drugs in outpatient service in our hospital was analysed.为了解我院门诊抗菌药使用状况,随机抽取全院10月门诊处方1000份,统计并综合分析了使用抗菌药物的比率、抗菌药物种类及联合用药情况等项目。



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