抑郁症健康 > 给付不可分 Indivisible prestation英语短句 例句大全

给付不可分 Indivisible prestation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-17 00:30:33


给付不可分,Indivisible prestation

1)Indivisible prestation给付不可分

2)illegal cause(causa)给付不法


1.In the reform of Germany law of obligation in 2002, the institution ofimpossibility of prestation had been rebuilt.2002年德国债法改革对故有的给付不能法进行的改造,取得了以下成果:给付不能退出了给付障碍法核心的历史舞台、构建了新的给付不能类型体系、赋予自始不能以合同效力、赋予信赖利益以新的内涵。


1.Entwicklung und Vergleich von Leistungsunmdglichkeit im deutschen Schuldrecht;给付不能在德国债法中的演进及比较

2.I can"t pay you today.我今天不能付款给你。

3.We can"t give things before you pay.在你付款之前,我们不能给任何东西。

4.The task was too important to be entrusted to a child.此任务太重要而不能托付给儿童;

5.I can offer you 50, but I can"t go any further than that.我可以付给你50英镑, 不能再多了.

6.Hs is not to be trusted with a position of sush responsibility.不能把这样的重大的责任托付给他。

7.(British) money paid (by the government) to someone who is too ill to work.(英)付给因患病而不能工作的人的钱款(由政府支付)。

8.I can"t pay for the books now. Will you bill me (for them) later?这些书我现在不能付款, 事後给我寄帐单来好吗?

9.Dividends paid to stockholders are not tax deductible.而支付给股东的股息不能从应税所得中减除。

10."No, not now. Royalty payments are made only twice a year. How could I pay you ahead of time?"“不能,版税一年只能结算两次,现在还不到时候,我怎好付给你呢?”

11.Since our term is always cash in advance, we have on facilities for cod shipment.因我方付款条件一直是预付现款,故不能给予“先行装运、货到付款”的方便。

12.Can I trust them with the Boat?我能把船托付给他们吗?

13.Unlike the treatment of interest on bonds, dividends paid to shareholders are not a tax deductible business expense for the corporation.付给股东的红利不同于债券的利息,不能作为公司营业支出而减税。

14.Exclusions are situations not covered by the insurer.排除给付是指保险公司在某些情况下并不给付。

15.Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.不要把信任托付给钱,而要把钱托付给信任的人。

16.I"m afraid we cannot give you a further discount for prompt~.恐怕我们不能因为付款迅速而再给予你方折扣了。

17.This difficulty is not something we can deal with, so we had better turn it over to the director.这一困难不是我们能对付得了的,最好交给主任去处理。

18.Ours is a strictly cash business and we have on facilities for send goods cod.我们的贸易是严格执行现金买卖的,因此不能给予“货到付款”的方便。


illegal cause(causa)给付不法


1.In the reform of Germany law of obligation in 2002, the institution ofimpossibility of prestation had been rebuilt.2002年德国债法改革对故有的给付不能法进行的改造,取得了以下成果:给付不能退出了给付障碍法核心的历史舞台、构建了新的给付不能类型体系、赋予自始不能以合同效力、赋予信赖利益以新的内涵。

4)delivery by instalment分期给付

5)inadequate performance不完全给付

1.The theory ofinadequate performance has an effect on the original system of performance obstacle, which includes two forms of impossibility of performance and deferred performance, and makes up the leak of the law.不完全给付理论的提出是对原有给付障碍法体系(包括给付不能和给付迟延两种情形)的冲击和发展,弥补了法律的漏洞。

6)property unlawfully given不法原因给付物

1.Based on the analysis of the connotation of the crime of embezzlement,the question whether such items asproperty unlawfully given and intellectual right are objects of the crime of embezzlement are discussed.在阐明侵占罪法律内含的基础上分析了不法原因给付物,智力成果等五种特殊犯罪对象是否能构成侵占罪犯罪对象。



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