抑郁症健康 > 如何克服拖延症 跟你分享3种行之有效的策略

如何克服拖延症 跟你分享3种行之有效的策略

时间:2020-09-07 03:31:33


How To Beat Procrastination, 3 Proven Strategies To Get Things Done



1. Avoid all Distractions

Distractions are the procrastinator’s best friend. It’s the key to a person getting even less done.

Did you know that your will power is a very limited resource? If you start your day resisting temptation you are less likely to resist them throughout the day.

So, Avoiding distractions to begin with is the best way to go about beating procrastination.


分心是拖延者的最好的朋友。 这是一个人无法完成更多的工作的主要原因。

你是否知道人的意志力是非常有限的资源? 如果每天一睁开就要抗拒各种诱惑,因此全天都不太可能抵抗得了它们。(比如刷朋友圈,抖音等)



2. Make Deadlines

The most common notion about deadlines is that they tend to be stressful and tiresome.

On one hand, this is half true. On the other hand, deadlines can also be harnessed in such a way that it could be used as a tool for enhancing productivity.

It’s easier to fall prey to procrastination without a deadline.

Why? Most people would say I’ll do it later, however they usually end up going beyond their schedule or if not, compromising the quality of work.



一方面,有一半是对的。 另一方面,我们也可以利用截止日期来提高工作效率。


为什么? 大多数人会说我晚点再做,但是他们通常花的时间最终会超出他们的计划,否则,工作质量就会下降。


3. Break Tasks into Smaller More Manageable Pieces

There’s nothing more daunting than taking on a huge task. However, it really doesn’t matter how big or complex the task is.

The critical aspect is actually the way it is presented. It is quite evident and as a matter of fact, research has shown that the manner of task presentation has critical impacts on the brain and on how a person becomes motivated to take on a task.

Breaking down tasks into more manageable pieces makes it easier for us to finish tasks thus keeping clear of procrastination.

For example, if you are going to run 100 meters, run 10 meters first, then another 10 meters, till you meet the goal.


没有什么比完成一项艰巨的任务更令人生畏了。 但是,任务的大小实际上并不重要。

关键方面实际上是它的呈现方式。 很明显,事实上,研究表明,任务陈述的方式对大脑以及人激励自己执行任务的方式具有至关重要的影响。


例如,你要跑100米,你先跑10米, 再跑10米,以此类推,直至目标达成。



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