抑郁症健康 > 健身气功 Health Qigong英语短句 例句大全

健身气功 Health Qigong英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-06 20:43:43


健身气功,Health Qigong

1)Health Qigong健身气功

1.Bodybuilding culture with Lingnan characteristics——Present condition ofHealth Qigong development in Guangzhou;岭南特色健身文化个案研究——广州市健身气功开展状况

2.Psychological effects ofHealth Qigong Ba Duan Jin;健身气功·八段锦健心功效实验探讨

3.The Development ofHealth Qigong of the Old in the Urban Community;浅析健身气功在城市社区老年群体中的推广


1.Psychological effects of Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin;健身气功·八段锦健心功效实验探讨

2.The Discussion of Qigong,Essence Qigong and the Management of National Qigong Activity试论气功、气功精华与全民健身气功活动管理

3.Establishment and value of fitness Qigong"s new methods健身气功新功法的创编及其价值分析

4.Survey to the Status of Scientific Research for Health Care Qigong;对我国健身气功科研现状的调查研究

5.Condition and Direction of the Developing for Health Qigong Industry;浅析健身气功产业发展的条件和方向

6.On Fitness Qigong and Harmonious Society from the View of Confucianism从儒家视野观照健身气功与和谐社会

7.Research on Impact of Jianshenqigong·Baduanjin on Mental Health of College Students;健身气功·八段锦对大学生心理健康影响的研究

8.Structuring the theory about Qigong for health under systematic healthy view;系统健康观视野下的健身气功理论构建研究

9.A Study on the Regulate Function of Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin on Sub-health State健身气功八段锦对亚健康的调节作用研究

10.On the Value of Qigong in Promoting the Health Project of Preventive Treatment of Disease论健身气功在推进“治未病”健康工程中的价值

11.Research on the Influence of "Health QiGong-Six Letters Formula" to College students Cardiopulmonary Function;“健身气功·六字诀”对大学生心肺功能影响的研究

12.An Analysis of the Fuction of Bodybuilding Qigong to Breathing Muscles;浅析健身气功易筋经功法特点对呼吸肌的作用

13.Exploration on editing principles and research effects of new Gong Fa of fitness Qigong-YiJin Jing;健身气功·易筋经新功法的编创及其成效初探

14.Research on the Continual Development of Health Qigong on the Extensive Mass Fitness Programs;健身气功在城镇居民健身运动中可持续发展的研究

15.Bodybuilding culture with Lingnan characteristics--Present condition of Health Qigong development in Guangzhou;岭南特色健身文化个案研究——广州市健身气功开展状况

16.The Effect on Middle-aged and Old Women s Body and Mind by Health Qigong·Wuqinxi Exercise;“健身气功·五禽戏”锻炼对中老年女性身心健康的影响

17.Role of Health Qigong in Promoting Physical and Mental Health of Disabled Medical Students浅论健身气功对医学院校残疾学生身心健康的促进作用

18.Fitness Qigong Yi Jinjing Changes the Asian Healthy Crowd Immunologic Function the Influence and the Mechanism Studies健身气功·易筋经改变亚健康人群免疫功能的影响和机理研究


Fitness qigong健身气功

1.Investigation and Analysis on Research Situation on Fitness Qigong in the Recent Twenty Years in China;对我国近健身气功科研状况的调查与分析

2.Elaborate relation between fitness qigong and artistic健身气功与文艺关系之研究

3.Establishment and value of fitness Qigong"s new methods健身气功新功法的创编及其价值分析

3)building up body qigong·Wuqinxi健身气功.五禽戏

4)the healthy body qigong wuqinxi健身气功·五禽戏

1.Analyze beauty of "the healthy body qigong wuqinxi";探析“健身气功·五禽戏”的美

5)Fitness Qigong (Baduanjin)健身气功·八段锦

1.The Influences of Fitness Qigong (Baduanjin) on the IPA and Physiological Function of the Elderly Male People;健身气功·八段锦对男性老年人智能生理年龄和某些生理指标的影响


1.Based on the characteristics of holitic medicine,Liuzijue may adapt the requirement of the old\" lives and living qualities better if we can make use of it to prevent and treat diseases and health care .健身气功·六字诀是以中医学为其理论基础,具有整体医学的特点,若能充分地利用其防治疾病及养生保健,则能够较好地满足人们提高生活和生存质量的要求。


健身气功健身气功Jionsh。,1 qgol“g健身气功中国特有的健身体育项目。以自身形体活动、呼吸吐纳、心理调节相结合为主要运动形式,以身体练习为基本手段,以柔和、缓慢、匀速和动静相兼的有氧运动为特点,以强身健体、养生康复为目的的民族传统体育项目。古称吐纳、导引、行气、服气、食气、练气、静坐、坐禅或内功等。从练功内容上可分为性功、命功、性命双修功;从练功姿势上可分为站功、坐功、卧功、行功;从历史源流上可分为道、儒、佛、医、武五派。中华气功至少有5000年的历史,古代气功主要由原始模仿动物动作的舞蹈发展而来,又称为仿生气功,如东汉名医华佗创编的五禽戏等。战国时的《行气玉佩铭》是最早且完整描述气功锻炼的实物。《黄帝内经》奠定了古代气功学的基础。长沙马王堆西汉墓出土的”导引图“,也反映了古人习练气功的情况。古代不少著作中均提到了气功,如老子的《道德经》,汉张仲景的《金匾要略》、孙思邀的《干金方》,明李时珍的《奇经八脉考》等。中国从20世纪50年代开始研究和整理气功,60年代气功被定为国家重点研究项目。气功分为健身气功和医疗气功两个系列。1996年健身气功被列为体育项目。2000年9月国家体育总局颁布《健身气功管理暂行办法》。2001年4月国家体育总局成立健身气功管理中心。

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