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多元智力理论 theory of multiple intelligence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-15 09:45:55


多元智力理论,theory of multiple intelligence

1)theory of multiple intelligence多元智力理论

1.Gardner’stheory of multiple intelligences is one of the most influential theory for the education reformation’s guiding ideology in US and other western countries.霍华德·加德纳的多元智力理论是影响美国和西方国家教育改革指导思想的一种重要理论。

2.The American psychological professor Howard Gardner put forward thetheory of multiple intelligence in 1980’s, which changed people understood the intelligence in traditional way.心理学家加德纳提出的多元智力理论,在国内外教育教学改革中引起强烈反响。

3.Thetheory of multiple intelligence of Howard Gadener breaks the narrowunderstanding of traditional intelligence theoriesof personal development,providinga brand-newmode ofpersonal developmentforus.加德纳的多元智力理论,打破了传统的智力理论对个人发展的狭隘认识,为我们提供了一种新的个人发展模式,从而使我们能够从一个全新的角度来理解学生的发展,审视我们对学生的评价,为课堂教学的公平性提供了强有力的理论基础。


1.The Inspiration for Sports Intelligence from the Pluralistic Concept of Intelligence;多元智力理论对运动智力研究的启示

2.Behind Popularity of MI: Fatal Weaknesses of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences;“多元智力热”的背后与多元智力理论的“软肋”

3.Enlightenment of the Diverse Intelligence Theory to Quality Education;试论多元智力理论对素质教育的启示

4.Overstepping the Theory of Traditional Intelligence:Exploring Multiple Intelligences;传统智力概念的超越:多元智力理论探析

5.The View of Wisdom Under the Theory of Multiple Intelligence--A Comparison Between Chinese Traditional View of Intelligence and the Theory of Multiple Intelligence;多元智力理论中隐含的“智慧”观——中国古代智力观和多元智力理论的比较

6.The New Trend of Modern Intellectual Developing Theory: the Model of Pluralistic Intelligence Theory--A comment on H.Gadner s Pluralistic Intellectual Developing Theory;现代智力发展理论的新走向:建立多元智力理论模型——加德纳的多元智力发展理论述评

7.Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the Application of Middle Application Teaching Reform;多元智力理论在高中教学改革的应用

8.The Influence of Multi-intelligence Theory on Chinese Education in China;多元智力理论及其对我国教育的影响

9.Enlightenments from Theory of Multiple Intelligences to the Teaching Reform in China Higher Education;多元智力理论对高校教学改革的启示

10.Inspiration of Multiple Intelligences Theory to Talent Training for High Education;多元智力理论对高校人才培养的启示

11.Enlightenment of Multiple Intelligence Theory on College English Teaching;多元智力理论对大学英语教学的启示

12.The Reform of Adult Education under the Guidance of The Theory of Multiple Intelligences;多元智力理论指导下的成人教育改革

13.The enlightenment on sports teaching of the school by the multiple intelligences theory;多元智力理论对学校体育教学的启示

14.Enlightenment of multiple intelligence theory to special children;多元智力理论对特殊儿童教育的启示

15.Fairness in the Classroom Teaching from an Angle of Theory of Multiple Intelligence;多元智力理论视野下的课堂教学公平

16.Enlightenment of MI for education reform;多元智力理论及其对教育改革的启示

17.The Theory of Multiple Intelligence and the Course Assessment of Vocational Education in IT;多元智力理论与IT类职业教育课程评价

18.Enlightenment of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to Oral English Teaching;多元智力理论对英语口语教学的启示


Multiple intelligence theory多元智力理论

1.Multiple intelligence theory and college english teaching;多元智力理论与大学英语教学

2.Fresh application of multiple intelligence theory to education;多元智力理论及其在教育领域的最新应用

3.The Individual Teaching Research of College Physics Based on the Multiple Intelligence Theory;基于多元智力理论的大学物理个别化教学研究

3)multiple intelligences theory多元智力理论

1.The enlightenment on sports teaching of the school by themultiple intelligences theory;多元智力理论对学校体育教学的启示

2.To Probe Individual-based English Teaching Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory;基于多元智力理论,探索英语个性化教学

3.From the View of the Multiple Intelligences Theory for Classroom Cultural Reconstruction多元智力理论视域下的课堂文化重建

4)The Theory of Multiple Intelligences多元智力理论

1.The Enlightment on Curriculum of Kindergarten fromThe Theory of Multiple Intelligences;多元智力理论对幼儿园课程设计的启示

2.Study of Chemistry Teaching of High School under the Theory of Multiple Intelligences;基于多元智力理论下的高中化学教学研究

3.The article has explored the importance and necessities of College English level-based teaching in four aspects:the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, the theory of multiple intelligences,i+1theory,utility difference theory.文章从教育学的因材施教原则、心理学的多元智力理论、语言学的i+1理论和经济学的效用差异理论四个方面,探究大学英语分层教学的必要性和重要性。

5)the Theory of Multiple Intelligence多元智力理论

1.To Change a Teacher s Role in Compliance withthe Theory of Multiple Intelligence;多元智力理论:呼唤教师角色转变

2.teaching from the new angle of the theory of multiple intelligence,provides some corresponding strategy,and presents us a new mode of college P.多元智力理论要求无论是教学目标、教学内容、教学方法还是教学评价,都应以发展学生的多元智力为标准。

3.The Theory of Multiple Intelligence of Gargner is a kind of educational and philosophical ideology.加德纳的多元智力理论是一种教育哲学思想,这种哲学思想不仅试图解释“智力”的结构,而且还包含了“智慧”观念。

6)Theory of Multiple Intelligence多元智能理论

1.Theory of Multiple Intelligence and its inspiration in education;多元智能理论及其对教育的启示

2.Theory of Multiple Intelligence and Its Suggestions on National Education;多元智能理论及其对民族教育的启示

3.The Integration ofTheory of Multiple Intelligence and College English Teaching;多元智能理论与大学英语教学的整合


智力流动智力流动intelligence flowing智力流动(int。lligenee flowing)也叫“人才流动”。人事管理工作中动态管理人才,合理使用和充分发挥人才潜力的一种管理形式。其意义与作用是:(l)保证工作群体人员的新陈代谢、新老更替。(2)使群体的人员结构处于动态的调整之中,以保证人员结构的优化组合。(3)使员工的专业、兴趣能更好地与工作对口。(4)有利于新思想、新技术等在群体中的横向转移。(5)有利于强化人才成长中的竟争机制,更好地调动员工的积极性。(6)使人才资源能更好地与产业结构变化和经济发展相适应。(王永海撰王极盛审)

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