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比赛对策库 coping strategies for competition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-09 08:04:39


比赛对策库,coping strategies for competition

1)coping strategies for competition比赛对策库

2)counter measures database参赛心理风险对策库

3)competition strategy比赛策略

1.It was found out thatcompetition strategy of rapid start,uniform and economical paddles in the middle part and increasing oar frequency in the final part was often chosen.分析了我国运动员孟关良、杨文军及国外优秀选手在奥运会的出色表现,发现优秀皮划艇运动员在比赛中多选择快速出发、中段匀速而经济地运动、最后一段增加桨频的比赛策略。


1.And Ferrari"s masterful race strategy proved to be more than a match for Renault.而法拉利巧妙的比赛策略确实让雷诺望尘莫及。

2.The Strategy Research and Development of Large League SimuroSot Based on Action Design;基于行为设计的Large League SimuroSot比赛策略研究与开发

3.The Strategy s Research and Development of Simurobot Based on Multi-Agent;基于Multi-Agent仿真机器人足球比赛策略研究与开发

4.Preliminary Research on the Strategy System of the Robot Fish Water Polo Game仿生机器鱼水球比赛策略系统的初步探究

5.He also does an excellent job of communicating his strategy, which gives fans something to believe in beyond the performance on the hardwood.他也很擅长传达他的比赛策略,这能让球迷们看到希望,而不是仅仅看到球队在比赛中的表现。

6.Mobile Robot System Improvement and Research on Robot Soccer Match Strategy;移动机器人系统改进与机器人足球比赛策略研究

7.Juan Pablo Montoya ? you must be pleased with the tactics that brought you up to third.问:胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚,你一定很满意自己的比赛策略,是它让你排在了第三名的位置上。

8.Our strategy was to play defensively for most of the game, with sudden attacking bursts.我们的策略是比赛时以守为主,并随时发起突袭.

9.Discussion on Psychological Stress Scene and Strategies in Pearl Ball Match;浅谈珍珠球比赛中的心理应激情景与应对策略

10.Research on Tactical Strategies in the Different Phases of Competitive Table Tennis Matches with New Competition Regulations;新规则下竞技乒乓球比赛各阶段战术策略研究

11.Stage Divisions and Strategies of Modern Basketball Matches;现代篮球比赛过程阶段划分及其一般应对策略

12.Research on Marketing Strategy of Home and Abroad Sports Games and TV Relay Right;国内外体育比赛电视转播权营销策略的研究

13.Sport-confidence,self-assessment and coping strategy of pre-competition athletes of National Sports Games;运动员全运会赛前运动自信、自我评价和比赛应对策略研究

14.I think it was clear as the race progressed that we had qualified on quite a heavy fuel load, but we were really able to take advantage of our strategy during the race.比赛证明我们在排位赛中汽油负载过重,但我们在正赛中却能发挥该策略的优势。

15.To unnerve someone, often as a tactic to beat them in a game or deal.使对方丧失勇气,常作为一种策略,在比赛或交易中击败之。

16.The Research of Coordination Strategy Based on MAS in Robotic Soccer Simulation;机器人足球仿真比赛中多智能体协作策略的研究

17.A Case Study of Oral English Learning Strategies Employed by a Winner of "CCTV" Cup English Speaking Contest;“CCTV”杯英语演讲比赛获奖者英语口语学习策略的个案研究

18.Effects of Positive Psychological Intervention on Competitive Coping Strategy of Wushu Routine Players武术套路运动员比赛应对策略的积极心理干预效应


counter measures database参赛心理风险对策库

3)competition strategy比赛策略

1.It was found out thatcompetition strategy of rapid start,uniform and economical paddles in the middle part and increasing oar frequency in the final part was often chosen.分析了我国运动员孟关良、杨文军及国外优秀选手在奥运会的出色表现,发现优秀皮划艇运动员在比赛中多选择快速出发、中段匀速而经济地运动、最后一段增加桨频的比赛策略。

4)thrust competition对刺比赛

1.Based upon the experience in participating in and organizingthrust competitions and some problems that competitors confront in competitions, This paper discusses some tactics used in competitions.结合参加及组织对刺比赛的经验,针对比赛中大部分学员遇到的实际问题,浅谈比赛中战术的运用、作用及比赛中的几种战术,旨在指导对刺比赛,促进比赛不断发展,水平不断提高,为教学服务。

5)Its opponents比赛对手




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