抑郁症健康 > 女性更年期 Female climacteric英语短句 例句大全

女性更年期 Female climacteric英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-21 04:08:25


女性更年期,Female climacteric

1)Female climacteric女性更年期


1.Relationship Between the Menopausal Syndrome and Psychological Health of Climacteric Women女性更年期综合征与心理健康的相关性研究

2.Purpose To observe the curative effect of acupuncture on female climacteric syndrome.目的观察针刺治疗女性更年期综合征的疗效。

3.Female Menopausal Syndrome Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapeutic Regimen Research;女性更年期综合征中医药治疗方案研究

4.Clinical observation of efficacy of Livial in treatment of 70 cases with female climacteric syndrome利维爱治疗女性更年期综合征70例疗效观察


6.Control Study on Menopausal Depression Treated with Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine女性更年期抑郁症中西医结合治疗的对照研究

7.Treatment of 84 cases of women"s climacteric syndrome due to deficiency of both liver-Yin and kidney-Yin with Kungengxin capsule坤更欣胶囊治疗肝肾阴虚型女性更年期综合征84例

8.Clinical Study on the Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Herb for the Reproductive Endocrine of Climacteric Women s Postmenopause;针药结合对女性更年期绝经后期生殖内分泌影响的临床研究

9.The Study of the Relationships between Epidemiology Study, the Physical Constitution Analysis and Endocrine Study on Menopausal Syndrome.;女性更年期忧郁症流行病学、体质分析与内分泌关系研究

10.Clinical Research on 270 Cases of Female Climacteric Syndrome of TCM Syndrome Elements270例女性更年期综合征中医证候要素的临床研究

11.The Influence Between Plaque of Carotid Arteries and Cricadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure in Patients With Female Climacteric Hypertension女性更年期高血压脉压变化对颈动脉斑块形成的影响

12.Study on Depression Factors in Menopausal Women更年期女性伴发抑郁情绪的现状研究

13.Analysis on health care intervention of well-educated women in menopause更年期知识女性健康促进干预的研究

14.Researching on Influencing Factors related to Menopausal Women"s Sexual Health更年期女性性健康影响因素的相关研究

15.Cystoscopy in painless hematuria women during climacterium and senectitude更年期和老年期女性无痛性血尿的膀胱镜检查及临床意义

16.Here is a normal uterus with fallopian tubes and ovaries from a perimenopausal woman.图示:一更年期女性正常的子宫、输卵管及卵巢。

17.Survey and Analysis on Emotional Disorder Factors of Menopausal Syndrome;更年期综合征女性情志障碍的调查研究

18.The Animal Model s Establishment and Evaluation of the Parkinson s Disease in Climacteric Women;更年期女性帕金森病动物模型的建立与评价


climacteric women更年期女性

1.Objective To explore the correlation between psychological health ofclimacteric women and personality feature and provide reference for making nursing interventions to improveclimacteric women s psychological heath and life quality.目的了解更年期女性心理健康状况与人格特征之间的关系,为制订提高更年期女性心理健康和生活质量干预措施提供依据。

2.The content of E 2, PTH, CT and 1, 25(OH) 2-D 3(1,25-dihydroxy vitamin) inclimacteric women are detected by radioimmunoassay(RIA),and the content of Ca 2+ ,P 3+ by biochemical assay .表明更年期女性应及早预防骨质疏松症的发

3)menopausal women更年期女性

1.Objective:To investigate the effect & mechanism of decreasing blood pressure of Qingxu- anjiangya Decoction(QXJYD)onmenopausal women hypertension patients.目的:探讨清眩降压汤对更年期女性高血压病的降压效果及作用机理。

4)Climacteric women更年期妇女

1.Investigation and analysis on health status in climacteric women of Xi an City;西安市更年期妇女健康状况调查分析

2.Objective: To investigate the mental status of climacteric women.目的 :了解更年期妇女心理健康状况。

5)Menopause women更年期妇女

1.Methods:Menopause women settled in Beijing s Chaoyang district balizhuang community were enrolled into this study by the method of cluster sampling.目的:了解社区更年期妇女的睡眠质量和心身症状。

6)female menopause妇女更年期


女性更年期综合征女性更年期综合征病名。为部分妇女 在绝经前后出现的一系列因性激素减少所出现的病症,包括自主神经功能失调的症候。约85 %的更年期妇女有这些症状,但大都能自行缓解,其中约25%的妇女症状比较严重,影响生活 和工作,需要治疗。年轻妇女因手术切除双侧卵巢,或经放射治疗后,也可出现更年期综合 征。临床表现多种多样,一般可分为:①性衰老(可参女性性衰老条);②心血管症状:潮红 、潮热、出汗、心悸、头痛、头晕,甚至血压增高、心绞痛等;③精神神经症状:忧虑抑郁 ,易激动,失眠,烦躁,注意力不集中,健忘等;④月经改变和生殖系统改变:月经紊乱, 外阴及阴道萎缩,易发生老年性阴道炎、子宫及阴道脱垂等;⑤其他:骨质疏松,关节及肌 肉痛,膀胱、尿道的症状等。血中促性腺激素水平增高,尤其FSH增高明显,阴道涂片可显 示卵巢功能衰退,尿孕二醇排量甚微。更年期妇女出现上述症状即可诊断,但需先除外心血 管、泌尿生殖系统的器质性病变及精神分裂症。防治:①从预防着手,进行更年期生理的宣 传教育,使患者保持乐观情绪,减少不必要的顾虑。②一般治疗:轻症者一般不必服药治疗 ,必要时可选用安定2.5~5mg口服,每日1~3次,或谷维素20~30mg口服,每日3次,以及 维生素B6、维生素E等。③雌激素治疗:乙■酚0.125~0.25m g, 口服,每日1次。用雌激素治疗前,应详细询问病史,进行全身检查。亦可用尼尔雌醇治疗 ,每月1~2mg,第一月加倍,可连服5~6个月。着重对乳房,盆腔及 直肠进行检查。测血压,化验血、尿常规,并做阴道及宫颈涂片检查。用药过程中定期随访 和复查。不宜用雌激素治疗者:①曾患“激素影响”的肿瘤,如子宫内膜癌、某些乳腺癌者 及家族中有这类肿瘤史者。②不规则子宫出血原因未查明者。③肝脏疾病肝功能不全者。④ 充血性心力衰竭或肝肾疾病引起的水肿患者,血栓性静脉炎患者,子宫肌瘤、高血压、糖尿 病患者,亦不宜用该疗法。属中医经断前后诸证。可参该条。

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