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语言学能 language aptitude英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-16 10:27:42


语言学能,language aptitude

1)language aptitude语言学能

1.A Critical Review on the Study of Language Aptitude and L2 Acquisition;语言学能与二语习得研究述评

2.On the basis of the de nition oflanguage aptitude, the author rst introduces some in uentiallanguage aptitude tests extensively used in Western countries, and gives a review of the previous studies on the role oflanguage aptitude in language learning, drawing the conclusion that measures oflanguage aptitude are consistently related .笔者从语言学能的定义出发,介绍了几个在国外被广泛采用、具有一定影响力的语言学能测试,回顾了近几十年来有关语言学能方面的研究成果,证明了语言学能与最终的学习结果之间所存在的显著的正相关联系,其相关系数介于。

3.The past eight decades witnessed the development,culmination,marginalization and revitalization of the research onlanguage aptitude,which currently focuses on four models:Linguistic Coding Differences Hypothesis,Cognitive Ability for Novelty in Acquisition of Language(Foreign)Theory,Information Processing Stages Theory,Aptitude Complex/Ability Differentiation Theory.语言学能研究起源于20世纪代中期,经历了发展、高潮、沉寂、重新活跃几个阶段。

2)functional linguistics功能语言学

1.The Information structure, which involves constitutes given and new is important aspect offunctional linguistics.信息结构是功能语言学一个很重要的部分,它包括新信息和已知信息两个组成部分。

2.Since the introduction offunctional linguistics into China, it has been applied in the fields of language teaching, discourse analysis/stylistics, research in Chinese language, etc.功能语言学传入中国后被广泛地研究、应用到语言教学、语篇分析/文体学、汉语研究等方面,并得到了极大的发展。

3.By adopting the method of literature searching,this article analyzes the development of application studies onfunctional linguistics in China from the aspects of foreign language teaching,translation,and stylistics.文章在文献检索的基础上,采用文献分析的方法,从外语教学研究、翻译理论与实践和文体学研究三个方面,分析了30年来功能语言学在中国应用研究的发展。


1.The Comparison between Systemic Functional Grammar and Transformational Generative Grammar;系统功能语言学与形式语言学的对比

2.On Complemeantary Aspects of Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics;功能语言学与认知语言学互补性初探

3.Figuring the Cognitive Orientation From Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics功能语言学和认知语言学的认知取向

4.Relationship and Difference Between Linguistics of Philosophy and Functional Linguistics语言哲学与功能语言学:联系与区别

5.Meta-Function Ideology in Systematic Functional Linguistics;浅谈系统功能语言学中的元功能思想

6.An Analysis of English Tourism Discourse from the Perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar;英语旅游语篇的系统功能语言学分析

7.The Genre Analysis of the Analects of Confucius from the Systemic Functional Perspective;《论语》语篇体裁的系统功能语言学分析

8.In the light of functional linguistics and textual linguistics passive voice is characterized by its cohesive-tie function, pragmatic-intentionf unction andt extual informationf ocusing function.根据功能语言学和语篇语言学原理,被动句具有语篇衔接功能、篇交际意图功能和语篇聚焦功能。

9.Application of Systemic Functional Linguistics to Foreign Language Teachin;系统功能语言学在外语教学中的应用

10.Systematic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching简论系统功能语言学旗下的外语教学

11.Translinguistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics: Compatible or Discrete;超语言学与系统功能语言学:相容还是分离

12.Perspectives on Meaning A Comparative Study of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics;系统功能语言学与认知语言学意义观之比较

13.The major differences between systemic-functional linguistics and transformational generative linguistics;系统功能语言学与转换生成语言学的主要差别

14.System,Function and Context of Situation in Systemic-Functional Linguistics;浅谈系统功能语言学中的系统、功能与语境

15.A Systemic-Functional Interpretation of Discourse Coherence;从系统功能语言学角度解析语篇连贯

16.Discourse Comprehension Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics;基于系统功能语言学的语篇理解模式

17.“Projection” and Text - A Systemic-Functional Approach;从功能语言学角度看“投射”与语篇分析

18.Translation of Advertising Texts: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach广告语篇翻译的系统功能语言学途径


functional linguistics功能语言学

1.The Information structure, which involves constitutes given and new is important aspect offunctional linguistics.信息结构是功能语言学一个很重要的部分,它包括新信息和已知信息两个组成部分。

2.Since the introduction offunctional linguistics into China, it has been applied in the fields of language teaching, discourse analysis/stylistics, research in Chinese language, etc.功能语言学传入中国后被广泛地研究、应用到语言教学、语篇分析/文体学、汉语研究等方面,并得到了极大的发展。

3.By adopting the method of literature searching,this article analyzes the development of application studies onfunctional linguistics in China from the aspects of foreign language teaching,translation,and stylistics.文章在文献检索的基础上,采用文献分析的方法,从外语教学研究、翻译理论与实践和文体学研究三个方面,分析了30年来功能语言学在中国应用研究的发展。

3)Systemic Functional Linguistics功能语言学

1.OnSystemic Functional Linguistics Approaches to Literary Studies文学研究的功能语言学方法探究

2.In Translation Studies:A Functional Linguistics Approach—Constructing a Translation Quality Assessment Model by Professor Si Xianzhu,a text\|based translation quality assessment model is proposed in the light ofSystemic Functional Linguistics.翻译质量评估是应用译学的核心课题,司显柱教授新著《功能语言学与翻译研究??翻译质量评估模式建构》从功能语言学视角,基于语篇类型,建构了一个较具系统性、完整性、可操作性和较少主观性等特征的翻译质量评估模式,把本命题研究向前推进了一步。

3.Systemic Functional Linguistics makes available a framework within which we could investigate the meaning and functions of"there_1"by analyzing its role in the three metafun.本文在功能语言学的理论框架中研究英语存在小句中there(文中称其为there_1)的意义和功能。

4)linguistic function语言学功能

1.On the features of syntactic structure andlinguistic functions of English metaphor;浅析英语隐喻的句法结构特征及其语言学功能

2.On the building of metaphorical words and itslinguistic functions;试谈隐喻性词汇的构成及其语言学功能

5)Speech learning ability言语学习能力

6)Systemic Functional Linguistics系统功能语言学

1.The Cardiff Grammar: a Model inSystemic Functional Linguistics;系统功能语言学的一个模式:加的夫语法

2.Systemic Functional Linguistics and the Analysis of Educational Text;系统功能语言学与教育语篇分析

3.Systemic Functional Linguistics as a General Linguistics Theory;作为普通语言学的系统功能语言学


美女机器人能识别四国语言美女机器人能识别四国语言 3月7日,在日本爱知县世界博览会的接待处,一名人形机器人现身新闻发布会。 南方网讯 它由日本的科科罗机器人公司研制,能识别用日语,汉语,韩国语或英语讲的四万句短语。展示技术和创新成果的日本爱知世界博览会将于3月25日到9月25日举行。新华社/法新 3月7日,在日本爱知县世界博览会的接待处,一名人形机器人在新闻发布会上为一名游客(左)当导游。 它由日本的科科罗机器人公司研制,能识别用日语,汉语,韩国语或英语讲的四万句短语。展示技术和创新成果的日本爱知世界博览会将于3月25日到9月25日举行。 新华社/法新

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