抑郁症健康 > 人人都有孤独和孤立的时候 但这能说是当今社会的“流行病”?

人人都有孤独和孤立的时候 但这能说是当今社会的“流行病”?

时间:2020-09-15 13:09:52


【编辑声明】 高中/大学无障碍阅读系列材料来自市面或网络上公开的全国各地高考原文、名校模考佳文、《英语周报》、大学各类等级考试中(低、中难度)原文。所有文章均由张九明本人参照《网易有道词典》编译而成。


Islonelinessa healthepidemic?

1 In recent decades, researchers have discovered that lonelinessleftuntreatedis not just psychicallypainful; it also can have serious medical consequences.



Rigorousepidemiologicalstudies have linkedloneliness and social isolationtoheart disease, cancer, depression, diabetes andsuicide.


epidemiological流行病学的a,link...to 把....连接起来 【link连结v】,isolation隔离n,diabetes糖尿病n,suicide自杀n

Vivek Murthy, the formerUnited States surgeon general, has written that loneliness and social isolation are “associated with a reduction in life span similar to that caused by smoking 15 cigarettesa day and even greater than that associated with obesity.”


former以前的a,reduction减少n,life span寿命【span跨度n】,cigarette香烟n,associate(使)发生联系v,obesity肥胖n

2 But is loneliness, as many political officialsand pundits are warning, a growing “health epidemic” (流行病)?

但孤独是一种越来越甚的“健康流行病”吗? 正如许多政治官员和专家们所警告的那样?

political official政客【political政党的a】【official行政官员n】,pundit专家n

I don’t believe so,nor do I believe it helps anyone to describe it that way. Social disconnectionis a serious matter, yet if we set off a panic over its prevalence (流行) and impact, we’re less likely to deal with it properly.


nor也不c,disconnection断开n,set off出发/(使)开始,panic恐慌n,over关于pp,impact影响n,deal with处理,properly适当地adv

3 Anxietyabout loneliness is a common feature of modern societies. Today, two major causes of loneliness seem possible. One is that societies throughout the world have embraced a culture of individualism.


anxiety焦虑n,feature特征n,major主要的a,cause原因n,throughout the world全世界,embrace拥抱/信奉v,individualism个人主义n

More people are living alone, and agingalone, thanever. Neoliberal (新自由主义的) social policies have turned workers into insecure free agents, and when jobs disappear, things fall apart fast.


age长大/使变老v,than ever比以往任何时候,policy政策n,insecure无安全的/不稳定的a,agent代理人/代理商n,fall apart散开/崩溃【apart(指空间或时间)相隔/分离adv】

Laborunions, civic associations, neighborhood organizations, religiousgroups and other traditional sources of social solidarity are in steady decline. Increasingly, we all feel that we’re on our own.


labor union工会,civic城市的a,association协会n,neighborhood 附近/街坊n,religious宗教的a,source根源,solidarity团结n,steady稳定的a,decline下降n,on our own凭我们自己/靠我们自己

4 The other possible causeis the rise of communication technology, including smartphones, social media and the Internet.


cause原因n,communication technology通信技术,smartphone智能手机n,media媒体n

A decadeago, companies like Facebook, Apple and Google promised that their products would help create meaningful relationships and communities. Instead, we’ve used the media system to deepenexisting divisions, at both the individual and group levels.


decade十年n,product产品n,instead代替adv,media system媒介体制n,deepen变深/加深v,existing现存的a,division分开n,individual个人的a,level水平/层面n

We may have thousands of “friends” and “followers” on Facebook and Instagram, but when it comes tohuman relationships, it turns out there’s no substitute for building them the old-fashionedway, in person.

在脸谱和照片墙网站上,我们可能有成千上万的“朋友”和“粉丝”。但当谈到人际关系时,事实证明,没有什么能替代传统意义的人际关系的建立方式 --- 那就是亲自去建立人际关系。

when it comes to当提到…,turn out(to be)结果是v,substitute代替者/替代物n,old-fashioned老式的/过时的a,in person亲自/亲身pp

5 In light ofthese twotrends, it’s easy to believe we’re experiencing an “epidemic” of loneliness and isolation. Surprisingly, though, the best data do not actually show a boomin either loneliness or social isolation.


in light of按照/根据,trend走向/趋向n,experience亲身参与/亲身经历v,loneliness孤独/寂寞n,isolation隔离/孤独n,data资料/数据n,boom隆隆声/繁荣n

Yetthe research tells us something more specific. In places like the United States and Britain, it’s the poor, unemployed, displaced(无家可归的) and migrant populationsthat are suffering most from loneliness and isolation.


yet但是c,the poor穷人们n,the unemployed失业者(集体)n,migrant移民n,population人口n

Their lives are unstable, and soare their relationships. When they get lonely, they are theleast able to get adequate social or medicalsupport.



【效果说明】 从教30多年的老九老师悄悄地告诉您(众多人中我只告诉你一个人!):高中/大学英语无障碍阅读是迅速扩大英语词汇量提升英语阅读水平之十分有效的手段(我个人近几年年年教毕业班,屡试屡验)!




【编辑声明】 高中/大学无障碍阅读系列材料来自市面或网络上公开的全国各地高考原文、名校模考佳文、《英语周报》、大学各类等级考试中(低、中难度)原文。所有文章均由张九明本人参照《网易有道词典》编译而成。

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