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管理心理 management psychology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-08 20:42:31


管理心理,management psychology

1)management psychology管理心理

1.Study on Li Zhi s thoughts ofmanagement psychology;李贽的管理心理思想研究

2.The assumption of original goodness of human nature and the "people-oriented" conception of the Confucianism in the pre-Qin period accords with and somewhat differs from the westernmanagement psychology thought.先秦儒家"人性本善"的假设及其"以人为本"的思想与西方某些管理心理思想不谋而合又有些许差异,以韩非子和商鞅为代表的先秦法家"性本恶"的人性假设及其崇尚"法治"的思想与马斯洛关于人的需要层次理论颇有共通之处,融合了法家管理理念的儒家思想与布莱克和莫顿的管理方格理论可谓异曲同工。

3.Psychological contract(PC) and organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) are both hot research problems ofmanagement psychology.心理契约和组织公民行为都是管理心理学研究的热点问题。


1.On Stimulation as the Core of Modern Managerial Psychology;论激励是现代管理心理学理论的核心

2.A Strategy to Individual Differences in the view of Management Psychology;管理心理学视阈下个性差异管理策略

3.Principles of Management Psychology and Humanity Nursing Management in University Hospitals;管理心理学原理与高校医院护理的人性化管理

4.Analysis of Job-Hunting Psychology of Undergraduates Using Management Psychological Theory;用管理心理学理论剖析大学生择业心理

5.The Psychological Mechanism of the Sense of Shame and the Construction of Public Management Ethics;耻感的心理机制与公共管理伦理建构

6.Polycentric Governance: A New Theory of Public Management;多中心治理:一种新的公共管理理论

7.On the Tactical Psychology of Thirty-six Strategies and Its Orientation in Management;《三十六计》的变理心理及其管理定位

8.The roll management is the key step of the teaching management in universities.学籍管理是高校教学管理的中心环节。

9.The Core of CRM: Customer Value Management;客户关系管理的核心:客户价值管理

10.On the Emphasis of Human Resources Management--Human Being Management;论人力资源管理的重心——人本管理

11.About financial control to business management center function discussion;财务管理对企业管理中心作用的思考

12.Taking Funds Management As the Core to Do Enterprise Financial Management Well;以资金管理为核心搞好企业财务管理

13.On Construction of the Managing Cultural Notion Centring on the Financial Management;构建以财务管理为中心的管理文化观

14.How business administration regards financial administration as the centre;企业管理如何做到以财务管理为中心

15.The Core of Enterprise Management:Centralized Financial Management;集团企业管理的核心:集中式财务管理

16.Financial Management: The Key Point of Modern Business Management;财务管理:现代企业管理的中心环节

17.On Financial Management of State-run Enterprises;财务管理是国企经营管理的中心内容

18.The Heart of Modern Enterprise Manage ment Model-Finance Management;现代企业管理模式的核心是财务管理


psychological management心理管理

1.So the knowledge enterprise should apply the strategy ofpsychological management.分析了知识型员工心理问题的类型、表现与成因,指出要预防和解决知识型员工的心理问题,必须采取组织措施,因此,应该在知识型企业实施“心理管理”。

2.The measures taken for strengthening thepsychological management were put forward in terms of establishing and improving the organizations,developing the education and training,understanding the psychological state,groping for the developmental law,strengthening classification and channel off,constructing a harmonious environment and etc.分析了影响雷达兵部队官兵心理健康的主要因素,结合部队心理管理的实际,从建立健全机构、开展培训教育、掌握心理状况、探索发展规律、加强分类疏导、构建和谐环境等方面提出了强化心理管理的措施。

3)managerial psychology管理心理学

1.On Stimulation as the Core of Modern Managerial Psychology;论激励是现代管理心理学理论的核心

2.Objective To investigate the occupational stress of hospital managers and their knowledge inmanagerial psychology,according to which we can manage the occupational stress well.目的了解医院管理者的主要压力来源及对管理心理学知识的掌握情况,掌握现代医院管理者的知识储备情况,为压力管理提供依据。

3.Through the review of the leading behavior and leading style in modern and contemporarymanagerial psychology,we consider that there exists serious cultural obstacles in the generalization of the conclusions about westmanagerial psychology.通过对现代管理心理学中领导行为和领导风格研究成果的综述认为,西方管理心理学研究的结论在中国的推广存在严重的文化障碍,必须逐步本土化才能用来指导中国的党政管理和企业管理。

4)management psychology管理心理学

1.Reflections onmanagement psychology introduced to library management;管理心理学引入图书馆工作的思考

2.As a sub-field of management science,management psychology should be introduced into library, which will play an important role in further improving library management.论述图书馆引入管理心理学的必要性、意义和应注意的问题。

3.Starting from the angle ofmanagement psychology,this paper analyzes the significance of introducingmanagement psychology into library management,and expounds the application ofmanagement psychology in the library management.从管理心理学的角度出发,分析了将管理心理学引入图书馆管理的意义,论述了管理心理学在图书馆管理中的应用。

5)administration psychology管理心理学

1.Significance and characteristics ofadministration psychology under globalization;经济全球化背景下管理心理学研究新视野

2.Applying the principles ofadministration psychology to promote ideological work is the need of creating the new situation of ideological work.运用管理心理学原理提升思想工作水平,是开创思想工作新局面的需要。

6)Psychology of Management管理心理学



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