抑郁症健康 > 精神行为异常 mental and behavior disorder英语短句 例句大全

精神行为异常 mental and behavior disorder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-02 08:11:50


精神行为异常,mental and behavior disorder

1)mental and behavior disorder精神行为异常

1.Viral encephalitis withmental and behavior disorder:clinicalanalysis of 41 cases;病毒性脑炎伴精神行为异常41例临床分析


1.Experience intellectual decline for 30 years,behavioral and psychological abnormalities for 10 years,unstable walking for 4 years and unclear speech for 2 years[18]智力下降30年,精神行为异常,走路不稳4年,言语不清2年(上)

2.By analyzing Earl" s behavior, the doctors determined that he was insane.藉着分析厄尔的行为,医师判定他精神异常。

3.Analysis on abnormal psychology by psychoanalysis and behaviorism;精神分析和行为主义对异常心理的探析

4.mentally [emotionally] unstable((委婉语))精神异常的

5.schizoid personality disorder精神分裂型人格异常

6." Mental disorder:Any illness with a psychological origin, manifested either in symptoms of emotional distress or in abnormal Behaviour."精神疾患:任何有关心理原因的病症,外在表现为情绪失调症候群或异常行为。

7.the branch of psychology that studies abnormal mentation and behavior.精神病学中有关不正常心理状态与行为的分支。

8.To declare legally insane.法律上宣告为精神失常

9.He was certified and sent to a mental hospital.他经诊断为精神失常而送往精神病院.

10.Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand up-right.贫穷常常夺去一个人的精神和德行,因为空口袋难以直立.

11.An fMRI Study of Aberrant Brain Network in Schizophrenia Patients精神分裂症患者异常脑网络的fMRI研究

12.Abnormal mental symptoms associated with an intraveous infusion of methylprednisolone甲泼尼龙静脉滴注相关异常精神症状

13.Abnormal mental status and vision produced by moxifloxacin莫西沙星致老年患者精神和视觉异常

14.orthomolecular psychiatry行为矫正分子精神病学

15.mentally incapacitated person [MIP]精神上无行为能力的人

16.the activity of spiritual or physical renewal.精神或肉体恢复的行为。

17.Study on Relationship of Childhood Schizophrenia and Abnomaly Neurodevelopment;儿童精神分裂症与神经发育异常关系的研究

18.A Roche spokesman says there was no evidence the drug caused the side effects.罗氏说,并没有证据显示克流感与这些精神异常的行为有关,但他们仍会在美国上市的加注新警语。


Mental disorder精神异常

3)mental behaviours精神行为

1.To probe influence of stress on themental behaviours of soldiers.探讨执行“处置突发事件”(简称处突 )任务对战士精神行为的影响。

4)abnormal behavior异常行为

1.Analyzing theabnormal behaviors of health needs;简析居民健康需求中的异常行为

2.Discussions ofabnormal behavior for meiosis of T.OfficinaleF.H.Wigg;药蒲公英减数分裂异常行为探讨

3.Detection model ofabnormal behavior based on DOG;基于DOG的异常行为监测模型的设计

5)abnormal behavior行为异常

1.Inherited metabolic diseases andabnormal behavior along with development retardation行为异常及发育落后与遗传代谢病

2.In this paper, authors discussed the interesting topics related with alcohol such as the characteristics of its process in body, theabnormal behavior, drunk driving and the detective methods of alcohol blood concentration.本文探讨了乙醇的体内过程、乙醇造成的疾病及行为异常、酒后驾车以及血液中酒精浓度的检测方法等相关的热点和难点问题 ,提出了可供参考的观点和意见。

3.Some topics of general interests were discussed,such asabnormal behaviors of a participant in the traffic under the influence of alcohol,as well as the methods of testing the blood alcohol concentration of them.探讨了乙醇摄入导致的交通行为异常、驾车者血液酒精浓度的检测方法等热点和难点问题,提出了可供参考的观点和意见。

6)Deviant Behavior异常行为

1.The effects of servant leadership on employees’ behaviors(contextual performance, deviant behavior, task performance)were examined with the revised servant leadership scale of Barbuto & Wheeler()(N=285).以285对管理者和员工为研究对象,通过修订的西方公仆型领导量表,考察了公仆型领导对员工绩效(周边绩效、异常行为、任务绩效)的影响。


行为异常行为异常behavior disorder行为异常(behavio:dis。rder)见‘。行为障碍”。

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