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法律渊源 sources of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-01 22:56:51


法律渊源,sources of law

1)sources of law法律渊源

1.The case law should be thesources of law.二战以来,世界两大法系的融合趋势随着全球经济一体化进程的加快而日益加强,遵循先例原则已经成为现代法治的普遍要求和基本原则,判例法也应当成为我国的法律渊源。

2.Thesources of law can be divided into substantial and formal sources theoretically, but it is described as the judicial process from the dimension of normative jurisprudence.虽然我们可以从理论上把法律渊源分为实质渊源和形式渊源,但从规范法学的角度看,法律渊源是一个描绘司法过程的概念。


1.On Source of Law--From the Perspective of Legal and Jurisprudence Methodologies;论法律渊源——以法学方法和法律方法为视角

2.Chapter 3 witnesses the origin of Hebrew Law;第三章总结了希伯来法的法律渊源;

3.The legal source of the privilege waries from jurisdiction ro jurisdiction.特权的法律渊源因管辖区的不同而异.

4.It has been nearly one thousand years from germination to establishment. The Teutonic unwritten law laid a foundation for case law, maybe, regarded as the origin of case law.它是一种以体现在判例中的法律原则为法律渊源的法律传统。

5.A Probe into the Feasibility of the Case Law Becoming Sources of Law of China判例法成为我国法律渊源之可行性探析

6.The legal source of the privilege varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.特权的法律渊源因管辖区的不同而异常。

7.The Discrimination of the Sources of the Educational Laws and Other Standard Documents of Our Country’s Education;我国教育的其他规范性文件与教育法律渊源之鉴别

8.Though having the general characteristics of administrative law, yet it in the sources of law and in content and in legislation has its own unique feafures.民族行政法虽然也具有行政法的一般特点,但在法律渊源、容和立法上又有其自身的特色。

9.L′influence des lois exogènes sur le développement financier et économique;不同的法律渊源对金融及经济发展的影响——欧洲大陆法系与英美法系的比较

10.The first section begins with analyzing Mohist’s source and continues to research about the source of its legal thought of equality.第一节从分析墨学渊源开始,转入对墨家平等法律观渊源的考证。

11.The Origin of China s Legal Supervision System: A Perspective from Legality Modernization in China;法律监督的渊源——以中国法制近代化为视角

12.The Custom and the Law on Vadium--the origin of the institution of vadium from the domestic field of vision;典之风俗与典之法律——本土视域中的典制渊源

13.Criticism of the Source-based Criteria of Legal Validity--Review on Anatomy of the Law written by Lon Fuller;基于渊源的法律有效性判准之批判——兼评朗·富勒《解析法律》

14.American law comes from four basic sources: constitutions, legislation, judicial decisions, and administrative rules and regulations.美国法律有四个基本的渊源:宪法,国会立法,司法判决及行政法规.

15.Law of Nature,Law of Nation and Law of World--Searching for the Historical Resources of the Global View of Western Laws;自然法、万民法、世界法——西方法律全球化观念的历史渊源探寻

16.These areas of the law are mostly within the jurisdiction of the states, and thus state courts are the primary source of common law.这些法律领域主要由州管辖,因此州法院是习惯法的基本渊源。

17.The phrase sources of law is used here to describe methods and procedures by which law is created and developed.“法的渊源”这个短语在这里用来描述法律产生和发展的方法及程序。

18.Analysis of Dong Biwu s Views on Law;中共“依法执政”理念思想渊源——关于董必武法律思想的分析


source of law法律渊源

1.Research on SA8000 from Source of Law;SA8000标准的法律渊源研究

2.It is generally accepted thatsource of law demonstrates legal regulations in form.通常认为,法律渊源就是法律规范在形式上的表现。

3.Finding law has internal relation withsource of law.法律发现和法律渊源有内在的联系,法律渊源的研究对法律发现具有重要意义。

3)legal sources法律渊源

1.The theory onlegal sources in traditional legislative perspective makes limited contributions to research on legal methods, butlegal sources in judicial perspective involve judges searching for the general margin of laws in order to give a sound judgment, thus having significance of methodology with combination with legal finding.法律渊源是一个古老而常新的话题,传统立法立场的法源理论对法律方法研究贡献有限,而司法立场的法律渊源是法官为正确裁判案件而寻找法律的大致场所,与法律发现结合使其具有了方法论意义。

4)legal origin法律渊源

5)law origin法律渊源

1.Seeing from the essential civillaw origin angle, it’s easy to find the inherent civil law system of ancient China which is different from modern Western civil law.从实质意义上的民法渊源的角度看,不难发现不同于现代西方民法的中国古代固有民法体系,它在规范内容、法律渊源上体现了自身的存在。

2.If China joins WTO, the basis rules of WTO, specially the rules of finance and revenue,will be the makeup part of our country finance and Revenue Law system,be the newlaw origin of Finance and Revenue Law.中国加入WTO后,WTO中的基本规则,特别是财税方面的规则将成为我国财税法体系中的组成部分,是财税法的新的法律渊源。

6)informal legal sources非正式法律渊源



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